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Doris Johnsky

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Everything posted by Doris Johnsky

  1. I am a musician , but I'm not sure how much of that translates to SL. I also DJ in SL. What are the requirements? Voice, text, either, both?
  2. I think no_match (who made the no_seal in the post above) has several mid length hairs. no_cruise was available at the hair fair. That's what I have on in my profile photo
  3. I would be interested except there is no online facility, nothing in your picks, and nothing in your groups. Maybe I'm asking for too much?
  4. Unless you are a builder who has a product everyone wants or a landowner who rents parcels, i don't know of anyone who actually makes real RL money to live on in SL. Most club owners will tell you clubs do not make money. They are a money pit.
  5. That must have taken time to get it like you wanted it.
  6. Out of all that's on page 8 the only one I'll eat is shrimp. I used to live in Louisiana and I won't eat crayfish. No, I wouldn't suck the heads if I did.
  7. Whatever or however Drakeo posted that quote from me? I didn't say that. I NEVER say God bless you, and I am an excellent RPer Now THIS really pisses me off.
  8. I actually started taking photos in SL to focus on fantasy. As time went on I added landscapes, and other things.
  9. There is so much we don't know about the human brain. Is telepathy possible? I would think, considering what we DON'T know, yes. I never was a big believer in telepathy, until Tami and I became partners. I cannot tell you the times that we have posted the same thing at the same time. Often with different wording, but the same idea. Telepathy, think alike, lucky, coincidence? Who knows?
  10. I don't even know Solar. He isn't cozying up to me, because I'm not cozyable (?).
  11. My point is, if your ava is right there in front of them, or on their radar, you obviously aren't offline. I wouldn't sweat it. If people want to talk to you, they will. What i dislike (translate=hate) are people who scroll through members of a group I may be in , then IM me out of the blue. That does NOT make me happy.
  12. I'm here. God know WHY I'm still here. I feel like poking my eyes out so I'll stop.
  13. Going strictly by the definition of "White Knighting", no what Drakeo is doing is not that. White Knighting is an attempt at being a feminist ally that assumes that men are better feminists than women are. Examples of White Knighting might include: re-stating a woman's feminist arguments so as to improve them, on the assumption that you can express them more clearly and objectively defending a woman in an argument, cutting off her own defence of herself concern trolling about the tone of feminist expression or otherwise assuming that feminism is in dire need of a man's input misinterpreting a woman's criticisms against structural oppression as low self-esteem or low self-confidence, and engaging in excessive flattery to try and boost it self-appointment to "protect" a female feminist, for instance with statements such as "if anyone has problems with her being a feminist, will have to deal with me first" What Drakeo is doing is trying to be everyone's protector against an imaginary wrong. As far as everyone else in the discussion, apparently unending, I'm not really concerned about. If I weren't such a masochist, I would stop adding to the thread and let it die a peaceful death.
  14. I doubt that it's impacting your social life. Even if you meet someone at a club (just as an example), and they check your profile, and it shows"offline" They are obviously talking to you and you are obviously not offline
  15. I'm not sure any help, welcome, or orientation centers can prepare a true FNG for what SL is today. When I came on in '08 is was far simpler. Get shape and skin so you could lose the default Ruth avatar. Start collecting free clothes, till you got a gig. With BoM, mesh, multiple bodies, heads, extremities, alphas, appliers, and so on, it is not as easy. Often times it takes a bit of time to set down and help a FNG. And they need it. Badly
  16. I think if you read all 16+ pages of Drakeo's rant, you would know why Solar did that. The labels you speak of are applied to people who only espouse those beliefs because they think it will make them look better, or keep liberals off their back and therefor preserve profits or accolades. Very few of them actually believe it. It's a media ploy. Those terms are NOT applied to Dr. King, Malcolm X (in his later years). Or anyone else who is/was a true revolutionary.
  17. I've been talking to people who are not on my friend list and when I check their profile, it shows them offline. That's been going on for years for me I always thought it was BECAUSE they aren't on my friend list
  18. Additionally, how has this inane, silly thread gone to 16 pages? I've seen some threads that were actually serious that only got to 4 pages. Yes, yes, I know. I don't have to post here.
  19. Well If you're so offended, stop going to clubs that allow that to happen. No ones twisting your arm.
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