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Everything posted by panterapolnocy

  1. Today I've donned my power armour and decided to fly around in space, hunting down some speeding aliens while making all sorts of "eee-ooo-eee-ooo" sounds. Hand cannon proves to be extremely effective in suggesting some constructive cooperation. Yes, whiskers are outside of the helmet. They're my constantly wiggling particle dust deflectors.
  2. Add a list like this to the very top of the script. It will contain avatar UUID keys - you need to customize it for your needs, of course, and delete/replace this example data. You don't need to add the object owner. list accessList = ["key 1", "key 2", "key 3", "10000000-2000-3000-4000-500000000000", "key 5 etc"]; Replace the touch_start() event with this: touch_start(integer total_number) { key targetAvatar = llDetectedKey(0); if (targetAvatar == llGetOwner() || ~llListFindList(accessList, (list)((string)targetAvatar))) { toggle(); } else { if (llGetAgentSize(targetAvatar) != ZERO_VECTOR) { llRegionSayTo(targetAvatar, 0, "You are not on the access list."); } else { llInstantMessage(targetAvatar, "You are not on the access list."); } } }
  3. Try to replace ALL_SIDES with 0.
  4. Quick edit, but should work. list list_one = ["Carress", "Grab", "Brush", "Arouse", "Yank", "Squeeze", "Hug", "Play", "Stroke", "Tease", "Lick", "PAGE 2"]; list list_two = ["Slap", "Grope", "Lick+", "Hump", "Admire", "Bite", "Finger", "Bump", "Swat", "Fondle", "PAGE 1", "PAGE 3"]; list list_three = ["PussyLicks", "Look At", "PAGE 2"]; openPage(list listToOpen, key pageFor) { if (lock == TRUE) { llInstantMessage(pageFor, "This is currently off."); } else { startListener(); llDialog(pageFor, "What u want to do with "+owner+".", listToOpen, chan); } } stopListener() { llSetTimerEvent(0); llListenRemove(gListenHandle); } startListener() { gListenHandle = llListen(chan, "", "", ""); llSetTimerEvent(60); } string owner; integer lock = FALSE; integer chan; integer gListenHandle; default { attach(key n) { llResetScript(); } on_rez(integer n) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { chan = 100 + (integer)llFrand(20000); owner = llKey2Name(llGetOwner()); llSetMemoryLimit(llGetUsedMemory() + 20480); } touch_start(integer total_number) { key dk = llDetectedKey(0); if (dk == llGetOwner()) { startListener(); llDialog(dk, "Change option.", ["lock", "unlock"], chan); } else { openPage(list_one, dk); } } timer() { stopListener(); } listen(integer c, string n, key i, string m) { stopListener(); // tail commands if (m == "PAGE 1") { openPage(list_one, i); } else if (m == "PAGE 2") { openPage(list_two, i); } else if (m == "PAGE 3") { openPage(list_three, i); } else if (m == "lock") { lock = TRUE; llOwnerSay("Locked"); } else if (m == "unlock") { lock = FALSE; llOwnerSay("Unlocked"); } // fun events else if (m == "Carress") { llSay(0, " "+n + " hugs " + owner + "'s tail close to them, rubbing it gently against their tummy. "+n + " chuckles softly and winks. "); } else if (m == "Grab") { llSay(0, " "+n + " grabs " + owner + "'s tail and cuddles it softly. She blushes deeply and wriggles her tail, trying to break free."); } else if (m == "Brush") { llSay(0," "+n + " pulls out a soft brush and begins to stroke it against " + owner + "'s tail. She giggles and wags her tail softly."); } else if (m == "Arouse") { llSay(0," "+n + " grabs " + owner + "'s tail and runs their tongue from the tip to the bottom. She blushes and murrs, trying to wag her tail free, her hard nipples starting to show though her shirt."); } else if (m == "Yank") { llSay(0," "+n + " has yanks " + owner + "'s tail for attention."); } else if (m == "Squeeze") { llSay(0," "+n + " squeezes the tip of " + owner + "'s tail gently. Does it feel soft?"); } else if (m == "Hug") { llSay(0," "+n + " hugs " + owner + "'s tail softly. <3"); } else if (m == "Play") { llSay(0," "+n + " play's with " + owner + "'s tail, swatting at it. She giggles and waggles her tail softly. <3"); } else if (m == "Stroke") { llSay(0," "+n + " reaches over and strokes " + owner + " behind her Tail while she purrss and covers her hard nipples. <3"); } else if (m == "Tease") { llSay(0," "+n + " teases " + owner + " by stroking the underside of her tail up and down with a paw. Hehe, you meanie. <3"); } else if (m == "Lick") { llSay(0," "+n + " licks " + owner + "'s s Tail slowly and carefully making her slightly aroused and wonder how good you are at licking her *****. <3"); } //==================================================================== else if (m == "Slap") { llSay(0," "+n+ " slaps " + owner + "'s ass hard! Oh Murr! ;3;"); llPlaySound("475a3e83-6801-49c6-e7ad-d6386b2ecc29", 1.0); } else if (m == "Grope") { llSay(0," "+n+ " puts their paws on " + owner + "'s ass, squeezing her buttcheeks hard! Oooooh~"); } else if (m == "Lick+") { llSay(0," "+n+ " bends down behind " + owner + " and sensuously licks her ass, causing " + owner + " to let out a soft moan in pleasure. <3 "); } else if (m == "Hump") { llSay(0," "+n+ " locks their arms around " + owner + "'s waist and dry-humps her butt without inhibitions! Well, hi there!"); } else if (m == "Admire") { llSay(0," "+n+ " carresses " + owner + "'s ass and softly rumbles, sexy ass. <3"); } else if (m == "Bite") { llSay(0," "+n+ " growls and bites " + owner + "'s rear playfully, wanting that hot ass all for themself. Hurts so good... <3"); } else if (m == "Finger") { llSay(0," "+n+ " trails a finger along " + owner + "'s butt. Reaching the tailhole they suddenly insert a finger causing " + owner + " to yelp and squirm, nipples growing hard, slowly to the sensation."); } else if (m == "Bump") { llSay(0," "+n+ " bumps their rump together against " + owner + "'s butt and winks. ;)"); } //==================================================================== else if (m == "Swat") { llSay(0," "+n+ " swats " + owner + "'s ass softly! She gives a soft yelp, and squirms, blushing hard."); } else if (m == "Fondle") { llSay(0," "+n+ " puts their hands onto the between between " + owner + "'s legs, fondling her slowly!"); } else if (m == "PussyLicks") { llSay(0," "+n+ " bends down before " + owner + " and teasingly licks her ***** , causing " + owner + " to let out a soft moan in pleasure."); } else if (m == "Look At") { llSay(0," "+n+ " carresses " + owner + "'s thighs and lets a soft moan as they admire and look at the ***** between her legs up close."); } } }
  5. I tend to not overuse "!" or "?" myself and don't use them for emoting that much, but "..." I do use quite often to make a pause here and there; I prefer to use /me however, it is a more expressive way for me, but I've spent tons of time on IRC roleplay chats, mailing groups or Furcadia in the past, so I'm a little biased, I guess. I have a habit of trying to be grammar-correct punctuation-wise and I was told once, that putting a period at the end of sentences made me look like I was constantly angry and serious. No idea what they've meant.
  6. My avatar does look like she'd eat too much of Mentos or Winterfesh today, result - frost breath. Useful both during winter (blizzard during snowball fight is always a nice bonus) and during summer (free air conditioning). Or just decided that fire breath was too mainstream. ~
  7. Woke up slightly dead, like every Saturday after work week, so I've applied the video below to myself to activate my brain for something more than "oh nuuuu sun is uuup alreeeeady..."
  8. I use voice myself, but rarely - with close friends or trusted groups. I don't want to be recorded and put in the internet as a meme or Marketplace as a pack of sound samples. Also, when a person is challenged, for example with dyslexia; If its easier for them to listen than read, I do just that, talk, in private call.
  9. Something short, yet caused me to listen to itself few times.
  10. I do use a security orb (that throws out everyone that is not on whitelist) on my own parcel along with "parcel privacy" option that prevents people from outside to see me inside, on it. Why such setup? This way I don't pollute the view with banlines, plain and simple, and because of the 10 seconds grace period from orb's script vehicles (planes, helicopters) of people that occasionally fly around don't get stuck in mid-air.
  11. Just being slightly lazy after day full of work, resting and doing absolutely nothing. Hopefully horses won't run away unsupervised.
  12. The movies Avatar, Matrix and Surrogates come to mind every time when a topic like this shows in a discussion, yet they do not exactly reflect how it would feel, because they both operate in real, physical world despite the connection between "operator" and "unit" or "entity" that is operated with his/her mind - that's consciousness transfer (okay, Matrix kind of bent that, but no spoilers ~). A full mind transfer/link then? I would expect from that to be safe for the said mind - so, I'd like to have my brain to not be hacked and "convinced" that I like [random real life product] for example. Old "Questworld" cartoon explored that topic a little bit, when minds of the travellers got corrupted and returned to their real bodies rendering them... a bit different (okay, they were monkeys ~). It would also be nice to somehow alter the clock on which such "life" would be running, slow it down/ speed it up for the mind inside the simulation accordingly; In Second Life currently every four hours a new day emerge and we perceive it as that, so it would be nice to actually live a full day in SL and feel it like that, have time of actual 24 hours to do stuff, when in real, first, life, only four hours would pass. For some it would be somewhat a time compression device that would allow to "be around" relatively longer, too. Permanently moving into a simulation, leaving body forever behind? This could be a dream of many people. Species / gender / appearance swap wouldn't be easier, yet, it would be quite complicated. And expensive. You'd need to work in said virtual life even harder than in real life to pay off the electricity and database storage bills, otherwise you would be just shut down. On the other hand... you may already be a part of Second Life simulation and just forgot about it! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulation_hypothesis I would also expect flying to be cool! And throwing physical wooden boxes at people... would this hurt? Or would I be able to disable pain and death for my digital self, per region? Bonus: How would a Second Life grid crash look like in "real" life / ultra realistic simulation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIRkqIoE0jg
  13. Related to the energy levels I currently possess. *flops on face*
  14. Few years ago I've been looking for some scripting stuff in LSL portal and by accident clicked on blogs/forums link, I believe. The "ooooh so many people hell no!" introvert's gene activated and I've escaped into the hole I've peeked out from. ~ But, observed the forums occasionally since then, knowing about their existence. Plus Grid Status linked to posts here and there. Just recently started to flood post on them for real.
  15. Saturday morning: I've made an attempt to wake up after a whole week of work and do something productive; Clean up the house, make a laundry, actually cook something instead of asking microwave for a favour. Almost succeeded, but got grabbed and pulled back by the invisible forces of universe... that's what I think! At least, left the bed. Send coffee, please. In a barrel. Sunday morning: I've decided to practice some Tai Chi at Japan Tempura Island, but by congenital clumsiness transformed that into a "Flop of the Dragon". At least I didn't land in the water. Currently I'm healing my dignity by sitting at the side in deep shadows and drinking a glass of juice.
  16. Just two monitors used by a single computer. See https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/secondary_monitor Generally SL clients seems to not like non-primary monitor.
  17. It may be linked with this one, methinks, even if its not directly related to photos themselves. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/440953-i-cant-remove-my-feed-and-my-interests/#comment-1952268
  18. Just curious, do you have a dual monitor setup and trying to make run the viewer on non-primary one?
  19. Ah, yes, you'd need to add... llOwnerSay("@detach=n"); ... right at the beginning of state_entry() to prevent the script detaching the attachment that is running it.
  20. It's a bit late here, so I'm not guaranteeing this would work, but feel free to give it a try. key regionQuery; checkRating() { llSleep(3); regionQuery = llRequestSimulatorData(llGetRegionName(), DATA_SIM_RATING); } default { on_rez (integer start_param) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { checkRating(); llSetMemoryLimit(llGetUsedMemory() + 5120); } changed (integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_REGION) { checkRating(); } } dataserver (key queryId, string data) { if (queryId == regionQuery && (data == "PG" || data == "MATURE")) { llOwnerSay("Applying emergency outfit, '" + llGetRegionName() + "' is a region with '" + data + "' rating."); llOwnerSay("@detach=force"); // Removes ALL attachments llSleep(5); // Small pause just in case of slow regions llOwnerSay("@attach:Outfits/Emergencypg=force"); // #RLV/Outfits/Emergencypg/[items here] } } }
  21. Revision from June 2008 does mention 40 avatar limit, yet the one from July 2008 states that the limit was/is 100 (if enabled, I guess - and per "island"). Not remotely close to 400 per single region, however.
  22. Well, one region, at least today, can - in theory - hold up to 100 agents, according to http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits#Land at least. If you put a stage at the conjunction of four adjacent regions (well, stage in one of them) you can keep 400 agents around it... but most probably simulator would not be able to run too stable in such environment. Nonetheless, maybe that's what your friend had in mind?
  23. Currently my speakers produce something I was listening to with my mother around 20 years ago; Every year, late summer, I make a small nostalgia trip around the titles I've grown up with, even if they're... well, not too popular nowadays. Also, Coco Jambo kinda fits current heatwaves theme-wise. ~
  24. A friend wanted to see what would happen if you mix a cute flower and a cute hamster as an avatar. Well, something happened, for sure. Something that provides cuteness overload. A sudden fly on the ceiling is the photographer's worst nightmare. A friend of mine overdid the 3D mouselook crayon a little bit... and created a prison. "We have all sizes of marshmallows here, which one would you li... - the biggest one! - ... oh, are you sure? The biggest one is quite large and you m... - BRING IT ON!" Technically not an image, but I still have no idea what has happened back then.
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