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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. 'First rule of Refresh Club, don't talk about Refresh Club!' 😙 Seriously, kudos on getting your new home this way! At this point, I don't think the refresh trick will do much good any more, though, now that the cat is out of the bag. (Ironically, though, and paradoxically, ppl using the refresh button less frequently as a result of the saturation, will actually increase the chances for those who keep spamming it)
  2. Well, my point was that the style rezzer likely doesn't just change floors/textures, but actually derezzes and then rerezzes different pre-styled templates (of the entire chosen home), if you willl. Anyway, the probblem is apparently solved, so my speculating on what happeed is kinda moot now.
  3. My wildly speculative guess is -- I don't have a home there -- is that the style thingy does more than just change drapes and stuff. I think it basically just derezzes and then rerezzes different pre-styled homes -- and that, for reasons unknown, a house can stay gone that way. Obviously quite a serious bug, that they're currently looking into.
  4. Let me know, and I'll snag up your current boathouse when you do. ðŸĪŠ
  5. At first I was quite surprised they hadn't anticipated the rush on these new homes (after all, they're qualitatively highly superior). Then again, as you say, ppl's reaction to earlier LL homes stuff has always been rather laid-back, so I can understand it from that perspective.
  6. They are working on new homes dilligently. As Inara Pey recently pointed out in one of her excellent blogs, though, a more fundamental issue may exist in that you can't have entire regions that consist entirely of just boathouses: eventually, ppl will need to start populating in the inland parts of the regions too. From the aerial screengrabs I've seen from SSP, though, looks like LL made quite the (successful) effort to do just that: offer a landscaping setup where a great many boathouses will be possible. So, I'd say they're definitely on the ball with this.
  7. Peculiar. On all old homes listed at https://land.secondlife.com/en-US/lindenhomes/land-selection.php say 117 prim (for me). If this is in error, might be a good idea to update the stats. And it's good to hear they're phasing out the older homes. And, for the record, before anyone thinks I'm angry or anything, I am not. I'm living on a private island, leisurely enjoying all the comforts thereof. 😏 Still, as I'm paying for the 1024m lot regardless, I wouldn't mind getting a nice pied-à-terre as well (for rolling restarts and such).
  8. Perhaps on your homes page. On mine it says stuff like "Skylight Prim Limit: 117 prims | Space: 512 sqm". Also, while we're at it, preemptively, 'crappy' might have been a mite too strong. Nevertheless, by today's mesh-enhanced standards, these old homes, if not crappy, certainly look like they were built for a simulator belonging to something existing 20 years ago. If it were up to me, I'd phase 'em all out (and give ppl nice replacement homes).
  9. As Nr. 2 told Dr. Evil: "This too already has happened." 😁
  10. I would say that holds true for most everything in SL... except for the premium homes, as they are a perk for every premium member. The current choice is not so much between a boathouse or some other, equally nice home, but between a sweet new 1024m boathouse, or a crappy old-style home with only 117 prim. In other words, the new boathouses (and other types of homes on the new region) are of a qualitative superior nature than the old homes. And since we're all paying the same Premium fees, we should all be able to get the same quality home.
  11. Perhaps you were under the impression I was really worried about griefing: I am not. More like curious, really, as to how they'll implement that new orb of theirs. I don't do rerolls, though. 'Never let ppl push you into a place you don't want to be, or out of a place you do want to be in.' Like I said, though, I don't foresee a huge issue.
  12. The whole EmDash product is based on that principle. You can dash thru a wall like it didn't exist. Or just cam in, and type 'tp2cam' (Firestorm). Point is, locked doors are a joke. Hence, I'm slightly worried about the griefer possibilities, and hope LL thought its new secrity orb thru pretty well.
  13. I have some mixed feelings about this. Do I mind if ppl are flying across my parcel, high up in the air? Probably not. And I can see how having banlines everywhere would make the region inherently unwelcome (even to the current residents thereof, who'd only be able to stay on their own lot). At the same time, I do not want to find strangers inside my home, and I reserve the right to boot those (and if I no longer have that right, I'll fight for that right to be reinstated). Also, what if you have a small skybox up high? I foresee the potential for harrassment there. Personally, I like a bit of solitude myself. I'm on a private island that I closed off to the public. If for no greater reason than that I don't want other ppl lagging up my sim -- unless they're willing to share in the tiers. I get that the new boathouses and/or other landhomes cannot have such a restrictive region policy, but a bit of privacy is not bad thing.
  14. I'd say it's unlikely they will implement this, as doing so would be tantamnount to being able to select a precise location in general. Much like everyone wants that nice corner office, *g*, ppl would just select the best (corner/beach?) spots for boathouses and/or landhouses in general. Part of keeping things fair, I reckon, is the 'random' allotment of your parcel (or rather, you're probably just given what's available, weighted against load-balancing per region, so as to keep per-region CPU usage reasonable).
  15. Look at the wide-arced coastline! I'm thinking more boathouses!
  16. I didn't know that. Thx for the headsup! Currently, seems my settings are listed as follows (see below). Do I need to purchase something extra for the new homes?! (I take it the 512m2 'Peak square meter usage' was from my old home?). Allowed holdings: 1,024.00 square meters Current holdings: 0.00 square meters Available for purchase: 1,024.00 square meters Peak square meter usage: 512.00 square meters Total monthly cost: USD 0.00*
  17. Actually, I did the exact opposite! I abandoned my old 117 prim parcel already (knowing the new ones were already taken), just so I can check for availability from the website page, without having to go inworld first. Because -- as you obviously know -- the webpage won't show you available homes when you're already occupying one.
  18. Hehe, it never occured to me to actually visit the new regions.
  19. Why, looks like I could have saved myself the trouble, as a new, official Linden Homes Update was just posted, stating new homes will be a-coming soon.
  20. Here's a novel idea: dismantle the old crappy home regions, and build the new homes on there. Yes, that would mean some ppl would be 'forced' to vacate their old lot, but the new ones are 1,000 times better; and, let's face it, the old homes will eventually be phased out anyway.
  21. Last thing I heard (the other day, on channel) that LL had said they had no plans to add new ones, when asked about it. Hope that that was 'fake news' then.
  22. So, yeah, I read about the new homes, the other day, and, as a premium member, I was going to get me one of them nice boathouses. Lo and behold, there are all gone, though! Not just the boathouses... everything! Just the crappy old, 117 prim, Tahoe, Elderglen, Sahreta Osumai, and Meadowbrook regions are still left. Needless to say, I'm disappointed by this. Never, at any point, did Linden say this was just going to be a 2-days deal only, and 'If you snooze, you lose.' Some of us are actually not spending their entire days in SL. I logged on yesterday, only 2 days after they apparently were announced, and they're all gone already. What a sad state of affairs. Someone, on channel, said LL may not have anticipated the rush on them. What, they didn't expect ppl would want to trade their crappy home and 117 prim parcel for a 1,024 one with a beautiful boathouse?! Somehow I find that hard to believe. I think LL should make these homes available to ALL Premium members, and not just to a happy few that happened to be online the last 2 days, as we're all paying the same Premium fees too. They know exactly how many Premium users they have: they should make an according amount of homes available. Period.
  23. ^^ I agree. When I first heard of Sansar, I was very worried for the continuation of SL. Nowadays it would seem we have little to fear from Sansar, really. It appears primarily geared towards (highly professional) content creators, like architect firms and people creating hospitals and such. I even read (don't ask me where) LL said they don't even (or ever, even?) expect the kind of content creator density we currently enjoy in SL. I certainly believe the latter. I myself already conjectured the same: that, even if Sansar would just be SL2, made for the same target audiance (which it isn't), it would still take about 2 years ere we'd see any kind of similar content SL has at the moment. Sansar, if I understood it correctly, requires Maya and/or other 'steep learning-curve' content creation tools; at first, at least (I heard they plan some built-in creation tools, but it will never be as easy as using prims). Tl;dr: I'm not so worried any more.
  24. "As Amethyst said, you can make your own water simulation from prims or sculpts or mesh but only Linden Water offers a reflecting surface and different light settings above and below the water level." Actually, you *can* create true reflective water, these days, using (bump &) specular maps of the new materials. Most of my skyhomes with pools I upgraded to this newer, fancier water. Linden water is still the best, though; but naturally not available at will at all heights.
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