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Chroma Starlight

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Everything posted by Chroma Starlight

  1. It's not such much a "stupidity virus" as it is an ideological pandemic of thought-stopping toxic viral memes for which some people's minds cannot mount a successful immune response because they are spiritually enfeebled by a poisoned culture. They fall into mental illness and many succomb. They need pity and help and a world free of destructive viral memes, not condemnation. They must be guided by light back onto their individual paths of progress, or at least afforded opportunities to step out of their self-imposed mental prisons and transcend out of this darkness and into the light.
  2. Boycott Microsoft, they've laid monopolistic waste to the once-promising west coast microcomputer industry and have much to answer for, not least of which is Bill Gates' oligarchy and endless memes of enslavement and fealty to his depraved predatory corporation.
  3. Lack of solidarity with a wrongfully-oppressed humanity and mother nature are another one of my pet peeves. One world, one humanity, under the stars.
  4. “Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.” -- Frederick Douglass “So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrannize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men." -Voltaire "We must cultivate our garden”--Voltaire
  5. Just ask if they think Brexit is an atrocity. If they shrug, they're probably not European and certainly not British. If they're enraged, then they're probably from whatever the British equivalent of Alabama or Mississippi or South Carolina is. And if they speak about injustice, demagoguery, atrocity, and deprivation of rights and European citizenship, then they're maybe from London or Scotland or Ireland.
  6. What is it with you and broad over-generalizations that are, upon even cursory examination, utterly toxic advice.
  7. There are endless solutions to the problem, but there's not enough will to sufficiently protect the vulnerable. Only the perpetrators are protected, just so long as they follow certain rules and are clever enough to manipulate a political and judicial system that hemorrhages out from the accumulated cuts of decades of unpatched 0-day exploits traded in whispers in dark corners. You start to recognize the common origin of some of these memes, like they're all reading alt-right sites or listening to the same demagogue together and learning how to perpetuate decentralized atrocity beyond the capability of good guys to sense or perceive, much less understand the confused cries of the victims. They laugh in contempt at our powerlessness to stop them or even detect them, they laugh as they use good people as their hands to harm the innocent, degrading the spiritual lives of all, sometimes without them even understanding the transformations they're undergoing as they do great evil in the name of deluded good for the sport of the most demented. They're like predators who don't even bother eating their prey, they just kill because they're bored and figure, "Nothing matters, nothing has meaning, so why not?" They may kill the ecosystem, but they'll just keep moving along to the next, again and again, until someone listens to the victims and takes the warnings seriously.
  8. That seems like a terrible conclusion and might apply as readily to first life.
  9. The good news for you is that you have now realized the state of things before too many years had passed of missed opportunities and unexplained abrupt ghostings by the people you care about most of all. And can you now take steps to warn others of the insidious danger lurking and spreading through the shadows of their community undetected.
  10. I'll be back with a tcpdump-style packet capture of the offending traffic the next time it occurs and pass it along to you.
  11. Comprehension is born of understanding and appreciation of the world's many voices and perspectives. I think few regular institutions teach it, although some maverick teachers still impart some wisdom that put kids on a path to understand the world. I'm not sure you can blame the schools for the cultural disengenuousness of our political and economic institutions and too often religious institutions. Disengenuousness is another one of my pet peeves.
  12. Please don't take any of this personally, I am speaking generally and taking advantage of your words because they seem illustrative or emblematic. I tried to make an impression in high-contrast ink, and I hope you consider it, but with apologies if it's all old news. I feel like this is almost a double-post, but another pet peeve of mine is "just kidding, haha." I suppose all of it was in some meta sense an attempt to hold up a mirror of what life without compassion for others is like. When you said "person always knocking everyone else" originally, I assumed the worst possible context, which is that you're ignoring and berating some survivor of actual atrocity, because believe this or not that is a thing that actually happens, and it's so incredibly toxic it should be scrubbed clean from society wherever it turns up. Invalidation of actual atrocity is yet another of my pet peeves.
  13. I'm just saying, nihilism is one of my pet peeves any time it comes near actual living things, including the spirit of hope.
  14. Let's review the words you chose. Paraphrased, "Humanity has no hope and I contemptuously mock and condemn it for eternity. I refuse to distinguish love from hate, peace from war, creation from destruction, harmony from chaos, or wisdom from madness. You see, to me, they're all the same. Nothing matters. Nothing is real, and people with hope fill my heart with such rage that I do my utmost, subconsciously even, to jam hope and bask in the endless squalor of the diseases that hope would dispel."
  15. Perhaps, but more critically it's a GNU GPL v2 software project that is somewhat cross-platform compatible and free.
  16. Sure, why not. You can even use it to steam Ogg Vorbis to SL clients.
  17. There are some absolutes, and condemning all humanity for the failings of the perverse few who oppress does cross universal boundaries of fairness and justice into an indefensible realm of darkness and confusion and madness. Good luck with that, whatever excuse you give yourself for it. When you're ready to walk along a path rather than a loop of despair, there will be those ready and waiting to light the way out. The situation that Plato's allegory of the cave described is another one of my pet peeves.
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