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Branduff Bisnovat

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Everything posted by Branduff Bisnovat

  1. This is funny but for the record they've been here most of the time the thread's been going, as far as I can tell. Edit: I know there have been gaps and stuff and they've gone silent for long periods of time but the thread is clearly being moderated.
  2. Yes please I love the flowchart idea 😂 Honestly I have no idea, I feel like someone with a communications degree or something would have a better idea. Some of the simpler guidelines feel like they could be explained in a surface level way without directing people to a wall of text though. Maybe a powerpoint presentation instead of an infographic 🤔
  3. I just want like an infographic or something. LL is so bad at communicating it's wild, everything is buried behind outdated wiki pages on a good day.
  4. You guys casually liking the reddit mod post probably aren't familiar with how messy it actually is over there. Even right now the most active thread, created by a mod, misrepresents the company's actions in the title itself. Mods are intentionally missing the points of a lot of comments. One person asked what a modesty layer was and one of the mods was like "What isn't it? Do furries need it?" so a regular user had to answer the question. It's been very weird from the start and they come across as hard to take seriously. Someone on another site pointed out how weird it is that it's not run by LL but honestly I think it's funnier that they misrepresent LL and make the platform look so unprofessional
  5. I do have sympathy for people who want to but don't know how to comply with these standards. I remember when BOM was implemented I got the impression that LL expected creators to go through their back catalog and update all their appliers to BOM, which of course didn't happen. This is a much higher stakes situation by comparison and the clock is ticking.
  6. Every forum has those people who are apparently enraged by brain-storming on principle. This was a fun read though!
  7. Looking forward to hearing more about these external partners as well as the specifics of these personnel changes. Some specificity on the "ways we can improve" section would be nice too.
  8. For years it's felt like being on a ship with no captain. Everything is just ignored and LL does the bare minimum to address abuse reports, otherwise zero enforcement of anything, ever, at all. Then the allegations that it's systemic within the company! What elaborate mental gymnastics routine are we supposed to do in order to justify continuing to support this company? This is the first time I've ever truly been ashamed of being associated with Second Life, and I'm talking about Second Life for god's sake! You guys are worried about being judged on the grid lol. Imagine if a single reputable media source actually corroborates some of this. Or even just summarizes the chain of events so far! If that gets traction anyone who knows you "play secondlife" is going to have a whole new opinion on you and it starts with the letter P. ...Anyway everyone else got carried away so I just wanted to share my feelings too. I'm not sure what LL can actually do at this point that would restore my consumer confidence or whatever. The statement from Brad was almost impressive but it's not action and waiting for action is going to be brutal. Oh and it's a bummer that people are going to be judgey about your avatars in the meantime but honestly why support a place that doesn't make you feel welcome anyway? They can kick rocks it's literally their loss.
  9. And the response article that was mentioned above is at about page 46 when it reaches the citations. Granted it was a large font. Edit: For clarity I'm saying I share your curiosity on how much people have actually read. It's a lot of homework.
  10. I have to admit I'm surprised they finally made a statement. Now I'm curious what, if anything, they'll do and how long we'll be waiting again.
  11. I've noticed a complete lack of concern for sun-coverage. Residents flock to tropical regions without even a drop of sunblock. If residents want to maintain their youthful appearance and glowing skin I think they should take the necessary steps to do so. That's why my store is entirely dedicated to selling parasols and sunblock. Edit to add: Oh and sun hats, those gigantic ones.
  12. Another idea, though a pain to use, is a whitelist system. Anyone who wants to enter needs to be manually added to parcel access. This is really only 100% effective if you own an entire region, though. And of course if you need the public to access the land it's a non-starter.
  13. I was making an inappropriate joke again, but I also hate that! I feel like half the time I say something I find myself couching my statements in a desperate attempt to not be misinterpreted. It seems to only backfire yet I keep trying.
  14. I enjoy wildly speculating as much as the next person but that website is on a whole other level. I only recommend it if you like making fun of bad graphics design.
  15. I think the forums have been prioritized pretty low. It's clear that they read and moderate this and take certain things into consideration, but we're also an absolutely tiny part of the community at large so I guess it makes sense. It's still fully unmoderated on the weekends right? I thought of the community pages too. They still feature the pride one on the SL landing page but you're right they're an underutilized feature in general and I think it's an oversight that they're not featuring the Black Culture one during Black History Month. LL has always struggled with webpages, I think that's why they insisted so much on a 3d internet lol Can definitely relate to not wanting to be pandered to, feel that every pride. The educational stuff is nice though and I agree that it should be more common throughout the year.
  16. I think I've been wearing these glasses from Steinwerk for more than three years now. I wear glasses IRL and have never really minded, (except when I lose them or they break,) so it just feels normal. Edit to add: sorry for just posting my profile pic lol I just changed heads and don't have a lot of pictures yet
  17. I have no idea how to use voice in group calls. My friends have to walk me through it every time. I'm afraid I'm never going to figure this out. They really are, and that's coming from someone who loves them. Very slow cars with cruise control are my current favorite.
  18. I use the region default the vast majority of the time. I really enjoy the day/night cycle, and I appreciate well thought out lighting, (and have a machine that can handle it, thankfully.) That being said, I occasionally come across places that were clearly built by someone using a fixed windlight, and in those cases I'll switch to noon for visibility if I need to. Also using Firestorm here, but I'm so excited for EEP. I have an interior space that's already its own parcel for privacy, and I can't wait to have a custom windlight for it.
  19. "It costs just as much to keep your gas tank empty as it does to keep it full." Besides the fact that this statement disregards the difficulty of making an up-front payment I really like it as a personal reminder type of thing. To be clear, it took me a long time to think of one of his charming aphorisms that was within the forum guidelines, we rarely talk like this at home lol
  20. Before considering replacing parts or the whole machine, I recommend opening it up and dusting the components thoroughly. It sounds like it needs it if the fans are working harder than they did in the past. If you're not confident doing this yourself you might be able to find a professional in your area to do this, and as far as computer work goes it's an extremely simple process, so it should be relatively affordable. That's if you haven't already tried this, of course! Other than that I second what others have said about backing up important stuff. Eventually all drives fail, so it's best to be prepared, but also it makes it easy to just reformat everything and start with a clean slate when you have issues with software. Just at a glance it sounds like a thorough dusting and a reformatted drive would buy you at least a couple more years of time to save up for a nice upgrade.
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