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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. The newer versions of Lumae skins have both freckled face and body options for most all bodies and heads including Maitreya.
  2. There are many parts (difficulties) to this question. While it is "possible" to add a texture with transparency to a full perm mesh item, it often doesn't work simply because the garment wasn't designed to take a transparent texture. (If you want to wade through the technical part you could look up "phong" in these forums.) Even when the texture will apply correctly -- and I have seen many instances where designers using templates just decided the triangles really didn't matter (?!?!?!?) -- there is a problem with fit. The garment needs to be rigged perfectly -- typically for the various bodies. Even THEN the garment won't work for everyone. I can testify to this as I try on lots of clothes that attempt to do this transparency but don't do it well. The ones that DO work are most often made as original mesh by folks that REALLY know what the are doing. The other option would be something that has a fair amount of "air" naturally between body and garment (like a tent dress). Note that the vendor photos might look good because of a SPECIFIC pose and really not work well at all in world when you are moving and walking. That's all I know. Don't make clothes, but a blogger with about 5000 posts and LOTS of fashion photos *wink*. Good luck! PS. I thought of one possible work around in general. For example the leggings with the cut outs? They might actually be an APPLIER layer worn under the leather leggings. You could actually do that with the dress also. Folks with legacy bodies would have an underwear layer for example. Just a thought. Not about the photo you showed though .
  3. I have Maitreya, not Slink but using my same shape as for my legacy avatar I found that some clothes would work and others would not. I can't see the image you tired to include (you need to use the camera icon in the toolbar to add photos here and I just get a placeholder page with that link) so I don't know what the issue is. If it is an ALPHA issue then you can turn part of your mesh body invisible to more or less duplicate the alpha layer that came with the garment. This doesn't always work of course as depending on your body the alpha areas may not match up with what you need for a particular garment. I found that to be the biggest problem with older mesh clothes and my new body (almost two years old now). CURRENTLY there are a lot of wonderful clothes that fit the various bodies well (I have only tested Maitreya but I am going to guess if they fit Maitreya wonderfully, they would be the same for Slink. That being said there are also mesh clothes "saying" they are made for the various bodies that SO do not work. As always DEMOs are needed. I went through my entire wardrobe and kept the things that both fit well and looked good which was maybe 25%? It was awhile ago. As long as you have a few great outfits you can purchase things now and then and keep updating your wardrobe. But not everything will transfer over and of course texture clothes won't work any longer.
  4. And it then worked? The graphic you added in your OP looks like a cube was used -- hence not being able to walk even near parts of the building. If it worked -- then great.
  5. The short answer is that you need to make a custom physics model for your house. You can either use flattened cubes that do not touch or planes that do not touch. There are lots of posts on this in the archives and by searching Google. Here are some screenshots of a building I just finished recently. The OPEN part has physics you can walk into. The big solid cube is used on the closed area of the building as it is just for outside looks and not "livable" . Hope that helps some. The reason why the finished photos looks "flipped" is that I made a mirror version. Nothing important about that. Just didn't want to be confusing. That was the photo I had already taken. Note how the cubes do NOT touch each other. You may want to analyse your physics model before upload. You may want to break the model into pieces for oftentime lower land impact. LOTS of variables. The beta grid is your friend . NOTE: I don't make the most elegant physics models. Others do better (I do make elegant maps *wink*) but this gives you an idea. There are videos up on YouTube also that explain the general process. PS. In the case of houses windows are typically ignored as they will have glass in them. So the only places that need to have openings are the doorways. IF I would have been concerned about walking on the roof "correctly" I would have made separate cubes for the area around the perimeter and then one for the roof - ceiling. I wasn't, so I didn't. Sure others will chime in here with more info. There is plenty to learn. 
  6. I suggest CALLING BILLING rather than a support ticket. I can't say that folks in billing always know the answers (issue long ago ) but you probably have a better chance. https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/
  7. It used to take 24 or so for you new password to work in the beta grid. Not sure if that is the same now but since the database merges between Agni and Aditi it might even be longer. Not sure if that is your issue of course.
  8. This post got me thinking more and I was wondering how the numbers would be in Opensim (not there much these days but was there a LOT over the last couple of years). So I did a little "come as you are" test (no clothes changing) and this is what I came up with. I "think" this more or less shows that mesh bodies (and heads for me) are not the main issue. Old sculpt items are likely (just guessing) culprits to high numbers and especially old sculpt jewelry (which actually would crash sims in Opensim ). So thought I would paste this in here for the conversation. Posted it on the Opensim Google group also. 
  9. Since getting the new Firestorm a week or so ago I have been seeing the numbers flash on and off now and then. I wasn't sure what the "good number" to aim for was, but my numbers have all been WAY WAY below the 80,000 mark. So this morning I found where you can turn that purposefully on (Avatar > Avatar Health > Show Complexity Information) and found I was 38237. I have seen number closer to 50000 but nothing over that. I have a Maitreya mesh body which I read is one of the highest in number, but still --- Part of this is that I don't naturally like a lot of frills. I DO however like lots of details and I can still get those. Since I am a very active blogger, I am typically wearing outfits that are both new and very well made. And of course I don't need tails and long ears and other role play attachments. So one things that folks can do is of course check their outfits and deal with any large offending items. The other is to turn on their complexity meter when they are shopping and trying out demos so that they don't buy items that are very heavy. I remember LONG ago a set of jeans and tank top (who would worry about those?) that I tried to wear on the Realms. I was unable to TURN MY AVATAR quickly enough and the rock monsters got me lickety split. It didn't take me too long to figure out that mesh was WAY too heavy to be of practical use. It's good to have a guage now. I noted this morning that my "jellybaby" guage was maxed out (I have a very high end card) so that I haven't seen any rainbow folks. I turned that down to 120 and we'll see what I see now. Will be interesting. Thanks for nudging me to look into this more. I added my complexity number on the photo for the upcoming blog post. I think it will be good to check that and post the number on the blog so that readers will get a sense of what CAN bee done. 
  10. Which of the parameters is causing the issue? Download or physics? If it is download then it is likely something went amiss with the redo of the tank (vertices overlapping or twisted or whatever) that the uploader gets confused with. This has happened to me twice when I used the wireframe modifier which the uploader doesn't like all that much because it IS sometimes pretty messy *wink*. So if download cost IS the issue -- and not being able to lower the low and lowest LODs, then maybe doing your less faces version over might solve the issue OR some very close inspection to find the problem. Beyond that I have no clue. But add some more info so the REALLY WISE FOLKS can help you out .
  11. Take your logo and PASTE it on a new layer above your shirt graphic (UV or Ambient map texture) in your graphics program. From there you will need to resize the logo to fit on the area of either the front of the shirt or the back of the shirt (these should be fairly obvious on your UV or Ambient map - hopefully) . Move the logo around by hand until it is in the middle of the shirt width (back or front) and at the level you want it. Save the graphic but NOT as a transparent file (more bandwidth and other problems). Then upload and put onto your shirt. Best to either do this on the beta grid where uploads are free (free money given there) OR use the "local" choice in the texture window of the viewer to view your finished shirt. Note that you may have issues with your logo. If it is large it may not resize well. It could break up greatly. So even if you do all the steps correctly, it might not work as you would like it to.
  12. For the HUD issue -- you might try getting a NEW hud by using the REDELIVERY system in the store. HUDs can get turned around and last night I opened two sets of props from different pose makers and the attachment points had been "lost" somehow which makes me think there was some issue last night in the database. OLD prop attachments worked just fine so not a ME thing. You SHOULD end up with a gray square button on your screen that you click to open the complete (large) hud. And so far as skin matching. The bottom line is that you EITHER need to buy Glam skins that match the default Lara skin tones, buy a skin with appliers for Maitreya, or wear a choker necklace - scarf etc. Since the tones of the skin near the neck are NOT the same, they will never match all the way around correctly unless they are MADE too by the skin designer . The color under cursor RGB does NOT solve that issue.
  13. Just in case -- make sure that you don't have Depth of Field turned on (checked) as the aim of that is to make part of your view blurry as in camera focus. I doubt that's it, but ya never know.
  14. Yep, that works fine. Thanks. Will save that for the future . I am NOT a floating text fan *wink* but sometimes it is the only (or best) option.
  15. Hey there! Long time. I am pretty sure it used to be the numbers right after the color numbers and I wrote that in a message here then deleted. That doesn't seem to work any longer which is pretty ODD. I can remember changing the level of the text but it was LONG ago. So I'll be watching this thread. Good luck.
  16. Just a note for anyone NEW that might actually believe this is a "real" therapist Horror stories abound out there in cases where folks are "virtual professionals". If you actually feel you need help -- contact an actual phychiatrist. This person was good and didn't pretend to be a liscened practitioner. Some actually do and are not. So just go in with eyes open or if you want to PLAY at therapy there are plenty of free role play areas where you can do that. Head shaking as she walks away.
  17. As ChinRey says you can file an abuse report. I have done that twice through the years and both times the item disappeared (the first time long ago it took quite awhile) but the next time it was pretty swift. Both times these were full sim size but if it is actually VERY big (not just a skybox surround) they will do something about it. And when you DERENDER an object you never want to see again, be sure and use DERENDER + BLACKLIST (this in Firestorm anyway - I don't think derender is in the Linden viewer) so that it will STAY gone to you. This doesn't help OTHERS of course. And you can always move up above the wall on a pad . Good luck.
  18. These big inventory issues all started happening AFTER they merged the databases a few months ago. NOW you can see you total Agni inventory over on Aditi (and I have to admit I looked a hell of a lot better there before I noted all the things disappearing). Your Aditi inventory does not merge with your main grid inventory however (of course). For a little while it worked pretty well and then some major snafu happened and the sandboxes got very empty and I saw a lot of strange looking people standing around when I did see someone. So while the idea was great, implimentation was not. It would be nice if they get it to work, but since my alt still can't get an alpha layer to work without opening up the shape dialog (any viewer and new viewers) I'm not trusting anything there. Anyway, dusting off you alt if you need to venture over for testing is a good plan. MUCH SAFER.
  19. Just wanted to note that I was in Opensim (don't visit much these days) for about a year and a half and there are some important changes BESIDES land impact. Physics aren't the same and amazingly LODS don't work the same either. AND it also depends what VERSION of Opensim you are running. I still zip over to Inworldz to check textures and such, but it really isn't good for testing things like houses. If it is a lamp that you know will be 1 li in SL and doesn't need any more complex physics than a cube, then Opensim works great. Easier though just to make an account somewhere as uploads are free on every world that I have been on (many) and you have no techie hassles . Just my two cents.
  20. Well that folder never did show up in Firestorm when I installed the lastest and it was "supposed to". I just logged into the Linden viewer and the landmarks aren't there -- the CURRENT ones anyway. And yes I had a fairly nice blogger list ^^. None of my other missing inventory came back either and to partly fixe the issue I went through much of my 50,000 item inventory and got it down to 25,000. Along they way I found lots of things that said they were there that wouldn't rez (presumable from the beta grid merge as they were all older items from 3 or 4 years ago (my alt over at the beta grids previous rendition time). I really don't know any rez spots now that MOSP at LEA7 (I ran that for three years) is gone. Tonight I went over to St. Pete and attached the prop I needed to my right leg AFTER picking out a pose and did things that way. You can get pretty tricky when you have to. I kinda enjoy wandering through the destination guide now and since I have NO landmarks that still work (well maybe five) that' my mode. There are still folks over on the beta grid (I am on the mesh sandboxes) but not like their used to be. And "I" am not there any longer, letting my alt do the work which actually is fairly handy because I can inport to the main grid while she is still on the beta grid (I never did that when it was "me and me" .
  21. Windlight ® is a registered trademark of Linden Labs. See these official pages: https://secondlife.com/corporate/brand/trademark/tm_chart.php and https://secondlife.com/corporate/brand/trademark/
  22. Well too late now but your inventory should have been updated without the password change. They have MERGED (a one way merge) items from both grids so that the main grid inventory is available on Aditi. This happened months ago. THAT being said it is VERY MESSY over there. My inventory got completely messed up with tons of VERY old Aditi items showing up on the main grid. They were not actually IN my inventory (couldn't rez or wear) but they were listed. I did a complete inventory redo and it is mostly fixed now. Since then my alt has been testing for me. SHE had that same issue. I eventually got it fixed (I posted here but again a long while ago) but she still needs to edit her shape in order for alphas to show up. For a very long while she was just eyeballs. OH, I think I may have logged in on the SL viewer rather than Firestorm and that fixed a tiny bit of the issue. You might try that. I'll see if I can find my post on that. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Aditi-Agni-inventory-losses-WARNING-Updated/m-p/3040474#M34381
  23. Chic Aeon

    Hair fair

    I posted a good many of them -- not all and that post was a top post for a very long time. BUT not all hair of course from Hair Fair was FREE. It was sales event with a charity part to it. So it is likely you are seeing items that were for SALE at the event. Next year, go yourself and find the free items and see what you like. Always the best plan.
  24. I don't think there IS a simple method and most folks seem to use Avastar. These tutorials might be of help. A series that includes fitted mesh and no Avastar -- if I remember correctly - didn't see any mention of Avastar in the the tutorials I opened. Here is the first one: http://ainetutorials.blogspot.ca/2015/11/tutorial-principles-of-blender-rigging.html
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