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Chroma Starlight

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Everything posted by Chroma Starlight

  1. I like my builds to make extensive use of dynamic light and shadow so that the aesthetic experience of dwelling there is continually evolving visually as the SL sun makes its way across the sky.
  2. It's fair enough to say the detail minders can be annoying, even when we aren't being confrontational. Your written English is excellent and better than any second language skills I hold. I don't know many people who get upset about others eating vegetables because usually nobody gets hurt, but ideas with an appearance of bigotry can be widely hurtful in substantive ways when circulated widely enough. I'm not the boss of you, you didn't break any rules by speaking generally, and I admire your forthrightness about your feelings on this topic. This is your Second Life.
  3. Your honest forthrightness is to be commended, people who say what they really think are a blessing for this world.
  4. No, quite the opposite. You don't have to look far to find that higher authority because it emerges from within yourself, whether or not you acknowledge it or listen. Linden Lab is perfectly well in possession of that same presence, there's no need to outsource.
  5. Okay, you need to understand something. There is always a higher authority than any man or document or system on Earth. The terms of service exist as a reflection, an echo, of that authority's will. No matter what any man or document or system may believe or intend, there are things that must never be done, and predation of the vulnerable is without any doubt one of them.
  6. Why would you block them if none of their individual statements are overtly actionable or cogently offensive when taken in isolation, only in aggregate and over time does the terms-of-service violating activity fully manifest, usually somewhere subliminal in your cognition. Why would you block them if Linden Lab is actively promoting them in their publications as a paragon of what a mainland community governed society should look like and work like because perhaps in part because they've surrounded themselves so completely with earnest but vulnerable individuals who are not fully conscious of their role in the larger pattern of wrongful manipulation at a high and often subliminal level and whom are either completely wrapped around the perpetrator's claws or are systemically driven away by them as dangerous or disruptive "filthy outsiders." Why would you block them if you believe that a functional society must communicate in good faith, must act like adults and do the difficult challenging thing of forgiving differences in hopes people will in good faith intend to do better, to be better, and since everyone around them seems to believe in them, and anyway, that's your entire online and offline social graph for eleven years, you're not just going to walk away from all your friends and the people you love, especially since you're moving now into the gender transition phase of your life and you rely upon your society to support you, and it's the only one you've got because you're living in isolation in a place that is not non-cisgender friendly. Do you believe that Linden Labs intends for you to be preyed upon? Do you think they've given anyone this right? They have not. Your sophistry is toxic, Nick, and you are wrong.
  7. You could just put in your profile a list of all classes of people in the world that you intend to wrongfully discriminate against and then follow that up with a statement affirming that you feel you have no obligation as a human being or member of society to treat others well or be anything more than compulsively dedicated to your hatred of socially pluralistic neurodiversity. Allow me to earnestly suggest that you go and find for yourself a society of malice suitable to your special needs, but I suspect that may not be Second Life. People who degrade the neurodivergent are another one of my pet peeves.
  8. Whether you communicate in text or in voice, or you utilize out-of-band protocols such as a 3rd party IM network, e-mail, telephone call, ground post letter, carrier pigeons, smoke signals, or face-to-face exchange, Linden Lab and this virtual society nevertheless expect you to comply fully with both the words of as well as the spirit behind the terms of service and the community guidelines. There are no technicalities, loopholes, lawyer weasel words, excuses, technical exceptions or justifications. This isn't a game, these are people's real lives, and the standard of your conduct, especially if you're part of a mainland community governance zone, must be stellar. If anyone believes that they have discovered an exception for themselves or some way to exploit this without being caught, they're acting in bad faith, and people acting in bad faith have no reasonable expectation of protection from the harmful intent in their words and the way their communications violate the agreements no matter how they may have been communicated.
  9. Bad news, friend. The 6ft premise was based on a now-unfavored optimistic theory that this was not an airborne virus. This was readily apparent by mid-springtime. 8/21/2020 DW News:
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