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Garnet Psaltery

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Everything posted by Garnet Psaltery

  1. I'm sorry you're having to deal with those RL problems. Perhaps you can just do something for fun - you're very welcome to come out with the Tiny Explorers on Sunday 24th at noon SLT for an hour, if you're up to it. We're going to visit a zoo. It costs nothing. You don't have to change your shape or anything, or even join the group, just send me an IM and I'll make sure you get to us.
  2. I was a little disappointed to find that this is not a place to visit as such, but a sales area for the buildings. If you can perhaps point to their use in someone's inhabited area I'd be glad to visit it.
  3. Reading educational literature about xebecs. SAILS
  4. Not my favourite person ever since he made a horrible 'joke' about M.E. Anyway here's a young man who isn't funny, simply sensible.
  5. Featherheaded ostrich raids gooseberries experimentally. BLINK
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