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Chroma Starlight

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Everything posted by Chroma Starlight

  1. Still using a copy of Photoshop CS2, though I'm starting to play with the open source cross-platform app Darktable actual photographic raw/digiprint work.
  2. Whether it's a conspiracy or government has failed under the weight of its own corruption makes little difference at the end of the day.
  3. Systemically it is predictable how it spreads, individually "it depends" how it manifests and where it does damage, but certainly nobody should assume they're safe or immune or without a role to play in bringing the evitable spread of this pandemic under control. They need to realize this was a dysfunctional result emerging from a political system now so deeply failed that it is completely riddled with 0-day exploits, and someone just prank posted two-hundred thousand individual lives to death here and heavens only knows how many elsewhere with their stolen liberal democratic power.
  4. You'll have to explain to the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus resource center that they're giving the impression of "paranoia shouting," and how the recent changes in public health administration internal reporting equating a less cohesive picture being reported through official channels is helping to build people's trust of government, officials, and the statistics. I don't believe it's reasonable to claim that the public health messages, the messengers, or their authors are intent "at simply scaring people," but rather their purpose is to inform and empower with the light of credible knowledge. The fact is, you don't know what's going to happen if you are seriously exposed to COVID and you don't know what's going to happen to those you may expose to COVID. It seems willing to attack many internal systems vigorously; hearts, lungs, brains, nerves, intestines, really it's not clear there's any place it won't rip apart given a chance. For many, contracting COVID is also going to be complete financial ruin in this insane predatory place. Its paralyzing free exchange and isolating people worldwide. This is great for the despotic enemies of civilization, I'll bet they wish they thought of it themselves.
  5. We literally cannot factor in tests that have not been administered in a pandemic scenario. You're factoring in literally nothing credible if you try to do it like that, and it's a really long-winded denial that this thing is killing people, they're dead because of it, it's a mass atrocity being perpetuated with the collusion of people in key positions of government authority.
  6. Part of the privilege of owning something is having some small measure of sovereign control over it. I think ban lines promote equality but also expose inequity, whether or not everyone perceives it, just like private ownership of land can tend to do too. What about the forms of intolerance and harassment that the bans are the only last defense against? It's true they've been abused in some large communities, ultimately those problems go deeper than the land privilege mechanisms themselves, just like wrongful discrimination will tend to.
  7. COVID-19 is remarkably predictable and it follows the credible predictions made. The unpredictability must lie elsewhere in any reasonable analysis, and the true answer may be related to why people are despairing the questionably-reputable sources they'd inadvisably trusted and regrettably allowed to lead them astray, even as everyone who should have known better just sort of shrugged and apparently concluded that this was perfectly permissible and nothing could possibly go wrong with that for a generation and more. A virus that kills at least 3% of those tested positive and for which there is no long-term immunity has the potential to kill over ten million people in the United States. All this would have been prevented under any prior government. This isn't a just a catastrophic failure of US Federal government, this is an international failure exposing something far vaster and far more threatening than any disease excepting perhaps the disease of spirit their abuses of power would plant for the next generations. This deluge must end and the wheel of history must be broken.
  8. I have a friend on discord who managed to escape to Toronto around the same time I found a job in Arizona and moved out of the Colorado mountains I had once sought refuge and healing in. They described how apparently today is a lunch day with coworkers, and I was alarmed at the undue risks they were taking with their lives, for what? A meal? Then I realized, in Canada, they don't have an atrocity being perpetuated while nobody does anything sufficient to stop, they don't have criminal obstruction, they don't have violent oppression by authoritarians. My life in this place has long been dysphoric, but the deafening loudness of the cacophony of madness stripping away all meaning, purpose, degrading and withering everything like mass-distributed poison. Drink the kool-aid, take off the mask, cast ballots against the Constitution, poison human spirits directly and indirectly and watch the madness grow in time, like sown seeds of destruction over once-promising fields. Why is nobody doing anything? Why does nobody speak out? Why don't you care enough? Why don't you treat this as real? Don't you have energy enough to swim? What sort of life do you envision for yourselves if you do nothing? Someone get me the ***** out of this place, this dying place, this place of dying people, this insane culture of sickness and death and madness and abuse and exploitation and unfettered capitalism and endlessly degrading enslavement by and to lies.
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