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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. If it wasn't set to phantom and it was blocking the road, then I can see them returning the object.
  2. More likely there is a problem with your payment details and there is a coincidence. I suggest you check that they are okay, it is easy to forget that with a new credit card you will need to update them to make your tier payments.
  3. Their music is not in any sense easy listening, but it is fascinating to watch the Cardiacs playing live in 1990, despite the chaotic initial impressions the organisation between the band members to create the experience impressive. (The live performance starts about 3 minutes in)
  4. For normal swimming try the Thor's swim hud and the Free swim hud labeled as having a firestorm skin. To complete the look there is a mole made scuba diving outfit available at a number of places. Off the top of my head the one place I am sure you can find it is the island on West Satori in a two open water region group just before the tight passage on the route from Bellisseria to the Blake Sea.
  5. I suggest looking at the Free Deep Seas Tail: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DEEP-SEAS-FREE-MERMAID-TAIL/2197215 It says it comes with a free AO and landmarks to inworld Mer resources... even if it doesn't work out it free and the information that comes with it should be useful.
  6. For general purpose swim hud the free Thor's one is easy to find and popular. I recently tried a free swim hud with a firestorm skin that works well. Note in my previous post I said look for a swim AO... Looking for Swim Hud is probably safer as there is a bit more to them than just running the animations
  7. You are much better off using a swim AO, you won't then need to swim in fly mode then. They will usually regulate your height in the water with page up/ page down keys. Note there are AOs for mermaid swimming. Historically tails were Flexi but are now commonly mesh the mesh ones are animated using additional bones so for a mesh tail I would be careful if using an old AO you find on marketplace. Check the description to see what it says, but I would think anything you find from the last 8 years would support mesh tails.
  8. I have listed some french, german and Italian music... I will add this offering from Spain before going to my bed:
  9. They maybe got that noise from the Radiophonic workshop, but fortunately just brief section Can were a great group ahead of their time, two of them Schmidt and Czukay studied under Stockhausen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Can_(band)
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