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Chroma Starlight

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Everything posted by Chroma Starlight

  1. As an aside, I had no idea people were still developing games in SL like it was 2006. Is this just the action of a few individuals, or is there a scene/movement/etc there that might be worth knowing more about?
  2. If people want to fly, smart money would be to monetize the experience. Make your zombies not respond to collisions from projectiles descending at too steep an angle. Then sell a special more expensive pass for a 'sky hunting' permit and roll in the mad L$s raining down like feathers!
  3. *spreads their wings and flies despite all attempts to clip them*
  4. We're all small pieces of the universe experiencing itself. We're all connected. Everything is. There are some pretty important implications to that, well worthy of careful contemplation, friend.
  5. Fortunately, you're wrong. There exist higher authorities still.
  6. This is a global issue if you believe absolutely in Universal Human Rights. This isn't actually about any one country in particular, it seems obvious that there are global implications to a government failure in a nuclear-armed state whose criminal controlling faction believe might makes right and the ends justify the means and don't care about anyone's ideas but their own and don't feel they have any social or human obligation to the world around them, or even to its ecosystems, and who show such impotent rage and open contempt for any virtue. Like, for real, where do you think it all leads? The entire world has a role in this too, they've been far too complicit for far too long with the worst abuses of pirate-occupied ship of state US hegemony these last two decades. They've ignored the oppressed majority US citizens' pleas to anyone and everyone for sufficient and timely help prosecuting the war criminals to the highest office, purging the world-ending corruption, bolstering the decaying international structures of Universal Human Rights and equal justice, stopping the encroaching theocratic human hatreds and pathologies, and sending a chilling message to posterity that we don't tolerate this stuff anymore whatsoever, because, after all, this is 21st century and humanity has an overdue appointment with the next stage of its spiritual evolution.
  7. I think the worst thing would be a liberal democratic society that has lost the ability to deliberate with or even listen to itself because of bad faith interference and the propagation of thought-stopping memes. At a certain point, you have to acknowledge that it's functionally the same as war. People are dying, cultural genocide is occurring, lives and potentials are being wasted, years are being lost. Being here inescapably saddled to this experience has been even worse than being a child whose development is impaired or torpedoed because they made the mistake of being born in a household with psychopathic parents because at least they weren't cannibals too. It's the most egregious violation of our sacrosanct Universal Human Rights. You can't take our culture, our sovereignty, our free spirits, our stewardship of the cosmos' world around us and ourselves-- you cannot take these things away, not even with laws and order. You have no such right. You don't have a right to build an economy that elevates your loyal psychopaths and degrades us all in counterbalance. You don't have a right to unleash a criminal army of lawless ungovernable blue-uniformed paramilitary murderers upon our world. You don't have a right to walk into a library and burn books, you don't have a right to walk into a museum and vandalize statues and paintings, you don't have a right to walk into a school and shout down the teachers, you don't have a right to walk into a hospital and shout down the doctors, you don't have a right to force a peaceful world to war over crimes great or small and saddle an entire world with illegal war crime debts, you don't have a right to control womens' bodies and lives, you don't have a right to declare all the other gods as blasphemous lies, you don't have a right to pollute our air, soil, water, crops, and livestock, and you don't have a right to stand between us and the cosmos' will for our lives and this material world. You think and believe that because you have money you somehow have attained these rights over us all. You have not. You've made life hopeless and unlivable. You have miscalculated fatally. Now what follows?
  8. Same meaning by virtue of words and language and context. I'm sorry that replacing a word you yourself seem to agree was ambiguous with one that was more clear is causing this much distraction. The fact of the matter is, I'll post something, read it, and often want to develop the idea further so that it arrives at a point of completion or is somehow more appropriate. You could argue that's a good reason to measure twice and cut once, and I don't disagree but sometimes that's just not how it goes. Moving on. Those other things are entirely controversial, aren't they? I'm sure the moderates would agree they're verging off-topic. Regardless, they probably at least deserve their own conversations for examining more broadly the present context of 2020 in some kind of historical light. For now, I hope we can all agree institutionalized misogyny is an ongoing unresolved and anachronistic cultural problem in some pockets of the world because, after all, the future is not evenly distributed.
  9. As above, they are the same meaning in this context. Good morning to you.
  10. No, I don't really think I edited what I said about this individual or their vote, even if I did tone down the commentary and judgement about the system itself.
  11. The phrase "to vote for" has multiple possible meanings in the English language. It might mean "to cast a ballot for a specific candidate" or it might mean "to do someone's ballot casting for them." In this case, from the context, clearly the second meaning was intended.
  12. As I said, I will give my vote to this underage citizen so that something hopeful can be done with it. As in literally, I will vote for them, as in literally, their voting preference will be expressed through me.
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