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Teagan Tobias

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Everything posted by Teagan Tobias

  1. If you closed down a PayPal account, why didn't you remove your bank account from PayPal in the process, that is your job, not up to them. Go to profile and under the bank account click remove (just looked and it is an option). Sounds to me that you have created your own problems. If PayPal thinks the old accounts are still active, log on and remove you bank, I think there is a, I forgot my password, thing in PayPal if you need it.
  2. My biggest aversion to these games and what keeps me on SL can best be summed up in the words of the famous actor, Johnny 5... No disassemble.
  3. Before I started using ad block I would see ads for what I searched for on the MP. I was looking for a corset one day for my avatar and sure enough ads for RL corsets showed up. The only reason it caught my eye is because I know I have never searched for a corset in for RL, and to have the ad come up as soon as I looked on the market place was interesting. So your fantasy life/Second Life is what is guiding the RL ads, I think for most people that will amount to zero RL sales. I don't think the people spending money for ads understand where they are advertising. But then in the good ol USA all those ad dollars are most likely tax deductible for {gets on one knee and bows head} Corporations. So its most likely free money for them, and one sale is good enough.
  4. Reply all would be nice, I have seen it asked for hundreds of time. And about that knot, I tried but could not get them on, any suggestions?
  5. TristanMercer wrote: I HIGHLY RECOMMEND using Firestorm. Stability is astounding. Firestorm DOES NOT have any v1 code in it. It is all V3 code. CoolVL and Singularity are v1 codebase viewers with hackjobs. Basically it has the newest code that has been backported.. I will not recommend either of those viewers as they will eventually break with code that cannot be adapted. hence their life cycle is still rather short. Firestorm on the other hand has the newest code, and is BY FAR the most popular viewer on SL today. Who said anything about viewer one code, what does that have to do with my comment? And I still will not use FS!
  6. ninjafoo Ng wrote: With ad blocker plus on chrome, right click the icon, pick options. Untick "Allow some non-intrusive advertising". This resolved all my problems blocking adverts on SecondLife.com domains. I had reported earlier that I was having no problems. Then it all went blank. I sent problem reports for about 30 pages on SL to ad blocker, don't know what good that will do. Then I went to SLUniverse and found the same answer you have, it is working. Thank The FSM for SLUniverse.
  7. I don't and would not use FS, just sayin. Now its two to one. [hehehe]
  8. Went to MP and all is normal, that is, pre-ad normal. Looks good to me. Windows 7 64, Firefox 21.0, adblocker + [don't know version or how to tell]. The only reason I started to use ad blocker was because my screen was jumping around so much as the ads came up on MP, made it all so hard to read. LL forced me use ad block for the very first time and now I use it always.
  9. I run nvidia and my PC was locking up and crashing. Checking online I found that the 320.18 driver has been giving a lot of people problems. I rolled back my driver and all the locking up and crashing ended. 320.49 came out and I loaded it but I still crashed, rolled back again. Waiting for the next update. Not sure this has anything to do with what your seeing but just thought I would put it out here.
  10. Well, one thing, I guess its good that there are clubs in SL that are making so much money that they can make rules like this. And some say SL is dying, does not look that way. I am about 5' 2” and my shape is not changing to go any place. And I have also seen lately that there are a lot more avatars that are shorter. A couple of years ago any place I went I was always the shortest person around, now more often than not, I am not the shortest at a club, and the really big avatars just look out of place. Things they are a changin, at least it looks that way to me.
  11. I would put out yard trash and it would be picked up but I always had to rake up a small amount of leaves or in general clean up to some extent, but they did their job. But two doors down a friend would put out his yard trash and they would rake and pickup until it looked like it was never there. Then one day I saw him out talking to the men, they were laughing and having a good time. He thanked them for the work and what he got was a lot better job. And the best part about this is that he was my boss at the time, I enjoyed my work and he let me know that he liked the job I did. It does pay to say thank you. At least that has been my experience.
  12. Suspiria Finucane wrote: I wanted to thank the moderators for a job well done! The recent spam attacks have been dealt with very quickly. Thank you for a great job all around! Not saying thank you when its needed is one of my biggest flaws, so as I try to work on that, thanks for the post.
  13. Almost missed this reply, glad I came back for another look. I have now uninstalled the Beta and installed the main viewer. Teagan uses the LL viewer and an alt uses a TPV. I am always so amazed that LL keeps their viewer so clean and feature free compared to TPVs. Thanks for the input.
  14. I'm not a big mesh fan and the fitting is one reason. I will make very minor changes to my shape for mesh and save another copy of my shape, but some changes needed to make mesh fit is more than I will do. It looks to me that her breast slider is to high for that top and like Marcus said the top is to small for her. I would also say the alpha is to big and I see that a lot, that void between the mesh item and the avatar. Most of the time its smaller than what you have shown. But my question is whats up with her arms, it looks like they are detaching. The alpha from what must be mesh hands is not fitting also. I think you found someone that is testing the fit of several items at once, and like a lot of mesh, its not working. I have found a couple of stores that I can buy mesh from that just fits. Some I do not even need the alpha with. But I buy so little that when I do, it needs to fit exactly and have options, like a HUD for color change or texture change.
  15. Sounds like your downloading the system library with one viewer and not with the other. Look at the Debug Settings for NoInventoryLibrary. Nirans viewer, don't know about others.
  16. Oh, and by the way Drake, I would like to thank you for keeping the thread going. The longer it runs and the bigger it gets the better the chance of merchants seeing it and getting the message that they need to put the permissions on items they sell. And not just clothing, on everything. And as a side note, the one thing I love about the Marketplace is that I can search for Copy items and not see any no copy items. Most of the time I search and then click the copy and the modify boxes and then look over the list. And if a store has an in world location listed I like to go and see it in person.
  17. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: How long are you going to keep askin the same question? so far it has been three years you have been asking this. Your first time asking. and you got pretty much the same answers three years ago as you did now. Wow, I waited that long. I will mark my calendar for next year so its a little quicker next time. But more over its just a reminder to merchants that some of us like the copy clothing. And some like me will only purchase if it is copy. But this thread was started because of merchants that do not show the permissions on there items, not so much as a rant about copy, but because I can not tell the permissions at all. But the thread has morphed into being more about copy / transfer, but I am still interested is telling merchants that they need to let people know what permissions are on the items they sell. And not just for me, like I said already, and you would most likely prefer to know the permissions on what you buy.
  18. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Sorry, I don't tend to buy skirts... Giggles:smileyvery-happy:
  19. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Teagan Tobias wrote: Sorry, I just assumed you would understand I was not talking about system layer clothing. Does not matter where your sliders are, they are going to fit, its just a coat of paint. But most clothing with prim or mesh parts having demos is what I was trying to say. i still have yet to see any prim clothing that had demos. Most are modifiable so you can make it fit, otherwise they have a resizer. Haha, its clear we don't shop at the same places. I see a lot of modify but before I watched closer I lost complete outfits because I could not modify them. I'm short and almost all skirts are to long for me.
  20. I am using the latest Beta viewer and in the Preferences there is a check box followed by “willing to update to release candidates”. What will checking or not checking this box do? Yes, yes I know, I'm not real bright about these things, so what will checking or not checking the box do.
  21. Sorry, I just assumed you would understand I was not talking about system layer clothing. Does not matter where your sliders are, they are going to fit, its just a coat of paint. But most clothing with prim or mesh parts having demos is what I was trying to say.
  22. SID Riler wrote: theres always someone doing nothing and getting ban! well as previously said, a sim owner can do whatever they want with their sim, if they dont want you there, well I m sure they have a reason, even if you were doing nothing! My ban was for running over 1000 scripts, and I know how many scripts I was running, 27. Checked it a number of ways to confirm. So yes, doing nothing and got banned.
  23. I see so many complaints about the time it takes LL to do bank transfers. But the fact is its not LL but the banking system they use. I live in the US and do my banking with some of the largest banks in the country and until recently also used a Credit Union. A week is how long it takes for a lot of banks in the US to transfer funds, even now if I deposit a check in my account I am told, the funds will not be available for five working days. When I use PayPal, its five days. So you can complain about LL but I don't think they are the reason, its the banks, they make a lot of money off interest letting the funds sit for a week before moving them to there final destination and there is most likely nothing LL can do about it.
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