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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. It has been a long time since I had any dealings with them, but they used to have customer service people in their store. Maybe check their store out in world and see if they still do. They might be able to help.
  2. I have always asked someone to loan me tier to do that in the past. That is clever l have learnt something new.
  3. Your best bet is to get involved in the motorcycle community. Enjoy what is currently available and learn about the networks. You will better find people to pitch your ideas to, the networks will help build up trust. If you plan on building with mesh roads like Katy proxima's then you won't be able to transfer ownership of the roads and build to the region owner and patron. They will worry you could return the build they paid for. It has and does happen and why building up trust essential.
  4. Last time I checked there were over a hundred such regions. I am perhaps lacking in imagination but I think I have seen pretty much every possible way to do something interesting with them. My favourite place like that burnt bright for about a year or so, but eventually went along with the region owner about 10 years ago now.
  5. If it is a music venue then why not login, set yourself dancing and then go afk to listen to the music while you do something else.
  6. Under Land and Region, I am seeing a Land Other option.... maybe that is what the guidance is you are seeing. This sounds like the sort of issue that would have more merit if you had land on the parcel and one of the smaller parcels was filling their parcel up with so many avatars you can't reliably access your land. The option I immediately considered for that would have been Land and Region and Performance, but if you are reading guidance somewhere that suggests different then Land Other would probably be better. It falls in my mind under general understanding of the land owners excessively using the resources of the region... ie avatar count. Just because it is possible for the Lindens to intervene I am not confident especially in circumstances where you don't appear to be a land owner on the region. I have never resorted to a report along these lines to quote from direct experience, but my feel from reading the forum over the years is that Linden Lab would not want to get involved.
  7. Reporting from the viewer won't help, Linden Lab are likely to consider it a resident to resident dispute. You need to talk with the Estate manager to seek resolution, they should have the receipts and will be able to see what has happened and explain or provide redress if you have been wronged. Also the forum has a rule about not naming and shaming. You should probably remove the name of the estate from your post, and if possible from the title of your thread or the moderators will be doing so for you.
  8. One tip I learnt recently that is helpful especially for those with large inventories is around the way search works. Have you ever had the problem where you search in your inventory for something, you find the folder with the shoes or whatever you wanted in, but the item you actually want is not showing because it doesn't have the text of your search in its name... you select the folder then remove the search text and then you lose your view of the folder and it felt like the search was useless? well what to do is one press of the down cursor and your view will go back to where you had clicked and you can then expand the folder see the contents and hopefully what you were looking for. The step with the down cursor was new to me until recently and it is a game changer.
  9. I tried to keep under 70,000 then 100,000 then 200,000 and failed and nothing bad has happened that logging in to a quiet region and making some sub folders hasn't fixed. My advice then is by all means try to keep things tidy, but also don't stress too much about it. Until recently my broadband connection was slow and regardless of what I did could never reduce packet loss to the percentages deemed normal. If anything terrible was going to happen for going over 100,000 inventory items it would have happened to me years ago.
  10. I actually think Karyn's bike scripts got worse from version 3 onwards, at least for region crossings. Simpler is better for region crossings. The scripts ZZBottom uses are very basic but they handle crossings very well - you can find her stuff on marketplace under Humble Worker and Cybersculpts and in freebie vehicle packs. I have tried to like GEMC vehicles but I find myself needing 30 minutes to read the manual before I can get the vehicle moving and even then I don't think they handle all that well. I think Arton Rotaru deserves a mention the Quatrelle is my go to car for exploring mainland roads, simple and easy with cruise control and smooth on crossings. Also worth checking the Mudskipper and Mesh Expedition Hard Top. I know Rubber Bunny's Stolly is also very popular. For motorbikes I admit a bias but I love Jayra Magic's bikes, ever since I got my first one 10 years ago or more and Jayra is the loveliest person.
  11. I know at least one GTFO hub had a space station on mainland (and probably still has). It might be worth joining and asking in their group if there are others, you could then travel between them.
  12. I wouldn't normally get that close to the land when sailing around open water, I would stick to the open regions and cam across if something was of interest, the fewer region crossings you do the better. So I never thought to look there for banlines. The mini-map will help a lot with seeing the region you are in and its boundaries and help minimise unnecessary region crossings.
  13. I presume you can get out of Wakely fine, because there are no banlines there - unless you have somehow got listed on the rental companies exclusion list. If the latter then I would send a message to the owner of the group apologise for whatever transgression might have got you there and ask if they can remove you. If as I presume you are getting out on to the main water there you should be able to get to Farwell and the observatory without a problem, and the open water around there. If you are then continuing down the next river I had a look along it and am not seeing any banlines, although there are some security orbs in Cranberry that with lag could result in a problem. On one side instead of their banlines they have replaced them with invisible prims and an orb, the timing for the orb should be sufficient to edit out of them, but the edit option does always seem to be slower to come up when you need it to than normal. The deep sea waterway, is much less oppressive for security now than it used to be, you have a nice little parcel for access to it. Hold on to it while you can, as you get better sailing you will find those rivers easier to navigate and be able to get to the far end at Duck with its underwater features, even if you never get that far it is always nice to be able to travel over to the observatory in Farwell to explore there. Note the Minimap is your friend sailing rivers. Bring it up with Ctrl Shift M and R-Click to show property lines.
  14. A waterway to Atanua from the south would remove the reliance on the good will of landowners to make the connection between the two reliable. Whether it happens or not is to be decided, but it would definitely be an improvement.
  15. Whilst there are water passages along much of the mainland continental coasts, it is incomplete. It is a real shame places like Mos Ainsley and Barneys Bay are cut off from the rest of the waterways. On Satori regions were released before intended roads were added, I wonder if there was a similar conflict between Linden departments releasing land before it had been parcelled and finished. I doubt we will ever know for sure. For mermaiding take a look around Degrand info hub, or around Denny.
  16. Yes I wouldn't generally use them, but my point is that there are contexts I think they can be an option. Plants used to be two prims crossed with a alpha texture on them. I still have plenty of them in my inventory and still sometimes end up buying them like that in plant pots when not being careful.
  17. In an ideal world we wouldn't need to resort to flat textures, but I think there are times where they are justified and so long as done with care unobtrusive enhancements.
  18. I will use walls, flat alpha plant textures or this privacy pine grouping on some occasions. What is acceptable and appropriate is really a judgment informed by what the neighbours are doing. On a small parcel you don't have the luxury of space for putting out full trees and bushes. I use the Heart Bamboo alpha textures to help mask a view of a full bright prim built bdsm building. The texture looks 3d even though it isn't and I have used it regularly for years ever since I bought it. Here is the view to neighbours: and this shows what I am masking: I use a texture from the same pack to improve the view of my bar from ground level. The massive military bunker overlooking my parcel in Zindra is a flat grey texture so I have tried to make it look a bit better from my side with solid rock textured prims (alpha transparent on their side so they don't see what I have done at all. When I first put them out it had been plywood textured for about a month and it was about a year before they made it a flat grey texture. at the back there you can see the privacy pine grouping. It is old school plant textures on multiple flat prims but made in mesh, so only one prim. it stretches pretty flat and works out okay as a back drop and alternative to a flat texture at a boundary edge just to add some interest or give some sense of privacy. (Alpha masking the texture prevents alpha sorting issues too).
  19. There do seem to be reasonable priced protected water parcels around Hyles. So it might be an option to look around there for somewhere to buy. Rez your jetski either at the SLCG station or the rez area to the south of Hyles Info hub and have a look around. If you can work the route out to the ANWR channel you can head to the Sansara continent and one of my favourite areas to explore by boat. There is plenty to see there.. the prim ol rig in the ANWR, the various islands along the North of the color regions, Bay City on to the Bay of Space Pigs, the L-Shaped lake. You can even get to the Sea of fables and Linden village although that requires going through other riverways that are often difficult to navigate, but with experience and finding the right routes very possible.
  20. On this image I have drawn out light green lines and boxes to indicate the Linden protected parcels. Hyles Info hub is protected too but I can't tell that from the map layout as there is nothing obvious to indicate it. The almost full region parcel next to it is connected to what looks like a waterway especially if you move the map around a bit so that is a safe (and correct guess). The empty water region could be privately owned but it is unlikely it is a safe bet especially knowing the area that that would be protected linden land.
  21. On this view of Balleya from the minimap I am showing parcels for sale and have ringed in green the ones next to protected water: Do note that whilst protected water in this area can for an experience traveller get you all the way to Bay City, Sea of Fables in Sansara as well as further North up the North of Heterocera, it won't connect with the Blake Sea. It does connect to the second most extensive series of waterways.... but this particular section of that water way is a bit of a labyrinth of narrow passages and often shallow waterways. Out of interest the Hyles info hub is on that map I have circled it here: Also note that the SLCG skysign showing on the left hand side of the map indicates it belongs to the SL Coastguard. In my experience I would expect that to allow rezzing. One other thing to notice there in the next region to the south of the Hyles Info Hub there is a little parcel on the region border that is otherwise looks like a linden protected water region. It is unusual and parcels in linden water regions like that either indicate a buoy zone for racing or a rezz area. There is no racing in the area, so it is likely to be a rezz zone, which it is. World map confirms it by clicking it, on there it tells you the parcel name is "Ferry and Dock Rez Zone".
  22. Just to clarify the minimap at least on firestorm is the one access by Ctrl-Shift-M and you can run this more easily whilst moving around than the full world map. The setting you want you get by right-clicking it, Show and making sure property lines is selected. The White lines indicate parcel borders. LCC skysigns are a good indication that you will be able to rezz on that parcel. LCC stands for Leeward Cruising Club and they are meant to only be used on parcels that allow rezzing. The FIYC sign is for Fisher Island YC, and again indicates rezzing. Immediately to the North of the LCC and FIYC parcels you can see a long narrow parcel to the North, it extends to the West and leads up to a road... It is a linden protected route, the parcel itself covers both water and land. To be 100% sure you really need to go stand on it and see, but the fact it extends on to the road would make me 99% sure it was protected, but even without that the shape makes it look like a protected route to me. That is what I mean by pattern recognition, the more you look at these maps the more patterns you will recognise and confidence you will have predicting what the parcels are likely to be.
  23. I would check out Bellisseria in particular the stilts and houseboats. You are limited with what you can build but finding a 1024 by sailable water on mainland is fraught with high priced temptations some that will work out and some that won't. Not all land advertised as protected water really does have protected water.... you need to go make sure before buying it. Even if a place does have protected water, for someone starting out with water vehicles the route available to open water might not be easy. The sort of places you will find reasonable priced parcels are likely to be along river ways, how good the water access is even along the protected route depends on the neighbours. Making a wrong decision can be expensive, it is easy to spend 30K on a parcel only to find your neighbours have made your route to open water a miserable one. I have made costly mistakes in the past, it is easy to do. Using the minimap with parcel boundaries showing can help to display protected routes and rezz areas, but it takes a bit of practice and pattern recognition to work it out. I would advise using your premium to get something in Bellisseria and go exploring. Take you time with a mainland purchase, there are plenty of places to rezz around mainland waterways and get to know different areas by exploring them. As you explore and learn you will get a better understanding of what sort of routes you can manage and where you want to look for land. I wouldn't go rushing in to any expensive purchases unless you are right on open water and prepared to pay the high premium for the land.
  24. A slippery slope argument is the weakest form of argument. It is bascally denying the possibility of change without putting any thought into weighing up the outcomes. There are already already restrictions, like the parcel cutting policy.... they haven't become a slippery slope preventing you from doing whatever you wanted to do have they?
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