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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Until you mentioned it it had never occurred to me that RFL tip booths would be covered by rules on Commercial activity. In the UK the economy is divided in to sectors. The first sector being commercial, the second sector public and the third sector charities and not for profits.
  2. To be fair after posting questioning scale of the lag problem it occurred to me that instances of little apparent lag where people are putting in fastest laps they are on relatively unoccupied regions. When avatars on the region exceed 10 or are racing in close proximity then lag is a factor.
  3. Is lag and responsiveness of control inputs really the limitation some suggest in this thread? Competitive bike and car races involve complex manoeuvres with microsecond timing on turns
  4. I am so could change the stream for them. I think they have TIS dance balls so with the hud version we could bring our own couple dances along. The only downside is not being able to rezz tip jars really, except at the fairgrounds. It is not something that would bother me personally if it wasn't for it being unfair on the rotation system we have with our DJs with those at say a Campwich event having to rely on one of those "hooker" worn tip jars lol.
  5. Some of our DJs have those request a song boards, from what you are saying we could only use that at the fairgrounds. And yes Abnor gatecrashed one or our parties a few years ago to complain about the tip jar. Since then we have have used land of mine or other club members on mainland for DJ events. I might have DJ'ed from my houseboat but I have never bothered with tips, just fun playing music. But we have a rota for DJs and it has always felt bad to ask them to not take tips if their week falls on one where we plan a cruise in Bellisseria... so we stopped running them, except where destination was outside it.
  6. Yes that is why previously our Bellisseria events with DJs and after parties finish outside Bellisseria rather than within it. We have locations we can use connected on mainland but it does to some extent limit the cruises we can put on.
  7. I have run sailing events weekly for Rainbow Sails, Topless Sailors, RRMC and Tradewinds YC going back over 10 years. So What I am thinking of is for after cruise parties. How do I get invites to the performers group?
  8. Allowing Tip Jars at Community Centres is a bit of a game changer. So how do you book an event at a Community Centre?
  9. Atlan Blades map is showing its age if you look at the estates Diamond highlights but still a useful resource for finding places in the mainland area to visit: It is 5 years old, it still has Triumphal YC on. :Sad face: Although the airport there (if it is still there, is nice place to visit)
  10. One way to find planned sailing route is look in the SL Sailing association Group Notices for cruises being sailed by the various sailing groups: This link will create a link if you paste it into chat in your viewer: secondlife:///app/group/2ee60bcf-94c1-3916-272e-406c46d3db4b/about I know Rainbow Sails YC at Osprey Ridge, in the upstairs room has a collection of old cruises you can look through. Kyral Threndor at Absolution has the Topless Sailors office and you can find a record of previous cruises run there too. Alternatively just go out to have a look at some of the mole built islands. For NW Nautilus you can start at Jes Kattun's Gateway Marina in Gogol sail up the NW edge of Nautilus and take a trip along the North side of Nautilus to look as the islands along there, like around Denny and further on the Pirate radio station in Spello. Look underwater there too there is lenty going on under the water to look at around there. On the East Side of Satori there are nice islands to look at from Danu going along to the East to Meauxie Bureaux. You can continue on through a channel in the middle of Terric and along the East edge of Montbard on to the Blake Sea itself. The Blake Sea has all the Islands along the West Edge to look at from Windlass to Spyglass. Further North more Islands to look at Skradski, Cortona, past them further North you have the Islands around Cividale to look at. West of Arezzo is the Grumphmuch channel you can take to pass through to the Dire Straits area and the Leviathan at Ahab's Haunt. To continue on East at Venrigalli the Cheerport Airport has long had an open waterway under the runway for boats to pass through and return back to Nautilus. Nautilus Yamm worth a visit, I love that harbor. Heading East Nimitz worth passing through for the shipwreck and lighthouse, go through Rodel and you can work your way along West edge of Satori past some lovely Islands, sail through Kingpost and head on down all the way to Bellisseria. Other places to visit near Blake sea Nautilus Blyth has a temple and the Nautilus canal you can sail right along to the Citadel where you turn around to come out again. A fun and unusual trip to make, just be careful clicking the Citadel doors! In the Centre of the Blake Sea you .have the replica of the Fastnet Lighthouse at Crows Nest. At Sailors Rest you have FIY, to the North Nantucket YC and to the East Hollywood home of Starboards YC. Plenty to see elsewhere but some highlights and ideas for visits
  11. One of my favourite routes is from Debbie's parcel in Cecropia at South end of hetercera. Sail south through ANWR channel past the prim oil rig. Then head West along the North side of the colour regions. When you get to Violet the waterway heads South west taking you to Bay City. Plenty to see around there and fun to explore the canals by boat. East of Bay city is the Shermerville bridge, which is worth taking a look at. When ready to move on you can go under the bridges in bay city at East end and head south through the Luna regions and past the old sandboxes. Again plenty to see as you sail and little places you can pause and explore. At the East of the passage is Abbott's aerodrome. You can pass through the North East corner to near Kapoor and DaBoom. If you like look W of DaBoom, you can detour to look at Rizal games. From the waterway by Kapoor there are a couple of channels that will take you East to the Bay of Space Pigs and all that offers. You can get through to the L-Shaped lake along the East edge of Brown if you are feeling adventurous. At the East end of the Bay of Space Pigs there is a narrow passage in a NE corner that will take you to the the Bremner dinosaurs. Finish off the route with a drink at my parcel in Fudo or FIYCs EPI centre next door. The route is pretty easy with lots of history to see.
  12. A US parcel owner supporting an Australian event on their land might. Not everyone with venues on parcels have managers to cover every timezone. I don''t have one but I know it would be useful to me because of difficulties I have had in the past being online at the same time as a DJ wanting to run an event on my land. A bot would have made that much easier.
  13. Which would seem to be why Ven is using a Bot to sift the applications. It might be he uses it to send DJ role to people that are in a different timezone and it would otherwise be difficult to get both avatars online at the same time. I don't use a Bot, but a group I am involved with does for sending out group notices prompted by events showing on a Google Calendar. It is on a private estate, but I can imagine others having similar setups on mainland being none too happy if their Bot suddenly became banned from the region they are paying for.
  14. You can't set up a group role that is subject to auto-return when you are allowing everyone to rezz. Land Group invites are better managed by bots or scripts like Casperlet if you want people to buy into keeping their prims around for more than your auto-return settings.
  15. If you search their name on the internet you can see their website and what they are doing, you can even track where they are at any time. There seem to be ten online at any time. They collect land data and what the most popular attachments are. I must say rather surprised at one of the attachments being so popular, seems to suggest more people doing sexy stuff than I thought ! But anyway take a look at where they are and what they do here: https://www.bonniebots.com/about And for context more info on Bots here: https://www.lounetizen.com/botdata/ Where you say" some of those accounts even showed on my parcel and were trying to get inside of my house or trying to harass some friends of mine" I get a visual image of them squashing up against your window like in a zombie movie. I presume you say it that way for dramatic effect and all they are doing is showing up such you notice them and leaving again shortly doing what they are supposed to do and not doing anything else? Edited to add NWN reports on a meeting between them and Patch Linden in January, where they made some changes to address concerns raised by Linden Lab. So unless they are doing anything other than collecting their data, Linden Lab already know about it and no need to report it again unless you have some reason to think they are doing something else than a bot is expected to do. https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2023/01/bonnie-bots-sl-patch-linden.html
  16. You could politely talk to them and suggest that if they need help raising the skybox higher you can help them, but that the basic trick to it is manually editing the z value of the position setting for their skybox rezzer. Also if using firestorm they can then type "gth xxx" where xxx is the height they moved the rezzer to to get to it. Note also the age of the avatar is not a good indication of their skill with the edit\building tools. I have met a lot of people who have 10 year old accounts that have never had land, or people that can't get their sofa to rest on the ground or not half in their wall. Might not work, but worth a try... I don't think that many people actually set out to mess with their neighbours and equally likely they just don't know better, maybe trying to drag the rezzer up in the sky and got bored dragging it after a few metres.
  17. I love when people open up their land and encourage visitors, you have made a lovely little park. I was trying to find what you meant about "Mars Attack" lady. At first I noticed at the south end lifting up as I explored which I think is due to some of the plant cover not being set to phantom.. But I went to your dressing room and I see now what you mean, after teleporting I am stuck in the animation that it gives you until I reload my AO. The problem is the way that teleporter works. I am sure there is probably a free script you can use or freebie alternative, but I can only really recommend what I use and have used Arduenn Schwartzman's teleporters in SL for ages, mostly the up and down arrows, but he does sell for 10L$ something similar to what you have and I just bought it to test it and it works fine without messing up your animations. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Medieval-Auto-Configuring-Network-Teleporter/7182031 Thank you for your lovely addition to mainland!
  18. We have more realism now, but some of the sense of fun has gone. With advanced lighting, invisiprims don't work and our boats look like they are full of water. Our full bright hair looks wrong. Once someone pointed out that our flexi hair goes through our bodies looking ugly, we can't unsee it. The boxes of free dances, I now know were copybotted. With progress and learning more, there is a sense of loss of innocence and wonder. But I wouldn't turn the clock back, because progress it is.
  19. I imagine their reaction would be no different than if the avatar was using an old landmark or had double clicked the map to travel there. The solution is to set a landing point or add security surely. Bot banning is a distraction not a solution.
  20. True if wanting and trying for something complete, but perhaps limited to searching at a particular height like 300m weekly could be sufficient to be of value? Just mapping parcel settings would be even less intensive, the bot would just need to find somewhere in the region it could sit for length of time it takes to map the region. I suppose the point I am making with this is that even with my limited imagination and understanding I can see a value from bots scanning regions on mainland that has nothing whatsoever to do with tracking profiles or harvesting profile data. Something I would have thought would be easier to do without sending bots anywhere.
  21. You could program a bot to go visit each parcel and report back which ones and at what height it gets ejected and the manner of the ejection?
  22. You might be thinking of Shergood aviation's mapping of security orbs and parcel settings? They collates data from individuals, or last time I looked it did. It is a good idea but not really useful without more data. If they switched to using bots it could make the end result much more useful. Come to think of it there is a "weather report" that gets updated at least daily that reports on the health of mainland regions to inform travellers what to expect with regards to region crossings. I presume scripted bots collect that data, but not 100% sure.I suppose with this policy, Bellisseria will lose out on weather report coverage.
  23. I hadn't heard of bonniebots before the information they gather doesn't seem all that useful to me, but it has got me thinking of useful uses for bots. Beyond my ability or inclination but I can see a use for mapping parcel security settings across mainland to help the flying community and other travellers. I would have thought the Linden's would run some bots themselves to gather data to inform policy decisions.
  24. Qie describes them as heavily scripted, which is a bit curious, but doesn't the term scripted agent refer to an avatar doing automated stuff, not just standing around doing nothing.
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