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Everything posted by panterapolnocy

  1. You can always just click on this button. ~ But make sure to backup your settings before doing so, just in case.
  2. It's close to the half of August here, so the summer is showing really the very last glimpses of itself. Therefore, a small trip along the river's flattened bank in a dress that fits water and sky colour-wise, in mouselook for more immersive experience, while admiring beautiful environment and listening to the happy sounds of nature... before it all dies violently in low temperatures, and then under the cover of snow? Sure, sign me up. ~
  3. Uncheck this icon in nearby chat window.
  4. If you have two monitors, then try to drag your client to the second one, close it and try to launch again. See: You can also take a look at https://jira.firestormviewer.org/browse/FIRE-29337
  5. I'm planning to take a look at few of these. Maybe they don't have as much action or adventure as the sci-fi or fantasy ones, but at least are soothing for the eyes.
  6. According to this website I'm INFJ (advocate) for years now - checked myself in the past, checked myself today. I think that test taken in the internet won't be as accurate as the actual meeting with a living person, professional / specialist, yet traits listed on this page describe me pretty well.
  7. In general I'm not a fan of clothes that reveal too much, but sometimes I see a thing that I really want to test. Usually my common sense tells me "why bother, you won't use that anyway, you will only pollute your inventory" and I agree with it, but this time it must have been too hot and the sense was sleeping. Therefore, I've got myself this dress/gown that barely covers what is should because of the semi-transparent front (yet it still does), but at least it's perfect for the 30c/85f that I have here, looks relatively nice (yes, I like flexis), is in blue-ish-frostish colour that I like and didn't cost fortune - all that while not being a swimwear.
  8. Today I've decided that I'd prefer to look at some nice scenery while I deal with all of the IMs that accumulated over the night. I wasn't in a mood for forest this time, nor for a crowded place. The choice was set for a beach. Problem: I don't actually like sunshine that much. And I was almost out of the sunscreen. Luckily, my inventory came to the rescue... and yes - "how does your avatar look today" - I will proudly wear this outfit whole day. And I don't care about stares. The antennas wiggle, too. Maybe they will make the Wi-Fi signal stronger.
  9. A piece of music sent to me by a close friend of mine, very calming and peaceful. As far as I know they use tunes like this one both as a sleep aid and as background for working / reading.
  10. The FSTagShowARW and FSTagShowOwnARW debug settings works perfectly fine, as shown here. Try again, in a region with more people, double check if settings are properly attached to the options in checkboxes. And yes, if you'd like to see your own complexity, both of them needs to be enabled - because one of them says "show my own complexity" while the other is "show avatars complexity in general, all of them" - there is no separate "show complexity of avatars other than mine" setting. If you still don't see complexity in tags make sure, that FSTagShowTooComplexOnlyARW is set to FALSE, otherwise complexity will be shown in tags only for too complex avatars. The "show avatar complexity" in "avatar health" menu is not tied to any debug setting, as its not a setting per se, but more a viewer function - same as "render metadata" section in Developer menu is, for example - therefore cannot be put in quickprefs via their editor. Try to not modify viewer UI files if possible - remember, than in case of issues support group may not be able to help you.
  11. How do I feel about most avatars on the grid being human? I feel fine. I am a furry person for over twenty years now and was one long before I've created my first account on Agni - yet, I feel fine with humans populating majority of the grid and have absolutely no issues with being among them - even as the only non-human person - in clubs, learning centres, role-playing areas, forests, parks or sandboxes. Sometimes it can be funny when they try to guess what I am. For me species, races, clothes, colours, anything really - these are the personal appearance choices of the people that are the minds fuelling the vessels venturing over Second Life we call avatars. Looks are not as important as what a person has to say or what to share. They want to be human? I'm okay with that. They want to use their fantasy and take a shape of a small squirrel, a werewolf, an elf, a fairy, a talking mailbox? I'm fine with that, too. If they have interesting topics to talk about I'd be more than glad to talk with them and admire creativity they've put into their digital representation as a whole - humanoid or not. Obviously, as everyone, I have some taste limits as well, but they're very liberal. As Tex and Chaser pointed out the typical choice, a human avatar, is most probably the result of familiarity from RL and its the easiest way for people who choose that shape to give the immersion of being "in"... maybe also because of the fact, that souls that log in to SL for the first, second, third time just see that the majority of the grid is humans, so they try to blend in as well? No idea. But, it's all good, as long as these residents and people around them are happy. And if said residents are not able to find any interesting topics to talk about? I, personally, purr at them. Sometimes this may be enough to raise their curiosity to the levels that would allow to convert them to a non-human / fantasy avatars. Even part-time is good enough. ~
  12. Well, if you want to remove a line, you need to actually remove a line. Whole line. Along with the gBuildText += and not only the text after it. Currently you're trying to add new data AND old data to the old data (gBuildText += gBuildText += new), where you should only be adding new data to the old data (gBuildText += new).
  13. Google suggests Ka Tattoos by Karoline Galthie, but the store seems to be down at the moment.
  14. If by "grid status" you understand users online and for example last report posted on https://status.secondlifegrid.net/ then this thingy may help you to get started with your "digital clock" project. That is also a crude example of parsing contents of the response body @Wulfie Reanimator was talking about few messages above. key gHttpRequestId1; key gHttpRequestId2; string gBuildText; checkData() { gBuildText = ""; gHttpRequestId1 = llHTTPRequest("http://secondlife.com/xmlhttp/secondlife.php", [HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH, 4096], ""); } string cutString(string theData, string theTag) { integer cutStart = llSubStringIndex(theData, "<" + theTag + ">") + llStringLength("<" + theTag + ">"); integer cutEnd = llSubStringIndex(theData, "</" + theTag + ">") - 1; return llGetSubString(theData, cutStart, cutEnd); } default { state_entry () { llSetTimerEvent(3600); checkData(); } on_rez(integer sp) { llResetScript(); } timer() { checkData(); } touch_start(integer sp) { key targetAvatar = llDetectedKey(0); if (llGetAgentSize(targetAvatar) != ZERO_VECTOR) { llRegionSayTo(targetAvatar, 0, gBuildText); } else { llInstantMessage(targetAvatar, gBuildText); } } http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body) { if (request_id == gHttpRequestId1) { gBuildText += "Updated: " + llGetTimestamp(); if (status == 200 && llSubStringIndex(body, "<status>") != -1) { gBuildText += "\nGrid: " + cutString(body, "status"); gBuildText += " | Inworld: " + cutString(body, "inworld"); gBuildText += "\nSignups: " + cutString(body, "signups"); gBuildText += " | Logged in past 60 days: " + cutString(body, "logged_in_last_60"); } gHttpRequestId2 = llHTTPRequest("http://status.secondlifegrid.net/history.rss", [HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH, 4096], ""); } else if (request_id == gHttpRequestId2) { if (status == 200 && llSubStringIndex(body, "<item>") != -1) { string commitData = cutString(body, "item"); gBuildText += "\n---\n" + cutString(commitData, "title"); gBuildText += "\n" + cutString(commitData, "link"); gBuildText += "\n" + cutString(commitData, "pubDate"); } llSetText(gBuildText, <1,1,1>, 1); } } }
  15. I believe that there is no page that documents this kind of commands (I may be wrong, though), however viewer code (llurlentry.cpp and llurlregistry.cpp) suggests support for <nolink>, <icon> and @ character (for e-mails). Plus, in some viewers, for a dozen of JIRA related project names, so for example string "BUG-123" placed in the viewer chat is automatically converted to a clickable link that is pointing to https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-123
  16. You may also try to just instruct the viewer itself to not parse the link - with the <nolink> tag. It's not a pure LSL based solution, though. Wouldn't cutting the http(s):// out at the beginning be enough?
  17. I've decided to change 'default' outfit of mine a bit, jacket I wear to be exact. Sure, it has a nice denim pattern (that is a requirement for me for 'everyday appearance') and does not weight a ton of complexity, but it was designed for Lolas I've used in the distant past for relatively short amount of time. Therefore, the front was just too... open for me, as I use default SL avatar now. I know, not popular choice, but hey - it works for me. ~ I've also started to dislike one arm that was bare. I've got inspired by the white outfit I've got recently. So, I've started to browse Marketplace... after around two hours of looking I've just got tired of trying to find something decent, classic-avatar compatible (fitted mesh, rigged mesh, standard sizes, layers - anything) and not over-sexualized, even after choosing "oldest first" as a sort order (I never claimed I'm good at searching Marketplace, but... >.>). I was at this point considering making something myself. Grumbling, I gave up and started to actually clean my inventory a bit from overload of items and... found a jacket I was hoping to find. Clothing layer, so fits my classic avatar perfectly. A bit old, maybe, but is still nice enough for me. Has buttons and long sleeves, front is opened just wide enough, adds zero complexity to the avatar... does not float around body while teleporting in... I'll keep it as my default. ~
  18. Once upon a time in Spain there was a draconic matador... also, a fun fact: did you know, that every single jacket, shirt or trousers needs to be personalized - to have holes cut out to accommodate for wings and tail?
  19. I do have old Lenovo Z570 laptop that is ten years old and I have no issues running Firestorm. Granted, on low settings, as I cannot replace GPU - but without any problems. How did you learn that your computer "is not compatible" with Firestorm and what were the problems you've mentioned?
  20. A shirt with the 'come to the Dark Side - we have cookies' and outfit that generally does not restrain movement. Good for a zombie apocalypse or an evening stroll. You just need to watch out for Light Side users (in both cases).
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