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Chroma Starlight

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Everything posted by Chroma Starlight

  1. Two cherished pieces of land with valued neighbors in plots that are loaded with personal meaning baked right in like extradimension. The discovery of an approach to building (or arting) from the heart, and the wonder and feeling of Purpose that ensues when you allow that to happen.
  2. What's something about your life that that you're grateful for today? Please post as often as you like. I'm grateful for online virtual community, here and everywhere. It's something that makes this age a wonder in spite of so much.
  3. The obstacles that obscure clear hearts and that close minds to the loving intelligence that flows from within us all from the central sun. Our own inadequacies and the megrams that divert from light's true expression. The discomfort of gazing in the mirror that is the enveloping universe and seeing reflected in that self-realization, because this feeling should instead be joy and gratitude every time. These are gifts beyond measure.
  4. That's not impossible, just terrible. XD I almost never speak online, and so barely know how to on SL. People might find out I don't sound like a kirin yet. 😹
  5. Heheh, maybe it'd be helpful if we met on SL? I go could log in and offer you a TP.
  6. Oh totally, I'm grandstanding on a minor point. I don't know if I had anything to really contribute beyond that wish for this country collectively to step back and look critically at itself, restate its identity in terms of its ingredients and reaffirm its pluralistic values or something.
  7. Stuff like this makes me wish I could stop the world and jump onto the next one. Part of me wants to yell at the TV screen or something. We're an Anglo society? It seems like there are a lot of different elements that contribute to what we actually are, which is this diverse funky mix. On the paternal side, the oldest relative my uncle tracked down was born in Siegen (present day Germany) and died in what is now Germantown, Virginia, in 1737. Over subsequent generations, at least once the family flowed freely across the western border into Native country, then found themselves eventually repatriated. I guess they just kept seeking a better life. It's weird, one-hundred years ago, many communities still had newspapers in their cultural native tongues. We've lost so much in attrition to the 20th century. We may share a common tongue, be we are not one idea, we don't originate from one place or culture, and we are certainly not an Anglo society. We're a society that happens to include a sizable Anglo faction. Sharing a language does not erase the plurality.
  8. You know, usually when they write 'migrant' they are in fact referring to refugees seeking asylum from something, and not itinerant farmers. The target of who to hate shifts, lately from Muslims and the Semitic Peoples of the Middle East now back again to victims of the clandestine CIA wars in Latin America. 'Refugee' was the first thing they tried to erase from the vernacular because it emphasized our human obligation to those people to show them compassion and give them relief when their home becomes unlivable, especially if it's because the hard right in our country have consistently subverted our government to wage endless clandestine war against hispanic and latino America for one-hundred and twenty years and more under a succession of false pretenses ranging from the unstoppable juggernaut threat of late 19th century Spanish hegemony, to socialism, to communism. Anything that isn't US oppression must be oppressed or hit with capitalism-funded guerilla or gang warfare.
  9. There's nothing in the Constitution that says one must be a citizen to live here, work here. It doesn't pull out blades and start cutting society apart into citizens and not-citizens. Everyone who is here is part of this thing, and we are all of equal value under the stars. People who move here seeking work do so for all manner of jobs and industries that demand their labor because in many cases there is no one else to do it without radically altering the costs of goods and services enjoyed by many. These residents pay their local, state, and Federal taxes like the rest of us for any regular job they hold, which is more than it seems the GOP champion standard bearer can claim. Aren't they more deserving of an opportunity to participate in and contribute to this civilization and benefit from their services provided than this sitting president of the United States could credibly justify for themselves? Given the historically low citizens' approval rating of US Congress and given how long that failed state has endured, and given Congress's exclusive power over naturalization, I think we can say that because Congress has failed, the naturalization system has also failed, and therefore the way things are right now lack legitimacy. The problems we see are dysfunctions naturally resulting from the illegitimacy of its administration. Interestingly, it wasn't always like this:
  10. It didn't take long for him to fatally fall into fallacy. What a worthless premise for a video. There is no such thing as American Leftism, there is only Leftism, and so he'll have to go look for something else to try and cut. If 'American Leftism' is in reference to individuals or groups who fail to meet the standards demanded by the Enlightenment Age political philosophies, then they are not of the left at all, full stop, and when he complains about such people, he is not complaining about the 'left' nor about the people in The United States who are truly aligned with that value system, worldview, and spirituality. He's complaining about something else and then purporting that it is the same thing as authentic leftism. The true essential standards of the left are universal and timeless.
  11. You know, listening to this guy, I'm sort of imaging how he would speak for twenty minutes about all the inadequacies of a woman, freshly raped, expressing herself to the world and the cosmos in rage at the violation. He'd spell out sophistries about why she should be utterly ignored, how there's nothing to see here, and that he definitely wasn't the one who helped hold her down and gag her while his buddies just gang raped her.
  12. I know it's tough talking about political topics that have been neurolinguistically programmed against discussion. Let's talk about something less controversial: cats. Who doesn't love cats, amirite?
  13. I have health insurance right now because of efforts to deliver on those promises in spite of all that energy and money directed at negating them. The coverage just started two weeks ago, just in time actually to make sure there was no gap in coverage. That's pretty important to me, especially now that a sneeze might send me to the ICU, nevermind that I may just also depend upon medicine and access to healthcare for some pretty important things that are inseparably essential to my wellness the rest of my life.
  14. Anger is just a lower frequency energy that flows more from the mind than from the heart. But if you focus on the anger and ignore the source or reason for that emotion, and create barriers for yourself to ever understand or close that gap, you've created the environment likely to nurture apartheid, and you express the idea that they're somehow less than human because they've suffering injury or injustice (real or perceived) and feel pain as a result. Any answer that is not love is the wrong answer. The music double post thing was never a big deal, it was just that I'd be upset if I started a thread and someone who was ignoring me came on it to start microaggressions. It was illustrative of another point. But I'm happy to talk about it if people are that interested, maybe it illuminates the idea that there could be other forms of art at play between the notes. That motto rings hollow on a macro scale in the shadow of the illiberal occupied US Federal government. Belief in the farce of incompetence when that amount of money is at stake? Perhaps the problem is me and is that I just don't have enough credulity remaining within me. By making increasingly apparent lies and promoting false worldviews since Colin Powell's white vial held up before the United Nations justifying the invasion and occupation of Iraq on the basis of chemical or nuclear weapons threats that never actually existed, they have made themselves utterly non-credible to us citizens and to all the world. The moment anyone in their hierarchy goes against the money, they're sidelined. Everything is willful, intents are being realized, very little said about it is truthful, trusted voices in journalism who should know better culpably participate in the building of a world constructed with unsound bricks and untrue memes. As far as individuals are concerned, though, you're right; most harm in the world emerges from ignorance, not malice. Though malice can also promote ignorance, so it's not always black and white.
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