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Ry0ta Exonar

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Everything posted by Ry0ta Exonar

  1. Yeah, Mari, I hope so too. Let's wait and see.
  2. Do you mean your transaction history or account history on our dashboard (https://secondlife.com/my/?lang=en-US) by Payment history? If so, I suspect your landowner was checking his own history and you had logged into your dashboard then.
  3. Type in "particle generator" and hit seach button on marketplace and you can find some free ones.
  4. But if you bought something on the marketplace, the payment should go to Commerce Linden first. So did you pay L10 to Commerce Linden and after that you paid L1932 to that seller?
  5. You mean the list price on the marketplace was L10, but you were charged L1932 instead? o_o?
  6. Check you transaction history https://secondlife.com/my/account/transactions.php?lang=en-US to see whom you paid to.
  7. Maybe you are using Firestorm? If so there are support groups in-world so you can join. See following page. http://www.phoenixviewer.com/support.php Also when I googled the message you got, I found some JIRA both on Phoenix site and LL. http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-5132?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:changehistory-tabpanel https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28438
  8. Contact the seller and ask for re-delivery. If they don't respond you can also file a support case with LL. For further info, check out following page. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Shopping-in-the-Second-Life-Marketplace/ta-p/700189#Section_.2.2
  9. You could use third party viewers with that feature like Firestorm or make a simple object with a script inside which enables you to show streaming info in local chat. Have a look at following thread. http://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/scripting/32062-script-read-song-information-stream.html
  10. Not sure but I think showcase is called destination guide on viewer 2.0 or higher. See here http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/About-the-Second-Life-Destination-Guide/ta-p/700059
  11. Go to https://secondlife.com/my/account/verification.php?lang=en-US to get your age verified, then that option should appear on your viewers.
  12. Yep, they are allowed even on Adult sims unless they are violating TOS, CS and such. For further info, read following page. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Child_Avatar#What_are_Linden_Lab.27s_policies_towards_Child_Avatars
  13. Oh then, after moving your magic box, make sure you remove the ghost magic box from magic box status page as Zanara said. ETA : BTW I see 38 items in your store.
  14. Mine is okay. Check your manage listing page. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/merchants/store/products?lang=en-US Does that page say half of your items are Unavailable? It might be the region you have your magic box on.
  15. Or maybe you have a gesture which replaces the curse word with *CENSORED* active in your inventory.. I have a *CENSORED* folder where there are whole lot of gestures to replace curse words with *CENSORED*. My friend passed me that folder.
  16. What does your manage listings page say about those items which are not showing, unavailable? unlisted? Do you mean those items are not showing on your manage listing page or in your store? I think we need more information to grasp your issue. To add your comment click on Options at the upper right corner of your post and select edit. Also I suggest you check this page http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-your-Marketplace-store/ta-p/700191 if not already. ETA : If you mean the items you put into your magic box don't appear on your manage listing page even if you hit resync button and refresh your browser; Try another browser, clear browser cache Sim restart sometimes works Put your magic box on another sim (in this case don't forget to remove old magic box from Magic Box status page)
  17. Try Mesh forum http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/bd-p/Mesh cause your question will get more attention.
  18. Try clearing the cache of your browser, try different browsers to see if they work. If still you can't, maybe you can submit a support case https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/. Select "marketplace" , then "General Marketplace Issues" from the dropdown menus and describe your problem.
  19. Check out this thread. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Trouble-Viewing-Profiles/td-p/1015659 Maybe you could find a solution or workaround.
  20. Ry0ta Exonar


    Here are suggestions you can try. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/bake_fail
  21. So you were at Milky House. I asked the owner and she told me that picture is from her customer, so she doesn't know where it's from but will try asking the customer though she is not sure if she could get a responce . If I get a reply, I'll let you know. Yeah, Lo*momo is one very popular store among Japanese lolita avis.
  22. Check out this thread. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/more-prims-for-my-Linden-home/qaq-p/913751 You'll see some great info.
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