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Everything posted by Maitimo

  1. I did notice that we share the same hairdresser.
  2. I like this one so much I think it might be my new profile pic. Not much processing on this one, except to raise the saturation a bit and blend the seam between my ear and my head, and put a gradient on the otherwise-plain background.
  3. An alternative (and probably easier) solution is to convert both your body and the V-tech chest to Baked-on-Mesh, then just use the included system skin & the chest tattoo layer, which is what I did. To convert to Bakes on Mesh you need an Omega relay for both (you have the V-tech one already but you need to get one for Maitreya if you haven't already), then you need the BoM installer: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Bake-on-Mesh-skin-applier-Omega/14391590 this will work for both Maitreya and V-tech. So you need to wear both Omega relays, then wear the Bakes on Mesh installer and click it, and then when everything turns red, take off your Alpha. Once done, you won't need to wear any relays at all, the body will automatically apply whatever you're wearing on the classic layers. Here's me in Pink Fuel (Ivory) with V-tech, all Baked-on-Mesh.
  4. Well hello there. 😍 *swoons* If you ever get tired of being his alt... you could come over here and be mine... (And I figured out who - check your PMs).
  5. This is just lovely, like a shot from a vintage movie. It makes me think of South Pacific.
  6. This would be great for NPCs in RP regions. I wouldn't object to interacting with a bot host at a club either, but I wouldn't tip it. And I certainly wouldn't pay that much for one, no matter how perfect it was. That's like - about £300. Nothing in SL is worth that much to me, except land. The most I would pay for one - probably not more than L$5,000. That's the point at which I have to start considering my RL budget as well as my SL budget.
  7. What's my url for sharing my MP wishlist with someone? Can't find it anywhere.
  8. Out for a swim. I have no mermaid poses so I made my own on the fly with Animaire.
  9. The general, short answer, is no, you can't wear female mesh clothes with a male mesh body. However, there are a lot of qualifiers to this, and it really depends on what you're trying to achieve. Any sort of cross-dressing or androgyny in SL is difficult and somewhat limited, but it's certainly achievable. First of all I presume you are not using mesh at all yet. With a classic, non-mesh body you can continue to wear classic non-mesh womens clothes (system layers and sculpts/flexi). You might have to modify the size of sleeve cuffs and other attachments. You can wear a female skin on a male shape, or a male skin on a female shape, however the chest might look a bit funky because most female skins have heavy breast shading which looks odd on a flat chest. You can wear "standard size" mesh clothing on a classic body but male clothing will fit only a male shape, and female clothing will fit only a female shape. Best option here if you want to wear women's mesh clothes is set your shape to female, then edit it to more masculine proportions (higher body thickness, muscles, narrower hips etc). In that case, women's clothes will fit you, but there will always be boobs. If you want to wear women's clothes and have a flat chest, the standard size mesh clothes won't work for you. With a male mesh body - There are a small (very, very small) number of creators making feminine clothes (dresses etc) for male mesh bodies, primarily Signature Gianni and Belleza Jake. You can apply a female skin (using either Omega or Bakes on Mesh) to a male mesh body but again it will look wrong in the chest area. Male and female nipple placements are different on mesh bodies. A better option is to choose a male skin but one that's very smooth and without much muscle definition. My go-to option here is a skin from Plastik (mainly known for fantasy skins but they have some normal-coloured ones too that look more feminine). I picked up a new set yesterday too - a free group gift for the L'Homme readers group, located at the DNA Cloning Facility - an entire pack of male skins in 60-odd tones with various add-on layers. And ooh boy, these skins are VERY feminine - on a female shape and head they are basically an instant flat-chested girl. (These are system layer skins and will only work with classic avatars or BOM-ready mesh). With a female mesh body - This is the route I've decided on. There are a couple of female mesh bodies that have mods available to make them have a flat chest (V-Tech for Maitreya, Simple Stuff for Slink). This enables you to use a male skin on the female body without nipples or anything else being out of place. Again, you can approximate male proportions using the shape sliders, since mesh bodies will respond to most of those. However, even at the thickest and most muscular, you'll never get more than a "slim" masculine shape here. With this option you can wear almost anything made for your particular body and while there are some things specifically designed for the V-Tech/Simple Stuff chest mods, you're not restricted to those. However, some clothing distorts around the chest at very low breast sizes; I keep my slider set at around 15-20 rather than zero; lower than that and the chest starts to look concave. Always try demos - some things will look fine and others won't. This is the option you'll probably find best if you want to wear a lot of women's clothes but still have a flat chest. As for heads - the general rule is that male heads only fit male bodies and female heads only fit female bodies. But you can apply opposite gender skins to them (generally only with Omega appliers) and, depending on the combination, it might look perfect, so-so or awful. My current head is Catwa Margeaux (female head), which has strong features, especially around the jaw, and looks fine with most male skins. The pain-point with skins is sometimes the eyelids but if you are intending to wear make-up, this won't matter. Catwa also have some unisex mesh heads; these have generally feminine features but includes fittings for both male and female bodies, so if you want to use a male body but still have a more feminine face, one of those might be an option for you to consider.
  10. Maitimo


    You are not banned - if you were, you would not be able to post here either. As Jerilynn says, you crashed and it doesn't let you log back in right away because it thinks you are still there. Usually that first attempt to log in makes the server realise you're not there, and it will let you log in on the second try.
  11. I don't have Facebook either, because I actually read their TOS and thought "Nope. Not having that." Google is an unfortunate necessity because I need a phone and I'd sooner drop ten pound notes down the drain than buy an Apple phone, so I'm kind of stuck with Android. On the plus side, my Gmail account is really good at shutting out spam, so that's the one I hand out to all-and-sundry if I need to provide an email address to someone I don't trust.
  12. I was actually surprised to learn that it's a thing in the US, I always considered it to be very British. And in Britain, the only correct response is "Fine, thank you, and you?" And ordinarily it's not something that bothers me. What actually does bother me about it, is that when I'm using a feminine avatar, it doesn't actually mean "How are you?" 99.99% of the time what it really means is "Will you have sex with me?" No-one ever IMs me with a "How are you?" when I'm using a masculine avatar. That's why it annoys me.
  13. Same here. I keep everything on my one account because it's so much cheaper that way. I do have an alt, who is also premium and I use him to contribute to my land tier so I can have 2048m instead of 1024. I log him in once a week or so to collect his stipend and that's it. He is still in the same old furry avatar that hasn't been changed since about 2010. But having a second premium alt is really a no-brainer as far as land ownership goes. I'm not convinced that it's worth adding more than one though.
  14. This happens becauae you are using the default Noon sky, which is crap, in the same sense that the default avatar duck-walk without any additional AO is crap. You probably wouldn't be seen dead in public without a proper AO. Likewise, the default Noon sky should never be seen dead on your screen. Switch to something like Nam's Optimum Skin & Prim. Or, if you're on the official viewer without a lot of extra windlight options, make your own using the environment settings. Choose low (dark) Sun/Moon light and high (bright) Ambient light. And you will see no more shadows like that on your neck
  15. I don't think they do, to any significant degree. Inventory performance is affected mostly by having too many items in one level without subfolders, but outfits by their very nature are subdivided into folders.
  16. One part porn, one part soap opera and two parts of some surreal existentialist semi-fantasy thing that gets played in the little art-house cinema across town that only ever shows foreign-language movies with bad subtitles.
  17. Wow, I am glad you included the other two! Those three together tell a haunting (and rather terrifying) story!
  18. Seeing double. My friend River and I dressed up in identical outfits, just for fun. (I'm the taller one). The motion blur on the wings came from layering two identical shots, where the wings were the only things that were moving.
  19. I am around before 1 PM most days, and on one (not quite random, but may as well be) weekday per week I'm around from as early as 1 AM so if you get bored and I'm around, maybe we can go horse-riding or something. Also I thought you said "...before the thongs appear..." and I was like, "wait, what?"
  20. I have come to the conclusion that finding people who share niche interests in SL is almost impossible. The userbase just isn't big enough, statistically speaking, for groups to thrive with niche interests. That's where you need places like Reddit or Facebook which number users in hundreds of millions, so even niche groups are active. So look more broadly; for groups of your own age, active during the same hours. I have made a lot of friends just by hanging out at clubs that happened to be busy at the same time I am online. I don't think we share any common interests, except perhaps our taste in music, but that doesn't matter, it's still fun to hang out with them.
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