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Doris Johnsky

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Everything posted by Doris Johnsky

  1. I think what he is suggesting is that ONLY premium accounts should post in forums. His syntax and delivery is so convoluted it's hard to tell. What is plainly obvious is that he is an elitist. He would want only SPECIAL people to be allowed access to forums. Namely the premiums, of which he is a member. Additionally he asserts in his left handed way that all premiums are "Lindens". This shows a certain delusion of grandeur. He is a headcase.
  2. I don't think being premium matters one way or the other. I certainly don't think people who are NOT premium should be disallowed from taking part in forums
  3. I'm sorry. It was Kimmi who was still hesitant.
  4. RL kept me away for some years. Before that SL just got complicated with relationships. I finally came back using an alt i had made, and since then SL has been fine. The transition was hard because so much had changed, but I dealt with it. As far as reasons to convince you to come back? You're expecting too much from us, because in reality it's all up to you make that decision, not us to convince you.
  5. I go to RP places that clearly state that you must wear clothes that fit the theme. I check radar and no ones on the region. I go about my merry way and do what I want. If owners want moderation, then hire guards to maintain the order they desire. To put a lot of this inperspective. There are restrictions we face our entire young life. Can a 15yo go into a strip club and get a lap dance in RL? No. Can a 17yo buy booze, tobacco products in some areas? No. Can a 25yo run for POTUS? No.There are many things that people have to wait till they reach a certain age to do.. As to the "most toxic place I've ever been ". I've roamed SL a long time and I've never been in some place I would call "toxic". Unwelcome, yes. But toxic? No.
  6. You spelled "statistical" wrong. Unless it's one of those Brit things where they spell color with a "u". Yes. Yes I AM the grammar Police.
  7. Technically you're correct. Picasso's title for the piece was "Young Acrobat on a Ball" Painted in 1905. https://www.pablopicasso.org/young-acrobat-on-a-ball.jsp
  8. Not sure if this fits the thread but I've always liked this painting by Picasso from his Blue Period. In fact, there's not much from that period that I DON'T like. Girl on a Blue Ball- Pablo Picasso
  9. I bought Slink hands and feet some months before I finally bought a Slink Phys body. I hesitated wearing if for close to a year and finally accepted that it was the way SL was going and started using it. Soon after Slink offered the Redux(BoM) body system, which I got. The upshot is that I've never worn anything except Slink. I have it combined with a Genus shape, a 7 Deadly s(k)in and a Genus head. So far this is the best I've ever looked.
  10. If I could teach in text I would. I understand that voice is a requirement
  11. I think this was purchased before Animest was a thing. As I remember (this was like 4-5 years ago) it was purchased from a store that sold "bots:. I found the store, but wasn't in on the purchasing part.
  12. I looked for Awesome Wallpaper and never found a program such as that. EDIT: Yes I did
  13. On a sim where I am staff we have a "bot" who acts as an honor guard. Yet he shows on my radar and has a normal SL tag. So how is he classified? I know he was purchased, because I helped make the arrangements.
  14. Very nice photo. I like the darkness.
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