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Everything posted by CheriColette

  1. Im wondering why you havent passed on that information to LL already!
  2. ....and it took you less than a minute!
  3. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Omega is an applier system that works for mesh body parts. It works for the bodies (Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, GInc, etc), the Lola Delicq and Tangos, etc. They aren't a body part but a different applier system, like the older Lola appliers you're used to. So maybe wait for Bobbie and ask her which Omega System to get.
  4. I dont know...can you message the maker of your body or lolas?
  5. some here...look for which one is for you. marketplace.secondlife
  6. Did you have the Omega Hud Kristie....it wont work with out one. It dosnt cost much and once you have it, you use it to put on all omega products. Then look for clothing that have the Omega symbol. Then you have to learn how to take it off...not sure for other avis but my ML hud has place to remove (omega) layers. Another advantage that Bobbie didnt mention, that I love is~ I can wear omega underwear with out it effecting any clothing over top.
  7. irihapeti wrote: Lori Paramour wrote: Sanders squeaks by and the DNC are left with no choice probably whats not always understood in the RL (as opposed to the election of SL President) is that Bernie Sanders is not actually a Democratic Senator. He is a Independent Senator being a leftie he caucuses with the Democratic Party, but he is not a democrat in the party sense bc of this, Mr Sanders has as much chance of becoming the Democratic Party candidate for US President as Mr Lessig has. Zero basically in candidate selections, you cant have your cake and eat it to. Like to be a Senator I have to be a Democrat ?! pfft! I dont need no Democratic Party. I can do that by my ownself but like to be President I have to be a Democrat ?! pfft! oh wait !! Ok !! I can be a Democrat for that. Absolutely !!!!. Cake !! cake !! (: (is a thing should go in here about super-delegates which Hilary Clinton has pretty much already locked up) + if Ms Clinton (bc FBI) is not the candidate then it will be Joe Biden. And Mr Biden's Vice President will be Elizabeth Warren + ps my quals are that I am formerly a member of the SL Fake Doctors Association. My speciality was prescribing fake treatments to fake patients with fake symptons i had like a 100% success rate. Like sometimes a person came back and said: Is not working the treatment plan. And I have to tell them that they just need to fake it. Like fake that is working and they be fine. So they done that and was all good after that (: Consider yourself trumped Loi. I like this doctors qualifications.
  8. Yeah..its a funny quirk in the camera icon programming. And another thing to look out for is it often reverts back to 'save to inventory' so it pays to check or you be paying LL each time.
  9. The weekends almost here and Ive got Friday On My Mind (an old one from Australia).
  10. He is ' venting' and he wants it settled (which he is doing right too). I wonder how the perpetrator got into his account. Hope he comes back and tells us. We all need to be vigilant.
  11. Isnt that (speaks his mind) part of his charm?
  12. Ok Amethyst....I wasnt sure. Im new to sailing and havent been out of the sim yet. Some sailors I meet have come from nearby sim so I just assumed it was open all the way to Blake.
  13. You can sail to Mango Yacht Club in Fruit Islands, from the Blake Sea. They have art gallery and dance places (but not clubs) which have guest DJs and other fun activities. Though you may have to be a member to moor there, Im not sure.
  14. New World=new age. At least we all start from the same day. Nothing to get embarrassed about.
  15. Yeh, THANKS Carmsie.....went there today and shot photo for the 2015 Fa-BOO-lous Snapshot Contest. Play Dead
  16. How did you fix it? Sometimes it easier to just rez another version of the house. Hope you have backup copy.
  17. Richtea57 wrote: I had to google ASL, which, perhaps, gives a clue that I may not be a prticularly young and hep cat, (as I believe the kids say). On the other hand, I know how to Google, so I am almost 'with it' I was wondering what ASL was too Richtea but kept on reading before LIU Knowing the answer is nothing to do with age or being hep cat, one just needs to come across the acronym a few times.
  18. Gotta be careful where you sit or you could end up in hospital 
  19. Lori Paramour wrote: Having secreted thousands of high yield thermonuclear weapons all over SL, which I must de-activate on a daily basis, if I go by accident I plan on taking everyone with me mwaaaahaaaahaaaaa Bur seriously, one of my partners passed away a few years ago after an epic battle with multiple-myeloma. Though her prognosis was very bad from the start, her passing occurred suddenly while undergoing a treatment session. And she had left instructions with her Mom on how to contact me. We had agreed before hand that I would help her mother shut down her account. It was a very painful process for both of us, but it did help start the healing process. I have since lost a couple other very dear friends rather suddenly. .In both cases they hadn't made arrangement to shut down thier account. In both cases their profiles can still be found on search, and I send them IMs from time to time to let them know I still think of them. Which in a way is comforting. That was good arrangement by your previous partner Lori....but one that didnt mind her mother having access to the account. How brave her mom was to follow those instructions and helpful for you both in the grieving process. Aww...I wonder if those other friends got your posthumous messages. Let us know if you get any replies
  20. haha Karen, I didnt make the connection till reading your post!
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