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Chroma Starlight

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Everything posted by Chroma Starlight

  1. TBH, I find the question to be confusingly inappropriate, even outside the context of privacy-protection for elections, I simply would never divulge this person's exact identity or location or how they choose to express themselves politically through the vote, and that's before even considering the fact that they are a vulnerable young individual in a country whose government literally wants them to die and disappear from the world because of intrinsic qualities of who they are. Why did you even ask this? What answer did you expect me to provide to you?
  2. Here's a fun example of election tampering: I've been provided a mail-in ballot by my county election official. In it they include a return mailer with an official yellow envelope and state clearly that only ballots received in this yellow envelope are recognized. Last week I received in the mail a letter purporting to be from an organization affiliated with Michelle Obama encouraging me to vote and helpfully providing an invalid envelope for me to mail my ballot in with. I suppose they envision the two envelopes commingling on a kitchen table in a household and in this manner they shave off some small percentage of votes. It's naughty but seems not so serious when taken in isolation, and they depend upon this because they have an entire array of these attacks upon the elections running in parallel. This isn't even remotely the scary stuff, this is just what their dim bulbs get up to. Still, behind those dim bulbs was some kind of direction, and definitely some resources to execute their agenda to disrupt the election. In any functional liberal democracy, what they did would be impossible and if they attempted it they'd go to prison. Not here. Not here in the United States of America.
  3. Aha, sure enough. And I think I see why I missed this in a cursory search, i cropped off the top of the menu because of that line and the low contrast and my carelessness. Thank you.
  4. Basically, I'm going to vote my conscience against the side of the openly warlike and defiant Philistines and barbarians and their pathological allies, but I don't believe in the legitimacy of the prospect being offered on the POTUS vote, and so I'm going to give my voice on that "contest" to a sixteen-year-old genderqueer citizen who is in my tribe so that at least someone with standing to demand a livable future for humanity universally and for Earth itself can exercise their hope in place of my condemnation vote.
  5. This is not actually part of the official sanctioned Second Life viewer (yet). I used to use a TPV called 'Emerald' and it had all these amazing features that extended SL to be a more fun experience and less frustrating, but I stopped using it when it was pointed out to me that they're unsupported and insecure, antisocial even. Has the meme changed?
  6. Phenomenal. This is the best-kept secret in the viewer as far as I can tell. THANK YOU.
  7. fan·dom /ˈfandəm/ noun noun: fandom; plural noun: fandoms the state or condition of being a fan of someone or something. "my 17 years of sports fandom" the fans of a particular person, team, fictional series, etc. regarded collectively as a community or subculture. "the Walking Dead fandom"
  8. Nihilism is not a credible political philosophy.
  9. You need to come back to reality if you want to seem credible.
  10. This is not a business-as-usual political cycle. You can't ignore the systemic breakdown of constitutionality, lawfulness, equality, and liberty of a system of constitutional democracy as if that's some superficial and partisan upset. The idea of partisanship with two brands from a single-party system is non-credible, you're describing a farce rather than a liberal democracy. Wake up. The system is intolerable, we will not go on like this no matter what happens in November.
  11. I feel as if one-half million dead Iraqis, racist spiritually inequitable culturally genocidal UN-defying apartheid in the Middle East, Duterte's psychopathic rule over the Philippians, the fall of Turkey to depraved criminal theocracy, Modi's abject human monstrosity, Abe's rise to power and vandalism of Japanese pacifism, and Saudi Arabia's intolerable atrocities against their own people and their neighbors are all evidence that severe real damage has been done to the world already as a result of the collapse of the United States Federal Government into this low failed subverted state. We won't even talk about US hegemonic influence to destabilize Latin America, destabilize Europe, destabilize Asia, destabilize the Middle East.
  12. Liberal democracy is about so much more than citizens casting ballots, it's a celebration of our collective Enlightenment, cultivated by our system and way of life, our cosmos-granted abilities to elevate our thoughts and perceptions and judgements above that of kings and tyrants and deprived men with the light illuminating all via critical investigative journalism, bolstered by a credible judicial defense of equality and truth, the establishment of non-corrupt elections, the reign of a legislative branch that always serves the people above pecuniary corporate oligarchical and hegemonic interests, and an executive branch that is held to the highest standards of all humanity. We have a failed system, there's no possibility of a non-failed result, the inputs to the election this cycle lack legitimacy, there has not been a credible public engagement with the issues of our day, our entire system has been jammed with five letters and a conspiracy of traitors up to their necks in sabotage, subversion, and obstruction of our system. These are Capital Crimes and in order for there to be peace there must be justice, in order for there to be justice there must be lawfulness in the government and in all sectors of society and economy, but in order for there to be lawfulness, there must be Constitutionality. We are utterly deprived. Everything has been on hold waiting for the world to wake up, reaffirm, and faithfully prosecute its commitment to equality and liberty and justice for all humanity, and yet all anyone can be bothered to do are paste up platitudes denying the depth and severity of the systemic failures that we all now face by encouraging false hope in a failed electoral system serving a corrupted and subverted one-party two-brand machine that itself exists only to service capitalism the overwhelming majority of the time.
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