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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. From what Rhonda says, it sounds like your shape has got corrupted. Try her advice, or if you are struggling to do what she has said try going to somewhere like the helping haven gateway for in world real time advice. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Favorite-Destinations/Helping-Haven-Gateway-Opens/m-p/3017950/highlight/true#M6784
  2. Just to be super clear.... You can have a linden home and buy land on mainland... But when you do the 512m2 free tier will be spent on the linden home, so any additional mainland you buy will be coming out of additional tier you will have to agree to pay for. The Linden home is good value because the house on the land doesn't come out of the allowance for prims that comes with the land and there is no one off payment required to buy the land itself. Alot of people have both, because once they have found their ideal mainland spot and are paying at a tier level, they find they have 512 or more tier free they might as well use on a linden home.. which makes for a nice private getaway.. or just somewhere else fun to decorate.
  3. I would put your photo studio in a skybox, it doesn't need to be at ground level and will be less laggy. Similarly your club area, I would put in a skybox.... unless you are wanting to build it over the linden water. As for "Inverse buildings having too low ceilings", that sounds like you have your camera angle set up badly. If you buy somewhere with really high ceilings it will look odd and out of proportion. Better to follow Pamela Galli's advice from here and fix the problem in your viewer: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Cut-Mesh-Prims-by-Changing-Your-Camera-Angle/m-p/2054145/highlight/true#M112554 Take a look at her houses too, also Creative Decay, Laq Decor, Dutchie, BBX - just to name a few off the top of my head.
  4. What viewer are you using? Are you able to remove everything you are wearing? or reset to a default avatar? (if it is an attachment causing the problem taking it off will solve the problem)
  5. They will probably look fine if you turn advanced lighting off. But whilst invisiprims have good uses shoes aren;t one of them, you are much better off using alpha layers and shoes with them where you can
  6. As others have pointed out for Sansar there won't be much for the moles to do. The idea is however good and timely for Sansara and the other mainland continents, as they need some loving too, especially with the grandfathered tier offer for private estates.
  7. I would imagine they are local, but it would be hard to test
  8. This is a list for firestorm, but the principles apply for any viewer. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail
  9. The 40 avatar limit and lack of Control to do things like restarts makes mainland a bad option now. If it wasn't for the transport routes and ability to explore sim to SIM there would be nothing going for mainland. They should think about pricing and do more rezoning. There are at least as many redundant water Sims where no one can get without living on the adjacent SIM as there are blocked or effectively blocked routes that could be fixed by moving Sims around. You can get around three quarters of the Atoll before you meet an impassable corner. It would be easy to move a few Sims so you can get around Nautilus or the continent to its south.
  10. The firestorm AO doesn't use scripts so I would have thought its performance was marginally better. You can add multiple animations to cycle randomly or in order to any of the types. I am pretty sure Zhao based AOs allow multiple walks, stands and sits. I don't fully agree about Mocap always being best. Whilst I am sure Oracul use Mocap for some AOs the ones they sell that don't are still very high quality. The walks I use are from them and them in whatever other AO I am using at the time because the stride length and timing is spot on.
  11. Pussycat's guide is really good and I recommend reading it through. For me bought shapes are nearly always too tall or just weird shapes, but that doesn't matter because adjusting the key proportions is not that hard to do once you have followed a guide like Pussycat's by eye and quickly. What is important for me with a hsape is how the face works with the skin, because working on shape sliders is best done in only very small doses, it is so easy to adjust some settings that look fine at the time and then you change windlight and you look like you have become deformed. If you have a shape that makes your face look good then stick with it and use it as the starting point for the final shape, only adjust the head sliders with extreme care and conservatively. Basically the settings to focus on initially are height, leg length, torso length, head size and hip length. The head wants to be somewhere between a seventh and an eight the height of the body. the crotch wants to be in the middle. The height wants to look right next to your partner. fiddle with the settings until it looks right and you have those proportions. Once you have the vertical dimensions right you can start fiddling with body width, leg and toso muscles and shoulder width, Shoulders should be roughly 3 heads wide. Do remember to make sure your avi's arms are long enough that they can wipe his butt, no one wants an avi that looks like they are stinky. People in real world do vary from the ideal proportions to some extent, and it is after all your world your fantasy, so a certain amount of cartooning, to vary from ideal proportions is fine, but it does help to use the guide to know where you are varying from the norm and how much by.
  12. You might find that adjusting your network speed setting in your viewer helps if the issue you are having relates to lost or dropped packets. The recommended settings of 500 mbs and 1000 mbps for WiFi and adsl respectively are maximum values often lowering that can help.
  13. Alwin Alcott wrote: you'r responding to a nearly two year old thread.... and there is no SL 1 or SL 2, it are totally different things, Second Life will stay as it is, and Sansar ( current trial name) is not known yet what it will be for real, it's nearly all about hear say and guessing. The people on Second Life are not the target to move to Sansar it's for a total different type of players/consumers/creators In the same way Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 are totally different? Being different does not stop Sansar ending up from being called even if only unofficially SL2 .From what I have read, they will be different and aimed at a slightly different user, but not that different, that it won't get called SL2 I look forward to being able to take SL friends to places in Sansar to race on 1024m2 race tracks for boats, motor bikes and cars. I am sure others look forward to playing out Gor or other genre battles. Space ship\air fights on sims of SLs scale are ridiculous, even in warbugs you spend your time hitting sim borders all the time on a sim 16 times that size it allows much greater possibilities. Retaining inventory is much less important for being able to use the two platforms together than maintaining friends lists. If they play this right we will be socialising and playing in both, enjoying the best of both worlds.
  14. The default avis just are lumpy and deform badly in different poses. I can't see anything in the pictures that doesn't to me fall within the range of their underlying flaws. It is something to either get used to, or move into the world of mesh avatars and swap those problems for new ones.
  15. Have you worn the Danika skin on the classic body?
  16. Mainland is a community that allows it and over 99% of the owners there get that. It is the 1% that don't that spoil it for everyone else
  17. Indeed you don't. And a security system around your sky build is fine. No one is objecting to about them. What is a problem are low time limit orbs that extend the full height of the parcel obstructing air traffic for every other user and owner on the mainland
  18. Quite clearly from my context the you was used in a general not a personal way.
  19. steph Arnott wrote: BTW, if you fly over another country without permissions they send a missile or 3 at mach 5. . You don't get 1024m2 countries in rl. If you want to run land with the priveleges of a country, get yourself a private sim, and get off mainland.
  20. steph Arnott wrote: Firstly RL land owners only has rights to 50 meters, above that it is owned by the government, secondly i do not use orbs (they are not that reliable any way) or barriers, but that is not the point. The "some arshole with an orb" comment sure is the point, why do some feel that passing out insults about those that do, after all they are paying for their SL land and not this person complaining. Because if you are flying around enjoying yourself well away from anyones builds and you get shot down by someone with an orb or in real life a missile over their land their calling them an **bleep** is, to my mind, and I would think any reasonable persons, pretty well descriptive.
  21. They don't set up flashing banlines all year around that make their seasonal xmas decorations look tasteful though. They would not get planning permission. Nor do they get to shoot down air traffic flying over their land. And my point was in my experience when I have pointed it out a lot of the land owners have not been aware of what they have done and agreed they also complain about it when they see it on other peoples lands. The land settings are not as transparent about what they do as they should be. And yes they are currently entitled. Just as I am to set up a screen on my border saying Warning Banlines in massive letters as a public service statement whether they like it or not. Neither situation is desirable, because landowners on SL are given priveleges they shouldn't be and that they wouldn't have in real life.
  22. Often land owners don't even know what they have done because they are in the same group and don't see the effect until someone points it out to them.
  23. steph Arnott wrote: "some arse holes security orb gave me 30 seconds" well as i pay over US$90 per week i think i have the right to be "some arse hole with a security orb". I pay about the same and whilst i understand you have that right, I don't believe you should, because it spoils everyone elses enjoyment. If someone bought the land next to me and put up banlines or an intrusive orb it would seriously affect the value of my land. Whilst they can do that, they shouldn't. No one would allow such a thing on private land in real life, so why does or should Linden Lab allow anti-social behaviour?
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