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Chroma Starlight

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Everything posted by Chroma Starlight

  1. We have one-hundred and sixty thousand individuals who died horrible sqalourous miserable traumatic deaths for no reason whatsoever. I just sort of feel as if you've calibrated your entire response to a hard right insurrection incorrectly. Could it be you are in denial?
  2. Respectfully, I disagree. No. That's a sideshow for the groundlings. No. I'm not painting one side of the illiberal party occupation of liberal democracy as 'good,' here, much less perfect. Please consider carefully what was actually written on the merits.
  3. Wake up. There is no 'between' in a one-party system. You've been deceived by a crudely-authored farce. Which is the party unequivocally opposed to electoral corruption? Which is the party unequivocally opposed to crimes against humanity and war crimes? Which is the party unequivocally opposed to corporate oligarchy and corruption of the Legislative branch? Which is the party that unequivocally has supported LGBTQI rights? Which is the party unequivocally opposed to a democratically ungovernable deep-state military-industrial complex, now nuclear re-proliferating? Which is the party opposed to psychopathic lawless violence excess of a police force comprised mostly of the United States' growing class of war criminal?
  4. Trump was never fit for duty, his presence in that office was always actionable. Warning was given by a plurality of credible voices ranging from the WHO to the CIA to medicine to science and all were ignored by psychopathy and a treasonous Executive branch endorsed and enacted the criminal madman's every whim and obstruction and deception in growing mass violation of statute, Constitution, treaty obligation, and International Law.
  5. The COVID non-response is a wrongful deprivation of our rights, a criminal abdication and obstruction of public duty. It is actual Capital Treason.
  6. Please. Someone help us escape this sinking Ship of Fools. Bremerhaven awaits...
  7. Well, my pet peeve are people who knowingly harm others, whatever they're called. I'm sure subthread this has gone too far out-of-bounds, but geez thanks for your point of views (@ all). I'm glad I cannot think of any recent examples I've known on Second Life. Every single person I've met recently seems wonderful; who knew there were so many people like that on SecondLife, right? It feels like what I remember in the early days of the grid, somehow, is it me or this world?
  8. Yeah. 😩 That's a real thing that does get perpetuated. Imagine if you will someone who understands trauma, understands PTSD, and then rather than using that understanding and recognition to help members of their community heal, instead uses it to try and control them, keeping their wounds, wounds they themselves don't understand they have, open and festering for years on end, ensuring they cannot heal and progress in life, instead withering and pinned down by such malice. Imagine that. Now, put them in charge of a community of vulnerable people and elevate the deranged irony to the high heavens for ten, no make it eleven, years before they just openly go for total destruction of another human being to try and wipe the field clear of their mistakes. What would you call that? Is there a word sufficient?
  9. Well, where have you looked? What would you want to dress like specifically, for example?
  10. It's nice to write composed speech on page without the time constraints and pressures of a realtime social exchange; it's predisposed to be a higher form of communication at its best.
  11. People who are capable of successfully casting their victims into some funky light as the apparent perpetrators. What could be darker than a creature that circulates through society like a serial killer exploiting the very fabric of community like nothing matters at all but their objective and will to power over others with total impunity.
  12. Then you'd be surprised. There are or have been well-known places that might as well have been the island from The Lord of the Flies, or worse. I don't know about civility, but I'm all for civilization.
  13. Maybe this is related with the general topic of people taking offense--- wouldn't it be better to refer to people experiencing disabilities as a class in a manner that doesn't hammer in hard that they are not people; they are disabled people. I mean, you could always just choose to instead let them focus on some other aspect of their existence than that thing, right?
  14. Well, you know, they say the pen is mightier than the sword. And some people are literally an order of magnitude more sensitive to certain situations than the average. Even if you're right, a sensitive approach can help get your message across rather than create stress and upset. Do it with love! 💌
  15. INFP-T today. 93% introverted, 78% intuitive, 68% feeling, 51% prospecting, 61% turbulent. Ages ago I used to test as INTP.
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