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Everything posted by CheriColette

  1. This is photo I used in Strawberry Singh year book photo challenge, so guess its age appropiate Yes, was a bit of fun Karen
  2. I dont have 'propensity to swear' nor do I post a lot, so guess Im safe too Dillon.
  3. Great thread/report Winter. I file it away for when Im ready to get my own boat. I have been looking but not serious yet. Im too happy being a passenger and letting my Partner play Captain
  4. kayla Mekanic wrote: Can we get back on topic please? CheriColette wrote: I once had a gf paint my nails while I was driving to a party. The bad things we do when we young, Im much safer driver now! You could allow Mrs V. to practice on your fingernails.....they be not ticklish Im thinking. Twas but my first thought/response when reading posts But if you dont want to hear anything more about what I think, thats ok. Last month my avi got new body and one of the features was a set of nails than can be coloured using a hud I love that idea, so easy to coordinate with my outfits!
  5. Yes Vanity it happens sometimes. And even with proof, you cant get it back unless the receiver feels compelled to return it. Thats why the pop up comes to ask if you want to send....giving you a second chance to decide.
  6. I once had a gf paint my nails while I was driving to a party. The bad things we do when we young, Im much safer driver now! You could allow Mrs V. to practice on your fingernails.....they be not ticklish Im thinking.
  7. success Trinity I am now using the skin change thing and it works OMG neck line almost gone. WOW. I think I was just too tired yesterday and not really sure how to do it. Today I can.
  8. Thanks so much for your replies Trinity. I read yesterdays one and then went back to the demo I got and except for the basic range (10 tones) the colour picker does not work. No fine turning for colour. Also the shape sliders are missing so I just thought the shape was standard...hence the big butt and short stature. I would like to get a shape as near to the one I have now. Your post makes more sense to me now. I know there isnt an applier for my skin as it is, because I had to make do with the 'mix' I made for my slink feet. Thats another reason I wanted to try a whole body. But not the head. My partner isnt keen to see me change at all so if I can be happy with where the neck joins (and no, I dont want to wear a necklace all the time, but good suggestion) I would like to. I like how the wrist, knees and the butt bend naturally with the Maitreya body. No sharp angles. I might even fit my slink feet so I can wear all my previously bought heels.
  9. Quick question Bobby If I was to buy skin, say Glam Affair.....will it apply to my body and standard head?
  10. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: The maitreya mesh body is fitted mesh, so it doesnt need to come with mod perms because it will change if you modifiy your shape with the normal tab for changing appearence. I will try this So i dont understand this rant about maitreya butt, because it will depend on your shape. I have the Maitreya body and my butt looks pretty nice. Also, i have zero problem for wearing 95 % of my mesh outfits. The only ones i cant wear are those who have fancy cuts but there arent the majority of what i have. I tried two gowns, 1 had cut out strips with see through material (that didnt work with alpha) and the other, had fitted bust area that was different to the alpha. ...guess youd consider them to be 'fancy cuts' Maitreya sends updates regularly and i have good hopes that soon we will get even more possibilities for the alpha cuts. I use the hands coming with the mesh body and for the feet, as most of my shoes are slink only, i use the slink ones and it never caused problem. I could do this if I was happy with the skin blend Well the only lil thing that annoys me, is that the skin appliers are becoming a full business, as i change really often my skin and as i must buy slink AND maitreya appliers on top of the skin itself, sometime it cost an arms. I dont understand why some skin creators sell so expensive appliers while other ones just provide them in the skin pack. An applier is done with the exact same texture they apply on the skin layer. So it's not more work. It's just copying a texture UUID into a script or a notecard, this doesnt justify a high price imho. You way ahead of me...doing this
  11. Ive been thinking mesh body for a while too. It is very confusing. I wish there was some 3rd party who was available to set me up! I got the Maitreya demo and like Pussycat said>>her butt sticks out, but I can look past that if I didnt have other problems. I cant get my head (colour) to blend to my liking. Maybe...I need new skin too? I have slink feet and the colour blending was a problem here too. Another reason I was considering a whole body change. Maitreya have hud to switch feet size from high to med to flat and I like that but so far none of my previously bought slink shoes fit. (loved how the nail colour hud worked). And I tried a few of my favourite dresses using the Maitreya alpha menu but its a real pain fitting them. Also I have so many favourite clothes that are not mesh so they will have to be shelved. Unless I use mesh body just when Im naked ...I am thinking, little reason to change.
  12. Yehhhh Marianne. Congratulations.
  13. Get yourself something like this, free in marketplace Weight-Scale-Script-Counter and maybe you can trim down your scrips.
  14. You want controversial! well this must be the weirdest game show to hit TV so far.....
  15. Congratulations Caity....first time someone I know has got Pic of the Day.
  16. except I hardly ever go to the other sections, just look a GD mostly, unless I need to look up something specific.
  17. Oh no Syo....then he paid a lot of money for something that he cant sail! I didnt read the details, just looked at the picture. Still he has another boat he can sail, so not all lost.
  18. Ah Tari...I forgot about Braille being a language, I learnt the alphabet but didnt pass the reading test.
  19. Just change the name.... They call me The Wild Rose But my name is Coby Foden
  20. Beautiful. Turkish Delight Yes. but maybe Rose too Many songs with rose in title and this is my favourite
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