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Everything posted by CheriColette

  1. A few days ago I filled in the marketplace survey....I got to the end and there was no place to just add comments. I wanted to say, I love shopping in the Marketplace. Its easy to navagate and after I have made my purchase they arrive in my inventory and I know where they are. I also take a screenshot of the picture and copy the page reference so if I do lose something or I want to look at what I asked for, its easy to check. This is the failsafe method I developed after I had made many mistakes :) I like to read the comments too. I am much better at shopping now but I still work it this way. The few times I have been tempted to shop inworld I have had trouble recieving the goods and or remembering what I bought and where to find them. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Help-Improve-Marketplace-Search-with-Your-Opinions/ba-p/2384033
  2. I read this and thought Id give it a go. I am always getting lost because I cant keep up whenwalking with other avis. The preferences are different two years later but I was able to figure out how/where to make the change. Under preferences find move & view...movement...see (double click on land)...and change in box ...to....teleport to clicked point. It works a treat.
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