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Chroma Starlight

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Everything posted by Chroma Starlight

  1. LOL, do you let some lame algorithm do your thinking for you?
  2. She looks like an elf. Do you have any idea how slowly elves age? They could be one-hundred, easily, or older still if that's just some glamour. Also, last time I checked, children don't sport tats.
  3. People who strive to keep wounds open rather than allow the natural course of healing to occur, especially when they perpetuate this upon others for gains real or perceived.
  4. Second Life is not a safe space. Beware. Avoid the hate- and fear-based furry communities, the ones run by rotten patriarchs like insular cults, the ones who degrade others with lies and operate like Lords of Flies, and you'll do well.
  5. You're talking about a conspiracy to wage war against the free that has done more damage to the human condition on Earth than any other in living memory. They cursed people's lives to misery, madness, destitution, and they sowed fear and delusion and then used it to subvert the people in whom it took root to attack the selfsame things that they value most in such great acts of ironic spiritual desecration that the darkness seems to savor so. This goes beyond darkness and perversity, beyond exploitation and depravity. It's a degradation of all the world, roiling clouds of war that obscure the light and impair sight. You can sit there in your madness and rage against the light for piercing the darkness you've come to identify with, but in the end the world will become illuminated with lights one-thousand times brighter than mankind has witnessed in at least two millennia.
  6. We see more cause for joy than despair. Everything is perfect, and is as the universe intends.
  7. Eschewed attachments reduce languished yearnings.
  8. It's hard to get past the negativity regardless of any merits to the ideas you present. Second Life is also about community and relationships, and your relationship with the hosts of this party won't attract many invites. Second Life and Sansar and High Fidelity are delightful precisely because they were ambitious and willing to take creative risks. I wouldn't want Linden Lab to be any other way, it fills our heart with hope that companies like this still exist and operate in this cynical pecuniary low time for humanity on Earth.
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