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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. About bloody time too. I've seen far too many people adding their pics to completely irrelevant groups. When I visit the SL Pretty Boys group, I want to see pretty boys, not female fashion shots.
  2. No hits landed, I assure you. That's been my policy right from the start.
  3. I'm a contrary sod. My blog's review policy states (among other things) the following:
  4. I can only speak for the one SL fashion magazine that I bother reading (L'Homme) and that features the same 'top male models' in every issue: the same ones who headline SL catwalks at Menswear Fashion Week, who are blogger managers for the biggest SL fashion brands, and who get thousands of views and hundreds of likes on every Flickr image they post. In other words: it's not WHAT you know... My advice, if you want to be part of the SL fashion scene, is very much the same as Orwar's: Get a blog or a Flickr account, dress up your avatar, take pictures of it, add the Flickr pictures to RELEVANT (important word, that) groups that include ones whose stores you feature in your images, and just enjoy yourself. Do it for fun, because - believe me - once you start blogging 'officially' it soon turns into work.
  5. Welp, this one almost crashed my gaming rig. Perhaps a leeetle bit too much faffing around with graphics settings overwhelmed it. Credits Identity Body Shop for Ultra, plus Zibska for District 20. Shoulders: Codex - Ulysses Shoulder Wear Hand decor: Vale Koer - Deady Grasp Hair: Cheveux - M116 (black) Piercings: RealEvil - Rebel Face Piercings Ears: L'Etre - Tapers Skin applier: Go & See - Christian (pale) Head: LeLutka - Andrea (Bento) Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Elysian (fjord) Glitter: DeeTalez - Glitter gift Tattoo appliers: Identity Body Shop - Rough Deal Makeup: Zibska - Noir Pack 9 Poses: Wrong & the Owl
  6. I have no horse in this race, but regarding one of the points in your opening post: You would find those posts quickly moved to the Commerce section of the forum, which is the only place here where advertising in some form is allowed. Even the roleplayers aren't allowed to advertise their regions in their own section (many try to, most are removed, although one or two occasionally slip through the net). On another point - specifically why there is no combat section on the forum - Linden Lab created those sections, and they reflect how Linden Lab wants SL to be regarded by the general outside world. If you scroll down through the main forum you'll notice that the sub-forums focus around arts and creation, friends and general social, and commerce. Quite possibly Linden Lab doesn't want SL to be viewed by outsiders who may consider joining as a place where people shoot other people, even in specialised and consensual military combat regions. Add to that, too, that people shooting at others in virtual environments is often linked to griefing. Not the case with you guys, I know, but that's an immediate association for many people out there. It's a potential negative selling point. There are large sailing communities, sports communities, aviation communities. None of them have a dedicated sub-forum. Hell, even the fashion community - which is arguably one of the three biggest communities in SL (bigger, even, than Roleplay) - is relegated to the Creation sub-forum, which suggests to people wanting to get involved in it that it's only for those who make clothing instead of those who want to discuss it or ask where to find specific items for specific looks (and yes, the latter type of question always gets moved to the howling wasteland that is the Wanted sub-forum). In short: it's been suggested in this post that you open a support ticket with your suggestion, so why not do that? You'll either get an answer (positive or not) or you won't. But here you're showing all of these names and giving all of these reasons in these posts to other residents, not to the people who can actually do something about it. Addendum: Also, be aware that it took us months of asking just to get a visible link for opening a new support ticket placed in the forum sidebar, so we could point residents to it when they have questions or problems. Don't hold your breath for a new sub-forum to be created anytime soon.
  7. I'm appreciating this particular page very much
  8. Feeling a bit low and reflective tonight. Nothing wrong; just that time of year, I guess.
  9. "This is my opinion, and if you disagree with it you're mentally ill." There are many women in SL who cannot have children in real life, and they roleplay harmless family dynamics in Second Life with the help of others, some of whom had unhappy real life childhoods and want to experience better ones in a loving SL family home. I'm not exactly fond of child avatars myself, if I'm honest. I've had troublemaking kid avis roleplay-whisper behind my back (in general shopping locations in SL) that I "must be a paedophile" purely because I'm a guy and they've overheard me mention my boyfriend in local chat with someone else. Because, apparently, it's "just a joke" to accuse a gay man of being a paedophile. But I would not blanket ban a niche group such as child avatars in SL, just as I wouldn't blanket ban a niche group such as men who want to run around shooting each other in SL. One is no less worthy of a place in this virtual world than the other.
  10. Thank you so much I love it when I get to challenge the societal norms around masculinity and how men are supposed to look ('hunky' or 'handsome') and take them into realms that might be a little less well-accepted, and possibly even uncomfortable ('beautiful' or 'pretty'). When I tried on the various headdresses that I won in that gacha, I got some incredibly strong visions of how I wanted to style them for photos. That, for me, is the 'artistic' part of SL avatars. It's like being a writer and seeing a place (either in person or in a photo) that you simply have to put your characters into. Darcy, I love the satisfying colour composition of this photo: how the colour of your jacket is reflected perfectly in the colour of the tableware, with the blue of the plate also being picked up (albeit in slightly different shades) in the blue of the coffee machine, the cup beside it, and the sky outside. (Incidentally, where is that place setting from? The texturing on it - especially the forks - is exquisite.)
  11. It's not often you'll see Skell in baby pink, but these gacha headdresses by Giz Seorn were just too gorgeous to pass up. This was the biggest and most 'out there', so naturally it was a case of 'challenge accepted' and back into full-on androgyny. Credits Headdress: Giz Seorn for Gizza - Mystical Wings Set gacha (pink roses - RARE) Skin appliers: Go & See - Christian (pale) Mesh eyelids: L'Etre - Natural Mesh Eyelids Head: Lelutka - Andrea (Bento) Body: Slink - Physique Male Hands: Slink - Dynamic Male Poses: PDA (no longer available)
  12. Something you can try is to wear the other fitted body versions that may be included in the folder. I wear the Slink Physique body, and whenever I have belt or waistband 'poke-through' with combinations of pants from one designer and tops from another I sometimes find that wearing the TMP-fitted version of the same pants (with a Slink-fitted top) fixes the issue. Any gaps at the waist will be covered by whatever you're wearing on your top half (loose shirt/jacket/etc). Sometimes it works, sometimes not, but it's worth a try.
  13. This sounds awfully familiar. Can't quite put my finger on who it reminds me of, though...
  14. (full version here) Credits White Widow for Man Cave, plus Zibska and Isuka for Ultra, and MINA for Remnant Dark Days. Tattoo applier: White Widow - Carbone (black) Makeup applier: Zibska - Noir Pack Vol 10 Jeans: Invictus - Styles Jeans (black) Vest: Kitt Ragu for ::K:: - Trucker Vest Homme (black) Boots: Gabriel - Strap Boots (black) Necklace: RealEvil - Savage Necklace Chain piercings: Cerberus Xing - Hell's Gate Bridge (silver) Face piercings: RealEvil - Savage Face Piercings Gloves: L'Emporio - Fingerless Gloves (Slink Dynamic Male) Ears: Swallow - Darkness Ears Bracelet: RealEvil - Aqvila Bracelets Hair: MINA - Angel (blacks and greys) Skin applier: Tableau Vivant - Mort Vivant (clean - Lelutka) Brow appliers: Odeco - Catwa/Omega Mens Eyebrows Shaved Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Lucent Eyes* (grey) Head: Lelutka - Andrea (Bento) Body: Slink - Physique Male Backdrop: Isuka - Destiny Backdrop Poses: Ana Poses, Kz Poses *review copy
  15. Lounging around in big, pink-lit hangars. As one does...
  16. Yes, it's possible. You need to do exactly the same thing that I suggested in your post about eyeshadow and eyebrows, which is: Wear and save the beauty mark to the Catwa Master HUD (I don't know where this is on your face, but if the dimple chin applier is removing it, it's probably on the blush or lip section) Wear the dimple chin applier. It will default to the lower layer of your head and remove the beauty mark you already applied Check the upper layer box in the section where you saved the beauty mark, and re-apply the beauty mark from the Catwa Master HUD You need to do this for everything like this, where two things go onto the same layer and where the second thing that you apply removes all or part of the first thing you applied. Always save one of the items to the Catwa Master HUD, apply the other item, then check the upper layer of the section on the Master HUD where you saved the other item and re-apply that item from the Master HUD. (If you run out of save slots on your Master HUD, there is a group gift in the Catwa store, which comprises a copiable set of additional save slot HUDs.)
  17. The word comes from the Italian for 'bundle' or 'group' AKA "Everyone the same and no few individual rights." Etymology is an interesting thing.
  18. Is this the equivalent of "I'm not racist; I know several black people"? I'm going to be That Annoying Forum Pedant and ask you to check that spelling in a dictionary, because the way you're spelling it, it means something entirely different (and a great deal more pleasant) than what's actually being discussed here.
  19. My favourite saved outfit (so far) is one that I can't wear out and about all the time. It's my look for Halloween this year, and I layered on so much stuff that I managed to take my avatar complexity to over half a million I still love this look, though... My current 'throw this on if I'm going anywhere out and about' is a much lower (about 45k) suit:
  20. In addition to what others are telling you about the shoes you've already purchased, here is some advice to help with future purchases: Below are the logos for four of the main female mesh bodies and mesh feet that shoes (especially high-heeled shoes) are created for in Second Life: If you spot any of those logos on the ad boards for shoes (or anything else) you would like to buy, they won't work for you unless you've also purchased the corresponding mesh body or body parts. Likewise, you can sometimes look inside the ad boards to see what the contents are listed as. To do this, right-click on the ad and select 'edit'. Find the 'content' tab and see if it contains multiple items. If it does, look for words like: Maitreya, Lara, Slink, TMP, Belleza, and the like. If you see that next to the name of anything, then - as above - you'll need the corresponding mesh body or body part before the items will work for you. Exactly the same goes for mesh clothing: if it shows those logos or has those names beside it, it won't fit properly unless you have the corresponding mesh body. However, while wearing a system avatar (sometimes known as a 'classic avatar' - in other words, the one that you currently have) you can wear anything that's listed as 'standard sizing'. Look for sizes such as S, M, L, etc in the package, or the following logo on the ad board: You'll also be able to use 'fitted mesh'/'fitmesh' (as long as it doesn't also state a body name beside it). Lastly, you can also safely purchase anything that has the below logo on it, as that's made for system/classic avatars: You'll often find multiple fits, both for different mesh bodies and optional standard sizes/fitmesh sizes inside each purchase, so keep your wits about you and learn to recognise those logos
  21. Still scruffin' it up Credits Agata, Cheveux, Not Found, Volkstone, and IC Poses for Hipster Mens Event, plus Taikou for Kustom9. Coat: Agata - Sam Coat with Muffler (black) Hair: Cheveux - M116 Hair (black) Skin applier: Not Found - Brad Skin (tone 0 - Catwa, matches Clef de Peau body skins) Facial hair applier: Volkstone - Toni Facial Hair (V2) Pants: Cold Ash - Dean Chinos (black) Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Vivid Eyes* (hazel) Piercings: Artificial Hallucination - Casual Goth Piercings (Bento) Makeup applier: Clef de Peau - Urban Makeup (Omega) Head: Catwa - Daniel (Bento) Pose: IC Poses - from Single Male Pack 5 Prop: Taikou - Midnight Tokyo Elevator Backdrop *review copy
  22. And, in case anyone thinks that Klytyna is pulling their leg over Operation Spanner: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Spanner
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