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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. It was just a throwaway comment I thought funny at the time. 😀 I have tried out dance moves I have learnt in SL, but I haven't started dressing like I do in world. Although if I could knit I might make the knitted shark outfit I get out for Halloween when I try to look scarey.
  2. Ahoy me old mate, the talk like a pirate day been on Tuesday, 19 September, so ye 'ave a year to wait fer the next'un
  3. I got positive reactions from people in world when I dressed like a pirate, so I got myself a pirate outfit in real life to wear. I recommend it it brightens people up
  4. If it wasn't for SL I doubt I would have bothered to update to a faster internet connection.
  5. You can adjust the elevation for the textures in the estate menu. But I am not sure if that is what you are asking. What do you mean by half and half? The only way to have a different texture at the same elevation is to use Prims or mesh land forms and texture them.
  6. On the Land Use page of your account, have you reduced the tier you are paying for? I think you have to manually unsubscribe from the additional tier as well as abandoning the land you were using it for.
  7. also 4. the rights holder doesn't know and doesn't care Which I suspect is actually the most common category
  8. I know I am coming across as argumentative perhaps for the sake of it, but I think it is important to be correct so as not to raise undue fears amongst people that their purchases will get trashed on the servers, when they quite possibly won't.
  9. So far as I can see the links posted show two options removing completely or just removing from sale. I think at least that is what "remove or disable access to the material" means. The only examples I am aware of where DMCA takedowns resulted in them removing things from the servers was with regards to copybot dances, including a DMCA Akeyo originated where Linden Lab removed Akeyo's own dances along with the copybot ones resulting in people losing dances they paid for temporarily, until Akeyo managed to get that fixed.. I don't recall how exactly it was a long time ago, but I do remember consternation of myself and friends having dances we paid for removed. Now I am of course just citing my own experience, but it is sufficient to show your claim "DMCA items are removed from all LL servers until the legalities are resolved" is incorrect. Wowmeh and Genus are sufficient to show that. I am pretty sure the same applies to some Harley motorbikes that got removed from sale and the maker ultimately banned (for relisting them)... the bikes however remain. You now say "in most cases", whereas before you said "all".. "most" may or may not be correct... my limited sample of experience insufficient to support or contradict the "most" claim. But what makes you think most are? the only examples I am aware that have been removed from the servers are dance animations.
  10. It has just occurred to me it was only last night I bought someone a jedi costume because we were running a sci-fi themed party and they said they had nothing suitable. The outfit remains on marketplace, so this purge may not be total. Perhaps just "rips" from other games? It has always been tricky area where fan creations are concerned, subject to the whims of the legal departments of the IP holders.
  11. Are you sure about that? Wowmeh was put out of business by DMCA's but my Wowmeh body still works. I don't recall my Genus heads not working when they were subject to DMCAs. My Understanding was they were just taken off marketplace, and if they continued to be reported as being sold in world then the person responsible, likely to get banned.
  12. NWNs has an article on them from 2006, and support they gave to a region that was raising awareness of the atrocities in Darfur. https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2006/05/guarding_darfur.html
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