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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. I love it when creators remake old favourite makeups in applier format Credits New applier releases of some favourite old makeup by Gauze, plus a recent hairstyle from Exile and a gacha win that cost me a LOT of money Makeup applier: Gauze - Fire Fox (Omega) Hair: Exile - Lycan* (wild fusion HUD) Jacket: RIOT/Rebel - Spiked Leather Jacket (Slink - gacha rare) Eye appliers: Used Abused - Drawon Eyes (Omega) Mesh brows: Glam Affair - Deco Eyebrows (no longer available) Necklace: Musa - Seraph Pendant Tattoo: White Widow - Lights Out Mesh ears: L'Etre - Horn Mesh Ears Skin applier: Amias - Eben (ivory) Head: Lelutka - Andrea (Bento) Body: Slink - Physique Male *review copy
  2. Possibly you have the 'missing' account set to only show to friends, then. This is how I see it inworld: And this is how I see it on my.secondlife.com: Good luck in retrieving your account.
  3. Quite possibly the mesh template river is beginning to dry up, but SL itself? Nope. I still see a lot of original (non-template) mesh content being made, which is good. Templates are useful, but recently I saw one specific male t-shirt template being used by three designers across two of the main menswear events one month: two of them at one location. Rather embarrassing for those creators, and rather boring for shoppers. I now see that template t-shirt being used for 'group gifts' by certain large clothing stores. If I wanted to, I could have about 20 different versions of it by now (although - before I realised it was a template - I did buy the first copy of it that I saw in a store).
  4. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Your name isn't findable in Search, nor is it available on my.secondlife.com, so it looks as if it's been suspended for some reason. Other useful resources for your situation:
  5. Skell Dagger


    Well. The entire thread above this post took 27 minutes, from start to finish.
  6. If those are your two 'either/or' choices then I would opt for Slink Physique, as Avatar 2.0 is a more specialised brand that I never see clothing for at any of the four main menswear events. Even then, Slink is slipping down the market share when it comes to bodies that creators are making for (much though it pains me to admit that, since Slink is my own preference for the body shape that I prefer: swimmer's torso with broad shoulders, long body and a nice butt). The two main bodies I see being created for these days are Signature Gianni (a really great product with a fantastic alpha HUD, but if you're not a fan of bulgy gym-bunny biceps and triceps you'll need to do some very specific fiddling around with your shape to get them to your liking) and Belleza Jake (another great body which is still in beta and still has some issues around the neck, especially when it comes to match up with mesh heads). I own all three bodies (Slink, Signature, and Belleza) and a number of mesh heads by different creators, and it can be a bit of a trial finding what works with each of them. You need to put in some effort, but when you do make that effort, the rewards can be fantastic. You may get lucky putting standard sizing onto a mesh body, or you may not. It varies by creator and by body. I have a whacking great 150,000 inventory (I'm a dedicated shopper, for a guy) and I can usually get something to work, with a bit of tweaking. As to whether Slink will give you the shape you're after, with the shoulders you want, yes it can. A quick composite of my own Slink body: If you want to go a little bulkier than that then you can, by increasing the body fat sliders (up to a total of 5%). To see how this looks, check out this blog post by Nigel Cleanslate.
  7. I’d like to see a pic of him. I’ll tell him if it’s ideal or not. Of me? Sure. These were all taken in the last few months. The decision of 'ideal or not' is the beauty of having a choice that's not dictated by other peoples' standards: These were also taken in the last few months, because I am secure enough in myself not to be threatened by non-hyper-masculine behaviour and image, and I am happy to embrace my more androgynous side
  8. Oh, he played the gay card to shame me! I hang my head and slink off in abject dejection! My sexuality makes me less of a man, because apparently all that gay guys are interested in are other men's d!cks! Woe! All sarcasm aside, I've been in a loving, romantic (not all-about-the-d!ck) relationship with another guy for ten years. But thanks for the judgement, Wanda. Your posts are telling everyone here far more about yourself than you realise
  9. Aww, bless. Gotta love assumptions that every woman is into men and only makes herself look as good as she can just for a man's benefit, haven't you? Cluebat, sweetcheeks: some of the most beautiful women I've seen in SL just so happen to be lesbians. And some of the most beautiful women I know in real life are beautiful not because they conform to some masculine ideal of a stunning figure, but because of their inner confidence. In short: it's not always about attracting your d!ck.
  10. First of all, I'm a dude, so I know next to nothing about editing breast shapes. But, secondly, I'm a gay dude, so I'm kind of ambivalent about boobs anyway. In short: objective outsider's viewpoint coming up Maggi, I saw that you posted this on the first page of the thread: I find it hard to believe that three people told someone who has hips as broad as yours that you are a teenager ('stereotypical teenager' tends to equate with either 'short' or 'skinny beanpole' [or a mixture of both] in many peoples' minds), so I suspect you also widened your hips in response to that. And - if you did - I get where you're coming from with it, as per the following images: Ancient fertility goddesses: the very symbols of adult womanhood. Tiny shoulders and wide hips. "I can't be a teenaged girl with hips this wide!" However, it's that selfsame hip-to-shoulder ratio that - while a symbol of adult womanhood in ancient statues - does not work with the SL sliders. Certain SL sliders affect certain other SL sliders in ways that make no sense at all, so when people are telling you to decrease hips and broaden shoulders in order to remove the 'blocky boob' effect I suggest listening to them instead of dismissing them because they're "smarmy" or because you think their advice will make you look like "a tiny titted anorexic conservative teenybopper". (I fail to see what political leanings have to do with body shape, but hey-ho...) If you want an example of how sliders affect other sliders, I dug up a recent IM conversation I had with a woman who helped me tremendously with the Signature body. I added it to my collection of male mesh bodies purely because I blog a lot of clothing, and a lot of clothing is now made specifically for that body, so I needed to have it. However, I really disliked having on Skell the specific 'bracketed arms' look that so many guys wearing that body have. Skell has a swimmer's torso: broad-shouldered, but long and lean; he's not a gymbunny! The way the upper arms on the Signature body stand out from the torso while being so bulgingly-muscular drove me crazy, and I'd spent hours fiddling with muscle and shoulder width sliders, trying to reduce it, but I was completely wrong in going for the sliders that I did. Here is the log, with names redacted. You can see that I was crotchety, whiny, and grumpy as hell by the time I spoke to her, but nonetheless she was humour and patience itself with me. And I apologised to her for being such a grouchy ass, because it turns out that her seemingly-crazy advice was absolutely correct. I've bolded her suggestions, which - at the time - made no sense to me: I didn't think that zeroing the shoulders and pectorals until I looked like a skinny waif and then nudging the sliders up a bit at a time would work to remove that 'bracket shoulder stance' while reducing the muscles and bringing my upper arms closer to my sides, but it did. So why not try what Rhonda and others have suggested, and see if it works, rather than saying you're not even going to bother because you didn't like the way they phrased their advice?
  11. Snuggling up with my gorgeous boy on Christmas night and watching old snapshot slideshows of our early days together in SL. Couldn't have a more perfect end to the day
  12. All the best to you. Let's hear it for the Silly Christmas Sweater season!
  13. If anyone on this forum is going to be able to identify the creator of something that kawaii and pink, I'd say it's @ForrestChild
  14. Oddly, for the male heads it's the exact opposite. All of my Catwa male heads have non-ducklips, but my Lelutka male head could Blue Steel for Britain Mind you, I do tend to use the Lelutka head for more androgynous looks, so it works better that way. Catwa lips: Lelutka lips:
  15. Applier layers should always alternate: blend/mask/blend, etc. This exact same issue cropped up last night in the Catwa help group, where someone's underwear caused part of her tattoos to vanish. My suggestion for that person was to have the tattoo layer set to blend and the underwear layer set to mask. Masking is kinder on appliers that have little or no alpha (eg: panties without too much lace or any other frou-frou details) than it is to tattoos. Since we can't see your entire outfit we can't tell what you're wearing on the upper part of your legs, but my suggestion would be (if, for example, you're wearing applier shorts on the clothing layer) to find a skimpy applier thong for the underwear layer - one that won't show beneath the shorts - then set that to mask, while the tattoo and clothing layers are set to blend. That should fix the issue, since you've got a masked layer between the two blended layers.
  16. Another day, another new Catwa Bento mesh head. My poor wallet! Credits Head: Catwa - Victor (Bento) Skin applier: Stray Dog - Levi (tone 04) Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Lucent Eyes* (daylight) Hair: VoltHair - Shaun (blacks) *review copy
  17. Nothing wrong with beanpole femboys. But they're not 'things'...
  18. You might have luck with arranging a custom applier, but it's very unlikely that you'll find someone who will make you a custom mesh head. I know for a fact that Catwa won't do it, and I doubt very much that any other major mesh head creator will. It would involve many many hours of work for a single sale, so the cost would be incredibly high. Is what you want so specialist that it can't be recreated with one of the many Bento mesh heads already available? Your other option is to buy this (get the demo version first; it's fully functional but I believe there's no option to save your results) and play around with it. It's not as thorough as you might like, and as far as I know there's no Bento version, but it's something you could use to try creating what you want. I've given you the female version link there, but there's also a male version, shown in the Related Items section.
  19. Don't let those losers take your magic, baby... Credits Codex for Man Cave, Semller for Kustom9, Secrets for Hipster Mens Event, plus a new group gift from Zibska. Chains: Codex - Body Chain Aaron Boots: Semller - Covered Ankle Boots (black) Bracelets: Secrets - Justin Spiked Set (black) Piercings: RealEvil - Savage Face Piercings Pants appliers: Sn@tch - Carnal Leather Pants Headdress: Zibska - Themis Adornment (group gift) Hair: Exile - Say It*(grayscale) Skin applier: Tableau Vivant - Andrea (tone 5) Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (charcoal) Brow appliers: Odeco - Catwa/Omega Mens Eyebrow Shaved Makeup: Zibska - Noir Pack 9 Tattoo applier: White Widow - LightsOut (black) Head: Lelutka - Andrea (Bento) Body: Belleza - Jake Poses: from Abranimations - Lady Gaga Inspired Mocap Dances *review copy
  20. Chunky unisex heels! (Okay, you can't really see them too well in this pic, but cut me some slack ) Credits Semller for Kustom9, VoltHair for Man Cave, plus Bonobo by Sallie and Not Found for Hipster Mens Event. Coat: Bonobo by Sallie - Today's Basic Chesterfield Coat (black) Skin applier: Not Found - Alex (T0 - matches Clef de Peau body skins) Pants: FashionNatic - Jeff Pants Boots: Semller - Covered Ankle Boots (black) Hair: VoltHair - Shaun (black) Ears: L'Etre - Taper Mesh Ears Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (fjord) Brow appliers: Odeco - Catwa/Omega Mens Eyebrow Shaved Facial hair applier: Volkstone - Mike Facial Hair Makeup applier: Clef de Peau - Urban Makeup Head: Catwa - Daniel (Bento)
  21. @ThorinII switches between male and female. At the time of their original post, they were presenting as male, but right now (as mentioned in another thread on the forum) they're presenting as female, hence the icon change.
  22. Info on maturity ratings: In short: you can't change your land maturity setting, short of moving to a location whose setting is already Adult. But, as Talli said, it's perfectly fine for you to have adult items in your home on Moderate land. The guidelines against adult items on Moderate land are more to do with not promoting that activity on that land. There's much more info about it at the link I just pasted.
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