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Branduff Bisnovat

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Everything posted by Branduff Bisnovat

  1. If that abandoned land is adjacent to your property and within the same region, Linden Labs will probably sell it to you. I think you file a support ticket regarding abandoned land, it's been ages since I did it, but they were really helpful and it was a great deal.
  2. I think it's great that you asked! As you can see by earlier replies people won't be pleased if you try to make a break in the snow. The most neighborly thing you can do is design within the theme of the location, in this case it's Snowlands, and design with consideration for what the neighbor's builds look like. I'll often buy a home from the same designer as one of my neighbors so that the build qualities are the same. If I see a nice tree in the area I'll buy that asset as well so that the tree line matches, and so that people passing through don't have to load any more textures than necessary. Same goes for driveways, fences, and things like that. If you're sick of the snow but don't want to move, I cautiously recommend considering a skybox. Just please make sure it's high up, like 2000m up.
  3. With the old Linden homes they did just copy things over, but that ended up creating isolated continents with little public infrastructure. The new Linden homes are being designed to mesh well with the existing mainland continents. This means that copying over large clusters of regions isn't really feasible. Also, I imagine a lot of time is going into the development of the protected lands within the continent. Things like roads, and community areas. This has been a huge project just considering the amount of time that has gone into the protected land around the houses. They could have duplicated a number of the flat grassland regions but I think they're going for a more hand built quality, which means more time.
  4. I had no idea about this feature! Thanks so much!
  5. I'm not a NOLA expert but it's the nearest bastion of culture for Pensacola so I'm definitely a fan of the place. Feel free to hit me up in world any time, I'm always looking for new people to chat with, and there are lots of SL related news sources out there. I'm still crazy about the Intellibook format for in world viewing but there are sooo many good blogs.
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