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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. Storm Clarence wrote: 16 wrote: maybe start a new craze. cottage industry for someone Did 'capitalism' bite you on the tongue? That's the spirit, 16, I always knew you would come around. dunno where you get this from have always been supportive of people who actual make stuff and try make a living off it. have always stuck up for them even if i don't make stuff myself in SL i get murdered in the posts on this forums about IP and copyrights when i stick up for artists and creators and say that nobody should rip them off and steal their stuff, and that i am happy to see RL laws made that treat people who do rip off artists as the low-life scummy thiefs they are + ps. i not got much sympathy for lanf-flippers and "money" traders tho. is big difference between them and people who actual make stuff. you know. like labour and work
  2. yes. just upolad them as is. then follow the instructions to Prepare. then morph. can make boy babies as well as girls (: maybe start a new craze. cottage industry for someone jejjjejeje (: is all kinds of morph software can get for free this one seems quite good. dunno havent tried it, or if it does babies http://www.debugmode.com/winmorph/
  3. in other post end up chat about morphs anyways boy next door girl next door then they have baby girl i just do on without any photoshop or nothing like that. just make simple snapshot in SL and morph with http://www.morphthing.com/morph maybe should have made Dad comb his hair before he had a baby jejejjee (:
  4. about the crystals, can show you how to do that yes + to sustain any land longterm you going to need more than a collective, just to pay tiers. they don't last really. them that do is bc the main people have some RL connection going as well the most successful people who do this have some attracion to a particualr secion of RL community. example: VAI - Virtual Ability. they get sponsors who willing to put time and money into the sim + other different examples are: Free Dove, FabFree, Grumble, etc. they newbie oriented. they all have large groups. is adevertising model for them to help pay the tiers. Adverts from other shopkeepers in the form of free gifts. newbies come and get the gifts. if and when they convert to pay customers then quite a lot of new people will go to the advertisers shops and buy something. is like a payback for the advertising shopkeepers helipng them when they first started. is lots of people will do that + like others say already you kinda want to research and study up on how the successful ones do it + dont need to start with anything big like was this one girl who end up making a really good thing for herself back in the day. she was a newbie and she liked to be a neko. she used to go round the lucky chairs just for herself. after a time she found all the good ones and made a folder of landmarks for herself, then she end up swap them with other people like her who was playing on the chairs then she made a group. and just invite other people she met by the chairs. she left group open and enable anyone can invite others. was just for fun really and for everyone to share and help. and they would shout out in the group what was the lucky chairs and people with that letter on their name would yell. TP!!! TP!! hehe (: after only like 3 months was about 2,000 people in the group. and they was pretty active, like chatting about all kinds of things, and being silly, and telling each other where is good stuff as well + also like some of the regulars would shout out: PARTY at my place. TP !!! TP !!! TP !!! most the time wasn't even their place. was some random public park or beach they found with a cool radio stream and a dance ball. so party up anyways. the owners of the places would sometimes turn up and go wooooaaaahhh!! who is all these people rock my place. and if owner was nice people then landmark that place and some group members would end up hang out there regular and become a friends of the random owner who got mobbed (: was like a super flashmob. also someone would chat OMG i found this really cool thing at XXX for like 0L or 5L or 10L or whatever cheap. then booom!!! flashmob. people came piling in from all over. crashed the sims somedays so many people trying to get in on the deal + bc was a active group then shopkeepers catch on. she end up getting lots of shops wants her to promote them in her group. so she do that and end make some money. quite a bit but she was really picky about who she accept adverts and money from, like only orginal creator/makers. some the big ones happy to pay heaps. but she also would let some newbie creators who just starting out to advert for free in the group bc she was picky the big advertisers wants to be in even more. she turn down quite a few people as well. bc she not want to spam what was really a social group. she just end up making a notecard catalog with the ad links in it she not do for the money really. just diid for herself and her friends to start with. then it just went from there. money just kinda comes i think. in these kinds of situations + same with what you trying to do just start doing stuff that you want to do. like an activity that appeals to other people. other than just own a land. when you do that they you get a active group going, a social one. the money will come then all by itself. and the land bc if it
  5. k then some most compared to most most or nearly most q;
  6. if its only about getting L$ then make a group called Crystal Grinders or Crystal Flashmob or something like that then have the group grind it out on the Linden Realms to get the L$ to pay the rent on a private sim/parcel. make some group notices about how to do that, like where is the green/blue crystals can extend the group to other grinding activities as well, off-world surveys, lucky prizes and club competitions etc that pay by voting boards for a flashmob to fill up their clubs. also MM, lucky chairs, shop gifts for brandnew newbies. stuff like this
  7. almost all the delinquent Premium account problems are caused by Tier being paid for in arrears if linden made it so that we had to buy Tier in advance (same like buying islands) then most of the problems would go away
  8. Nuhai Ling wrote: Rez a box, put the items - images, objects, notecards, etc. - in them, and place it for sale at the price agreed on. Have the buyer then come and purchase the box. This guarantees the transfer on both sides without the hassle. ^^ that do it for all custom work. not just photos
  9. ;p + i just put here sometimes on forums, not just this one, but heaps of them. someone says O.M.G. I been locked out. IP/MAC ban whichever first response they get is: talk to Support. ok so they do that. come back and say they did and big nothing. no response. can wait for weeks sometimes the person say they need to access their account so they can convert their L$ to US$ so can pay their rent/tier, or they going to lose it. even name their sim sometimes. almost without exception someone on forums like this will contact them and tell them how to do it. just bc they seem like a nice/genuine person. seem like is selective this when it happens. like this person gets treated different from people like OP. not in the comments. in the action
  10. about the photos one fun thing you can do is morph your avatar with your own photo. is quite fun (or a clebrity photo even) is lots of sites can do this. i quite like http://www.morphthing.com/ can make your own baby on that one. like if you partnered up in SL then can take photo of each other, then morph them to make a baby photo of your little girl or boy then can photshop them altogether and make a family portrait and put in your SL house (:
  11. theif519 wrote: So, why is it that there's an abundant lack of real pictures? Is it to keep the guise of roleplay, or, which is most likely, wanting to keep their private life private, which I do understand, but on IMVU there were tons of real life ones compared to here, why is SL different? sexxors (:
  12. Melita Magic wrote: Knowing something and doing something are different things. One can know something and still be innocent of doing it. So we can know how some griefing things happen and still be "innocents." 16 wrote: how many regulars on here know how to ban evade? probably just about everyone. and thats the thing, we not all innocents either. thats true is just that i dont get the whole security by obscurity thing. have always thought is better that more ppl know how stuff works, even the bad stuff
  13. know what you mean about the Park. is very similar to the Playground concept. we come, we play, we get VIP areas on the Park set aside for some as well, for their exclusive use. usually to get these we have to pay a little bit extra like Premium membership, or if want a whole lot extra then Tier as for how much say we get each then i dont understand why how much money we pay somehow gives us more say. say in what? can obviously get more say in what we pay for. get ultimate say really. if not get what we want then we stop paying/buying i am a customer of both Linden and the shopkeepers. or the park owners if you prefer. i don't make anything. i can but i dont. i rather just spend my time playing in the Park/playground and buy whatever i want. and i do like last few days i am playing on the sea, on my simboard. i buy off Vetox. is pretty cool and lots of fun i am wear skin from LAQ, hair from Zero, eyes from Sweet, top and pants from Hal Hina, socks from Jane, trainers from Grumble, bangles from A&A. i also got a MP4 from NCParis, and a way cool cell phone. i also got a whole bunch of other stuff from Amacci, Cold Logic, Oracul, MyAnimations and heaps of other shops this not give me any more or less say in anything tho. is not for me to tell the shopkeepers and the makers what they can do with my money after i buy. is their money now, and i get what i paid for. if it not measure up to what was promised in the advert then i not buy from them anymore if this is true of me then how can it not be true of everyone else who buys stuff off another. incl buying direct off linden + can understand tho why you think different. seems like i am a guest to you. in your park nevermind that i buy your icecreams and hotdogs and candy floss from your vendors, pay for tickets to the ferris wheel, the roundabout and all the other rides and attractions. am just a guest and i should be grateful and humble even to the Park owners and the barkers for providing all these things nevermind if i and all the other guest didnt do this, there wouldnt be a park. bc the park owners and the barkers dont pay for anything. the guests do when the barkers cant make their attractions pay then they just close them, close the whole park even sometimes, and chuck us out. and some of the barkers despise us when they do chuck us out. just bc we havent appreciated their awesome with our purses and wallets is weirdo how that thinking goes. like somehow its our fault that the attraction sux. well sux enough that we dont want to pay for it anyways
  14. Knowl Paine wrote: 3 Parties Residents who like to Party! Residents who provide the party. Linden Lab. Second Life is a place of Re-creation. You can have fun, or, make fun. There has been a divide amongst and between Residents about the Game aspect, for far too long. There is a Party present, who refuses to acknowledge the contributions of a second Party. You are correct in ignoring them Diane, it's your SL. Your comments, have helped to remind me of who the Customer is. I hope my comment, helps to remind you of who provides the fun. if you going to put it like this then the closest RL thing to SL is a mall is the mall owner (Linden) the shopkeepers who pay rent (tier) and the customers of the shopkeepers the job of the mall owner is to get as many people as they can into the mall. so that they will become customers who will buy stuff off the shopkeepers + the thing is that the customers are not beholden to either the shopkeepers or the mall owner. if they don't like what they find in the shops then they dont/wont buy + you seem to be saying that the customers must appreciate what the mall owner and the shopkeepers are providing for them. i don't get it. i don't go to any mall just bc there is a mall with shops in it. i go for whats in them. if is nothing i want then i not buy + yes is some people not buy anything, bc is not compulsory and it can't be that way. but mall owner will entice me with extras, like if buy something then can get free parking and VIP area (that same as Premium membership SL and RL) can wander round a mall all day and mall owner don't mind and nor do the shopkeepers. why not? bc people attract people. more people come then more likely that can make sales, pay rent, and make mall owner and shopkeepers profitable + other way to look at is to make SL like a restaurant people come into to eat. make a reservation even. is obligation then to pay but restaurants are way smaller than a mall and need lots of different ones to appeal to different tastes. so have to have a mall (or street) of restaurants to get them into the restaurants then have to get people in off the street. have to have a street to do that. or a plaza. like in a mall + or can say that bc i pay tier for my private island, i dont see why i have to subsidise everyone else thing is that you don't subsidise anyone for anything. you pay the tier for your island. the one you bought for your own exclusive use to do with as you wish. thats all. once you hand over the tiers then its not your money + is nutso to think that when we buy something, (rent, tier, memberships, goods, services, etc) we should then somehow have a say in how the vendor we buy from, should spend their money that Linden choose to use their money on their mall/street/plaza to entice more people in, is none of our business. not the private island owner, or the shopkeeper, or them who buy Premium memberships. we got what we paid for the money belongs to Linden after that to do with as they choose
  15. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Giving advice how to get around a ban is irresponsible because it is impossible for you to know if he is sincere and should be forgiven. You have no idea what he did or his real age at the time, only what he claims. For all you know he could be a pedophile or serial griefer since LL uses this kind of ban only for the most grievous of offenses. It is not up to the people here in the forum to determine what is appropriate as only LL knows the real facts in this case. If he really was 14 at the time and his only offense was lying about his age, and he can now prove he's an adult, they may just allow him to come back. But personally I think there might be a lot more to the story than he has said and what you assume. i take people at their word. first time. end up jumping at shadows otherwise if he was a serial greifer then he already knows how to ban evade + is this whole illusion thing that if we dont say how the bad guys do the stuff they do then they won't learn how to do it how many regulars on here know how to ban evade? probably just about everyone. and thats the thing, we not all innocents either. and even them that are somehow innocents know how to ban evade is the whole pretend no evil thing
  16. Perrie Juran wrote: 16 wrote: he is MAC address banned. he just has to change it on his computer. he can google to find out how to do that He would still be violating the TOS. yes but OP is one of 1000s and 1000s who done dumb stuff in SL when they was younger. we all do dumb stuff sometime in our lives Linden, specially Philip was always tolerant with young people. same lots of the founding Lindens, they into compassion and forgiveness. while the big company has to have big hard rules, dont mean they have to be mean forever as well so if OP comes back and not do what he did same old as before then nobody linden will bother him. is heaps and heaps of griffers who back now in SL, and they live quiet and be good and respectful of others now is a few who never learn and coming back and backand doing same old. and the Lindens keep wasting them as they should
  17. should add before people pile on Ludo is a metaphor. and not literal + the word "playground" explains better how we behave and why we each do play in the way we do. like Ludo says in other part, we play with those we like and share same interests. we ignore the ones we don't like or who don't like us and sometimes it all gets too hard so we go home, but we usual come back and play another day, bc we still want to play. if not in this playground then in another one
  18. Phil Deakins wrote: @16. I like your "playground" word is not my word but is very appropriate i think [08:45] Ludo Merit: SL is a playground, not a game. We bring our own toys and share them with each other. We get annoyed with the playground supervisors or the other kids and pick up our toys and go home. Just like a playgrounds is from a convo between Ludo and Prokofy convo is about all kinds of things that Ldou, as a creator and artist does in SL, and about Prokofy as well bc Ludo was much interested in Prokofys perspectives as Prokofy was in Ludo. convo covers a whole bunch of stuff. is really interesting can read the whole thing here: http://secondthoughts.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2012/10/avatar-on-the-grid-ludo-merit-and-sl-as-playground-not-game.html#more
  19. i read a better word for it today Ludo Merit said SL is a playground is much better that word. so i will use from now on
  20. he is MAC address banned. he just has to change it on his computer. he can google to find out how to do that
  21. when SL first started it was a game. same like Minecraft. was just a game where you made stuff. then other people came and it turned into not a game. became a way of life for some of them. social network and self-discovery tool and all that most the orginal people gone now. making stuff on other games
  22. Czari Zenovka wrote: 16 wrote: when did you decide to try flip the parcel for 4,000L given that it looks like you paid 2,488L for it? before or after the wall went up? we can get a better idea of why the wall went up depending on when you decided to flip the parcel Just upping the price for a parcel shouldn't have any bearing on the wall, imo. People buy land on the mainlaind sim where I live and try to flip for more all the time. To date no walls, or other ugly features, have appeared due to that. OP buy neighbour then erect skull wall + question: did OP set to flip sale before or after wall went up? if set to sale before wall then OP did want to sell if set to sale after wall then OP did not want to sell, had intended to live there. didnt at the time know how to block it out and so set to sale to quit and buy elsewhere. (wall would have no effect on OP living there bc can derender wall or block it with a more pretty wall of his own) understand motive of OP then can understand motive of neighbour in erecting the skull wall + as it turned out OP did buy with the intention to flip sell. motive of neighbour was to deny OP any realistic chance of selling the parcel and coerce OP into buying neighbours parcel. which since happened OP is brand new and not understanding how the land flipping game works in SL thought to try to make a quick profit. Neighbour decide to take advantage of OP and make a quicker one + So to OP. is kinda hard lesson this. am sorry you been caught like this on your first foray. but can say that you now got a really nice parcel and hope you do well with your fledging rental business
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