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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. i think the person maybe said they logged in for 10 hours. is not the same as playing lots of people do that. just log in the morning and leave open all day. then log out at night. they do the laundry, clean the house, feed the kids, bake cakes, make the lunch and dinner. do the vacuuming. make beds. and on and on i know lots of ladies who do that way like chat chat chat then they say waito i have to get the cake out the oven. and they after a bit they back and chat chat chat again. and they say am making icing. and you say what kind? and they say whatever and then chat chat about icing and cakes. and all kinds of other things like that + some not even log out at night. just go do their SL modelling job while they have a sleep
  2. linden acquire the game studio making LittleTextPeople. is here: http://lindenlab.com/press/releases/12_02_16 at the time was lots of chat. on sluniverse (if i remember) rodvik linden confirm that they was looking at doing 2 other things as well. seems like Steam is one of them. so just leaves the other one to find out about now
  3. can just ask them like: Hii you, where you from? if they say then can greet them in their language, and then ask them if is ok to save for next time they come. can even ask them if they wants notecards and stuff in their own language as well edit: eep!!! what rolig said
  4. k then like you know and others say already you have to do the bunny hop. like set up a tiny scan range then filter as you go. is called bunny hop bc when you watch someone doing it looks like that. they stop, scan, hop, stop, scan hop and on and on (: when other people, not you as you say, do this then hunt shop keepers dont actual mind. if is a big shop then can take hours to find this way, so they quite happy to get the dwell off you some the shopkeepers pretty naughty tho. the hunt box they get mod perms from the hunt organiser. then they link it to their own root prim. jejejejjejejeje (:
  5. sounds like its the spammer that other people been getting hammered with lately go up to 4000m and look round up there
  6. there is no requirement in the ToS for you to do anything at all about the behaviour of another account holder you can if you like draw up a covenant for how your land is to be used by others. and kick them off your land if they break your covenant you can only be held accountable if you set up your sim to enable the ToS to be broken. like putting out a sign saying sexual child ageplayers welcome to rent here. stuff like that. not that you will though do this. just giving an example
  7. Solar Legion wrote: That's all well and good 16 but my point was that these things happen often enough that - while yes it would have been nice for Linden Lab to send out a notice that it was happening - one should have been able to catch this and known how to act accordingly until the issue is fixed. Needing to be told what to do until it is fixed ... No, I am sorry but that should be common sense. It should be common sense to monitor one's data usage when using a service like Second Life for that matter. It doesn't matter how steady the usage is over any particular period of time ... there's always going to be spikes. These ones just so happen to be far worse than the average. i pick up on your different points yes agree that it would be nice if linden did put out an advice. they used to back in the day about these kinds of things. inworld notices even, lindens used to chat and give advices and answers questions on the forums as well they dont do that anymore maybe now seems like we all getting steamed then will change back to the old ways. maybe. hope so + needing to be told the mitigation in the advice isnt to be told watch your bandwidth meter the mitigation advice is to avoid the south by south west corners of your sim where possible. if you must go into that area then reduce your draw distance to 32m. do what you have to do there as quickly as you can and move away. we are working on a fix for this and is expected the fix will be rolled out next Tuesday (or whatever day) thanks for your patience and tolerance is a simple thing for a company to do stuff like this and it brings untold goodwill from your customers when you do
  8. like what Q said in your group you need to reduce your own tier contribution from 2048 down to 512. same as the other accounts. if you do not then your group will have donated tier of 3 x 512m and the 2048m. you must reduce down your main accounts tier donation as well to 512m as soon as you got the other accounts paid up. reduce your main accounts group donation first to 512m. then add the other ones and then donate. reduce first then add. on your dashboard will stiil show 2048 ($15) billing charge until is paid at the end of this billing period (about 1 month from now). after that it should show $0 to pay and 512m tier on your main account. same as the others
  9. Ceka Cianci wrote: rather than ..lets see how bad it really was when their bills come in..we'll be able to tell when the bitching starts lol maybe before even. like: have just spend 5 hours typing this into this forum on dialup RAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR !!!! RAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR !!!! RAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR !!!!
  10. was Henri Beauchamp (looks like) who noticed it first on the 11th. he made the first Jira on that day. seems he was modding something in his viewer and noticed a disturbance in the force
  11. just like to say about the monitoring and is our responsibilty and all that is true is like the electricity tho. we all got meters for that in our houses as well. and is our responsibilty to monitor that as well. but we dont think to rush out and check it after each time we boil the jug or run a bath or zoom out to check after we watched a TV program. we just kinda expect that it uses up the power at a standard rate. it arcs and spikes and goes brown sometimes as well. but win some lose some we kinda expect it to go as it always has pretty much within the tolerance is designed for when the power company makes a problem for us about that on some rare extraordinary occasion then they contact us and say what is happening and here is what you need to do until we can fix
  12. agree if i had not been a regular on this forum then i would maybe not have known to know all by myself. even then i not find out really until about the 15th. was actual report to linden on 11th i think. i check my ISP meter on the website as soon as i find out. O.M.G !!! i use up more in 4 days than i usual use in 2 weeks
  13. Solar Legion wrote: ... tny little caps ... get a better ISP ... ... you can afford a better ISP. i already got the max i can actual get on a domestic fixed line. 80G and thats it. if i want a better ISP i have to get a whole other better country. like move to America maybe. suxs to be me
  14. invite all the accounts to join your group then in the Group dialog is option for each account to Donate Tier to the group
  15. if and when linden make a formal blog like they promised about Steam then maybe will be in that dunno either really. just guessing what seems most likely
  16. with 2 premiums then yes will only cost you $8 extra tier per month and with group tier bonus will be able to get the 164m as well + but you will have to pay at least 1 month now at $15. because you already buy the 2048m. after that only 8 + if want the optimum for a 2048m mainland then 4 premium accounts. bc of the stipend (you can have upto 5 legally) 4 x $72 = $288 pa gives 2048m tier 2 * $72 = $144 + ($8 x 12 = $96) = $240 pa the $48 extra give you 1200L a week stipend instead of 600L $48 / 52 weeks = 0.93cents. that the cost of the extra 600L. which is about half the cost of buying them on lindex if cash the 600L back then at worse case and get only $US2 a week for them: $288 - 104 = $184 pa.
  17. i think it have more to do with olbie residents who maybe a bit worried about all the 16 and 17 yo steamer hordes massing at the borders linden can now say to anyone on G land, see that really obvious cant miss it option in your parcel controls. turn it on ok and you will be safe and warm in your home. more importantly can also stop all them steamers from messing on your lawn will be ok that for lots of people. keeping yobbies off the lawn is pretty popular in SL
  18. Melita Magic wrote: 16 wrote: bejjinks wrote: Conflict is caused by how we view those who disagree with us. conflict is caused when we act against them who we disagree with beliefs are thoughts. like i cant think a other person to death. but i can wish them harm. if i not act then nothing happens How does a person avoid all action? Your thoughts inform your actions. is not about avoiding all action. is about making choices consider: idolatry is a sin. all idolators are an abomination before god. all abominations are to be removed from the sight of god can believe this is no act tho until they are removed. something that only ever happens when we make the decision/choice to act + can argue that if not have this belief then it eliminate the opportunity/need to make a choice. if is no need for the choice then the action will not ever occur is what my uni tutor used to call the bleeding obvious when he used to grump us about it when we tried to make arguments this way. he used to grump us bc when the argument is taken to its logical outcome then end up eliminate the construct of thought by deconstruction no act > no choice > no belief > no thought + edit: just try make more clear any line of reasoning that leads to the elimination of thought is not formally allowed in these kinds of exercises. bc it not make any sense to do that when the objective is to think
  19. is caused by packet loss on the connection. most of the normal do this do that actions in SL is done on UDP protocol example: say like you sitting you press stand up. viewer sends message to server to say that you stood up server never gets message. it got eaten by the interwebz pipes monsta on the way somehow you now out of synch. the server thinks you sitting and acts on that. your viewer thinks you standing priority rule is that server knows best. so when client thinks you standing then is no way in client to send another stand up message so server can change state on its side + in a normal walking/running then is ok most times that packet loss occurrs bc is self-correcting. bit like how a vid can glitch sometimes and keep playing but yes like you say is a pita when the packet loss ocurrs on a state change + linden are going to change a lot of stuff to use HTTP as part of the shining projects so can make more reliable. hope that state change is going to be of them changes. if not then some kinda better (on-top-of?) UDP protocol than they using now
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