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Fritigern Gothly

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Everything posted by Fritigern Gothly

  1. Edit your hair and change the alpha mode from Alpha Blend to Alpha Mask Note that this will remove the anti-aliasing effect that Alpha Blending provides, so you may hate the look of Alpha Mask It is the only way though.
  2. I am not aware of any benchmark tests which were performed on the different viewers, let alone the different viewers under different operating systems. What I do know that my 1st generation intel i7, 12Gb RAM with a GTX 660 performs better than my partner's 3rd gen i5, 8Gb RAM and a GTX1080. I run Linux and my partner runs Win10. We both use the same version of Firestorm. When I say that it performs better I mean that my FPS is better in the same locations and with the same settings. Based on the system specifications alone, I'd say we should get roughly equal performance, perhaps my performance should be worse than the Windows PC but my FPS is higher and the general feel is smoother. This is the best answer I can give you. One comparison is hardly a resentative and reliable basis to decide which IS better, but at the very least it makes me happy I chose Linux as OS
  3. You would have to use a bot for that, but even then you can not give specific group roles.
  4. After importing it, resize it like you would with any other object in-world.
  5. I am no photoshop guru (or Gimp guru for that matter) but if I were to go for a more muted look i would probably see if a slight desaturation would do the trick. A slight blurring to soften the contours and perhaps adjusting the color temperature. Some windlight settings can add a haze to the background which can also add to the atmosphere that I think you may be shooting for. P.S. I hardly ever edit my pics. I rely 99% on windlights myself so perhaps my suggestions for the edits and filters are all wrong.
  6. The best way to fix this is to get yourself an ethernet cord and connect your machine to the router/gateway/modem directly.
  7. It's called encroachment, regardless of the height it takes place at. You are supposed to keep your own items within your own parcel boundaries, unless you have prior permission from the neighbor whose land you are encroaching on, Whether or not you end up using your neighbor's parcel capacity makes not difference. Example #1: You have a tree and you think it looks good in one of the corners of your parcel, but the result is that the branches are hanging over your neighbor's land. That's encroachment and you could end up with your tree getting returned to you. Example #2 You have a 40x40 skybox which you have sitting over your 32x32 parcel, the result is that part of your skybox is hanging over your neighbor's land. This is encroachment and in this case too your neighbor can choose to return the skybox to you because it encroaches on their land. Another thing to consider is that landlords too can have rules against encroachment and if they catch you they could even as much as end your tenancy. On mainland, encroachment is cause for filing an abuse report and can lead to anywhere from a slap on the wrist from LL to getting your account suspended if you are a habitual encroacher. TL;DR : No matter at what height, your items should never extend past your parcel boundaries.
  8. It's possible that the cached copy of the HUD is messed up. See if clearing your cache helps. And if that doesn't help, try redelivering the body and use the HUD from the redelivery.
  9. Try rezzing a new copy of the doors
  10. Andy's 80s is my fave 80s station
  11. You can play piano and feed the audio through your mic in and use the voice plugin that way.
  12. ... Or for me with Kubuntu (though I don't have a 2060, just a 660)
  13. It's baffling that a dev like you couldn't even manage to run a simple wizard for the GPU drivers.
  14. Not my actual desktop. Mine is too messy to show but this is what one would start with on Kubuntu (one of the Ubuntu "flavors").
  15. Yes please! And can we have an orb there too that sends them to the cornfield (where they would already be) every 15 seconds? Just to rub in how annoying their orbs are!
  16. Yes, do redeliver your Lilly head. When we (yes, me too) picked up the free head it was 2.5 or so, and only Evo. But when you redeliver the head it will be 3.1 and will be an Evo X which you can switch between Evo and Evo X mode, the latter will fix the issue with your head skin.
  17. That has been done and to the best of my knowledge this worked quite well for keeping lag and other issues down. For one thing, you know how you start rubberbanding when someone TP's in and out of a region? This will not happen on the neighboring region, so your performers will be unaffected by audience member teleporting in and out. One thing which you would need to solve though is making it so that people can hear you across region borders, either your written text, your spoken text, or both because AFAIK these do not cross region borders by default.
  18. First of all, what are the versions of your copies of Singularity and of Firestorm? And ditch your version of the LL viewer and get the latest version. Second, what graphics card do you own, and have you recently updated the drivers with the OFFICIAL drivers? (Not the ones that come with Windows but the ones from the website of the manufacturer of your graphics card) Third and last, have you restarted your PC yet?
  19. Make sure you are BOTH online when you send the friend request, or it will not work.
  20. You are indeed stuck with if/else. However, the original code can be made one line shorter: status_text() { string sta_str = "Status: Off"; if(status) sta_str = "Status: On" ; llSetText(sta_str, <0.0,1.0,0.0>, 1.0); } By assigning a default value to sta_str, the value will be retained when the the condition (status) is FALSE. You also usually don't need the accolades (curly brackets) when an if-statement contains only one function to be executed when the condition is TRUE, so I removed that too in the above example.
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