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Morgan Rosenstar

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Everything posted by Morgan Rosenstar

  1. After 75000 raw(r) snapshots, I finally managed to take a nice portrait of my mermaid :
  2. On my way for an ooc meeting so I put on one of my fav non-rp outfit.
  3. Right, don't expect me to confirm your point when it's obviously wrong.
  4. This is a personal decision based on personal preferences, nothing that a "learning curve" can teach to anyone. Why someone wants a meshbody? I never liked the poly-ugliness of the default avie, the 1st purchase I rushed after was prim shoes to hide those absurd things they dared even named "feet". My 1st meshbody was Tonic Curvy and I really liked but then the creator made a majority-choice that ruined 99% of my wardrobe so I moved to a different meshbody (Belleza Venus). Always based on my preferences that no learning curve can teach. If you're really that curious to understand the customers' choice then check where go their preferences. Only SL Physique is close enough to the default LL avatar and guess what? It's not the meshbody that most customers prefer. Lara, Hourglass, Isis, Freya, all of them are stepping out of the default avatar and all of them are favored by customers and creators. Hint, hint. by who, for what? There are creators doing TMP fitmesh clothings. Here again it depends on someone's preferences and why she wants a meshbody, nothing that a learning curve can teach. Bento is an add-on to the skeleton for the mesh creators. Are you a creator? If not then you do not need to learn more that you'll need a HUD to use Bento (having Bento hands is not enough, fingers are not going to move on their own, they need to be animated with a HUD). Yes. Omega does sell products called kits or relays and other things too. But to learn how to use the texture appliers (point 2) will soon or late lead you to Omega. Yes. Just try the latest starter avies and you'll see that it can be perfectly fine. That's about to compare product features. Everyone is free to compare, check or not. But this or that meshbody having or not feet included in the pack is not going to teach you how to have fun on SL or not. I chose Belleza Venus precisely because there are hands and feet included and I didn't wanted SLink feet and hands. It's in the meshbody HUD (point 1). Don't get personal but my point here is to show that it's way too easy to make something overly complicated when it is not. 1. Get demos from the meshbodies you're interested in and try them. 2. Check your priorities. Why do you want a meshbody for? What are you expectations? There's no prerequisite learnings about these two points, it's only about you and what you see on your screen and if it fits with what you want. 3. Learn how to use the meshbody HUD (this is where you're going to find those alpha cuts and other stuff like blend on/off, neck fix, tint, etc... but it's nonetheless all wrapped in 1 learning curve : the HUD). You don't need to know the tech details about it (I do not and won't be able to teach how to script them). You just need to learn that to click on this icon does this, to click on that icon does that and it's named like this and like that. On the other hand, asking to learn and know everything about this and that does confirm what I said precisely. I never heard customers complaining about an excess of informations but rather about the lack of it. 4. Learn how to use the texture layers which is way easier than the default LL avatar. For reminder, the default LL can support 10 textures per layer with 9 layers for a total of 90 textures to manage. Meshbodies have only 1 texture per layer and 3 layers for a total of.... 3 textures max to manage. 90 vs 3 : tell me what is really easier to learn? Right and I would say that there are many comparable things in rl. Just one example : you don't need to know how to build a car to drive it. Same with meshbodies, you really don't need to know all the tech details to use it. 1. Wear alpha. 2. Add meshbody. 3. Add meshbody HUD. 4... nope, there's no 4. That's all.
  5. I hope they're going to take a lot of time before, because there are enough issues with just 3 layers and blending enabled/disabled (the workaround with materials is surprising but I'm not sure it tells much more about what's the problem, does it?).
  6. You sure they didn't read what you said in Decency?Modesty? topic?
  7. No. And here are my arguments : 1. If someone is unable to open google.com and type "second life TMP" in it because omg it takes too long to read all this, a free fitmesh avatar is never gonna help either. 2. Customer support : LL would be overwhelmed by useless and time-eating tickets that the HUD doesn't work, how do I alpha this? why this applier doesn't work? etc etc... And no way I want LL to spend/waste their time on this, there are a whole lot of more important issues for us all to be treated by LL. 3. To be an informed consumer is a duty for all, even in rl. 4. All the popular meshbodies are, actually, very starter-friendly : wear alpha, add meshbody, add HUD, click and learn and have fun. Even the icons on these HUD are usually user-friendly. Just when I was typing my reply. No. You need to learn only two things : how to use your meshbody HUD and how to use the texture layers. Thank goodness the real blogs are naming correctly stuff and things or they would prove you right. No. I'm in some customer support groups and what I read from is the exact opposite. All of them complain that there is not enough information, never that there are too many informations. And vice versa, to expect LL to release a free fitmesh avatar is definitely asking a bit too much.
  8. Your answer is in my reply. TMP is famously known to be compatible with nothing but it's still your friend -and everyone- duty to be an informed consumer. Even in rl if you spent 40 bucks to buy something without checking what it is, how it works, what it can be plugged with, etc etc... you buy at your own risk. Nor you can call your bank and screams why they allowed this transaction? And before you start to object some out-of-topic arguments, in this context LL only provided the LD she used to buy this meshbody, hence my comparison with the bank.
  9. No. It's already been said twice that there is a standard : Omega System, here Your friend chose the most expensive meshbody which is famously known to be compatible with nothing. 10k. Even for only half this price (5k), I checked every possible info on my Belleza bodies. Can I wear standard rigged mesh clothings? Do I need Belleza appliers? Will I find the styles I like to wear for this meshbody? What about its complexity, will I be a lagmonster crashing everyone in a sim? How is it reviewed? What are the known issues with this meshbody? Etc etc...
  10. When I started SL back in 2010, all the starter avatars were terrible. Way to turn anyone away from SL. Today I tried these new starter avatars and wow, lots of people should learn how to do a good avie from these starters. Aaaaand... I got a lovely bento horse for free ! Thank you LL. <3
  11. Why thank you. I promise I'll put my cutest dress on.
  12. Since when we don't have the choice between default avatar and 3rd party fitmesh avatar? She spent 10k without checking what were the available compatibilities with this meshbody, it definitely has nothing to do with LL not doing a mesh starter avie. And speaking of starter mesh avies, you're outdated :
  13. Read it as you wish but you're only showing off your ignorance. Avatar or skeleton? Because not everyone wants a human avatar with the LL skeleton. No, not the starters. All the popular human fitmesh bodies are using the SLUV_map template, same as the default LL avatar. To be able to do proper and fiting fitmesh clothings is not a starter's thing and even if LL would had released a default (disproportioned) fitmesh avie, it would had taught absolutely nothing on how to rig, weight, adjust a fitmesh clothing. Avatar and mesh clothing are still two different things no matter how many meshbodies (not enough in my preferences) there are. A LL fitmesh avatar would had provided zero answer on how to do fitmesh clothings. Blender to play with sliders and make new skin and hairs?
  14. No. There is Omega system. All the creators need to do is one applier. What is this meshbody? When I bought my Belleza body, it was available only as a full pack of 3 bodies, 5k LD. Now it's down to 2.5k LD and all other meshbodies are in this price range so which meshbody can cost 10k? Knowledge is her best policy and google.com her best friend. No. Even so (and thank goodness they did not), it would not had spared any headaches because there's still to learn how to weight, to learn how to make an applier, to learn how to enable materials, and so on and so on... So a lot of headaches for someone who doesn't want to know. I was even hoping that everyone would had chosen to get rid of the disproportioned default avie when fitmesh avatars appaeared but easiness makes more money, heh.
  15. This reminds a story that a rl friend told me. She's working as a childminder and one day the nursery school decided to bring the children outside and visit a farm. Things they saw only on pictures and she told me they were scared, really scared. So I asked her what did they scared them and she told me the cows, the chickens, etc... I've been raised in a small farm village, I grew up with cows, pigs, horses, and so on and so on... So when she told me that farm animals scared them, I was speechless. How? There are just cows? All this to say that yes, there's definitely a difference between to represent something and to have encountering it in real life. Not to mention the lack of empathy and feeling one can have if she knows only a pure representation and how it may lead to dissociative problems.
  16. Very long. SL had never been designed to degender people. Nor High Fidelity, nor Sansar. Fantasy can not compete with reality. They'll need to implement an avatar aging and sicknesses and exhaustment, etc...
  17. The furry friends I have, tend to prefer modifiable avatars so they can customize it. The picture reminds me of the JOMO Male Werewolf V3.0 Bento avatar (it is mod), or you can look directly in the MP under Complete Avatars > Complete Furry Avatars.
  18. I miss riding my baby so today it was just a lowlag riding outfit :
  19. Congrats ! Don't forget to invite me for the wedding.
  20. There are now Bento heads which can be tweaked via the Appearance sliders. Could be worth trying some demos and editing your appearance to see if you find any look you like?
  21. I would definitely keep my meshbody. The 1st time I logged in I screamed so hard when I saw those things they named feet. My first purchases had been prim shoes then meshbody (I never liked the seamline between feet and LL avie). Sometimes when I dig into my old snapshots, I do miss my old face so I would be ok to go back to that but definitely keeping my meshbody.
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