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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Just a note as you have probably already thought of this but be SURE and check that your power supply is up to the job of the graphics card. And not only should the power supply be rated for your card, it needs to be "overrated" if you are going to push things. I recently had the power supply on my NEW machine go out because while it was rated for my graphics card, it wasn't all that GREAT of a power supply (sort of a computer from hell story but that is beside the point). The power supply went out taking the motherboard with it. Was a VERY expensive lesson. So do your homework there too. Traditionally Second Life has run better on Nvidia cards. I have had both. Currently GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2 which of course is a dream .
  2. And alts that are connected to accounts (as well as the ones long ago who where paid for and part of a main account) get this verification so she might have another account.
  3. I agree with the other two posters. TMP was first (or at least first mainstream) long ago. Now there are tons of great looking mesh heads and better working bodies. I suggest you get some of the demos of the heads and then check out skin makers FOR those heads. When I have done that with girl heads I had no issue. You can then mix the body you like with the head you like. It IS a process switching to mesh. I have not done it yet for my not often used "guy Chic" , but new options are coming all the time. Strawberry Singh pretty covers ALL the new mesh heads and bodies (both gals and guys) and she makes videos so that would be my first recommended spot for you to research. http://strawberrysingh.com/
  4. While I live in the virtual world more than most, I am reminded that there is a 'real world' out there. Perhaps the quiet has something to do with ALL THE FOLKS THAT HAVE DIED NEEDLESSLY over the last few days. Something to think about.
  5.  OK. Pictures. This is my alt in a Maitreya Lara body. She has fairly fat thighs and her breasts are not "perky". I could easily make her bigger and breasts less perky, but this seems like a pretty acurate recreation of a regular folks body to me. Just bored and waiting for my RL company to arrive *wink*.
  6. Here are some general tips while you shop (from my point of view anyway). * Stay away from integrated graphics cards * Get Win10 already installed, NOT an upgrade certificate * Buy directly from Amazon (or the company rather than a secondary company) * FIND THE RETURN POLICY so that if it DOESN'T work for you, you can send it back. **Keep in mind that any older review about SL will have very little to do with the needs of SL today (lots of mesh, mesh bodies etc). Get your personal criteria straight and then start looking at the options. Read reviews on the big tech websites and don't rely too much on the "personal" ones as many of those are paid fakes these days . Good luck. I think getting a new computer is harder than picking out a new car - LOL.
  7. If you MADE the gowns and have the texture files, they can be converted using a "developer kit" for the various bodies. They then become appliers for that body. I have no idea how difficult this is but I do know designers who have done that with their older files (possibly ACTIVE files and not pngs or tgas. If you BOUGHT those items, then the answer is no. And I am going to go ahead and say what doubtlessly a LOT of other folks are thinking too. Aside from nostalgia (I have my first hair that I sat for a Calla (sp?) and a bunny outfit from 2009 or whatever) the quality of garments now is SO MUCH BETTER NOW -- partly due to technology and software enhancements. You can get some lovely things as group gifts or on 50 Linden Friday etc so there isn't a huge need to spend a lot of money -- and you won't look out of date then . Good luck!!!!!
  8. AND please stop trying to get newbies that don't know what ridiculous prices those are to buy your land. Really, no way to welcome folks. New folks, do you homework before buying land.
  9. I don't think you will find a "definitive" answer here as none of us have official status. Both money trees and camping chairs WERE legal for many many years. The reason that you don't see them any longer is that they offer little use to the sponsor of said items. Long ago TRAFFIC was a big determination of placement in search. Hence folks went to great lengths to get people to come and stay in their shops and sims. That is no longer much of a part of the rating system (the actual criteria for search ratings is private and not published) so no one has them any longer. I can't remember seeing a money tree OR a camping chair in years. There may still be a few out there. I am guessing the trees don't really have money in them (a typical thing in their last years). I have seen a few camp for products chairs around.
  10. Not a mesh clothing maker and I am happy you found a body that works for you. BUT reading through your criteria, there is a least one body that will do what you want. AND I see gals with mesh bodies and huge butts and boobs (why oh why they wan't them I have no clue). While "I" am thin and modelesce, my alt is definitely not and she looks very realistic in her plus size manner with slightly sagging breasts and fat thighs etc. What almost always needs to happen is that you need to rework your "old" standard avatar shape to get the look you want. And yes, if folks use the shapes that come with the different bodies -- well I tried them for examples and wasn't thrilled. It isn't hard to learn how to make shapes. All it takes is some time and watching what each slider does. I never really liked the TMP body and I do agree that at least the one for the males is faulty in many respects as changing the sliders either does very little or then the body doesn't work at all. Again though, this body that you love is not the only one that can look REAL. With the market very much inline with the top three makers, it will be difficult to get a foothold I am guessing. Maitreya was able to do that coming to the party late because many folks appreciated the difference. I for one waited and didn't buy any body UNTIL Maitreya. I did try them all. Perhaps if this body is as great as you say, that will be true with your favorite. But as someone mentioned, new folks buying bodies will likely go for ones that have the most clothes that they like. The trend now it seems is making mesh for ONLY mesh bodies (no standard sizing). Many of the original mesh designers are taking that route assuming (and I have a feeling they are correct) that most of the people that buy their items have one of the top three brands. My two cents .
  11. Yes, I figured that out and was coming here to say so - LOL. Was in the middle of my night and not toooooooo clear. But will leave here for folks that do not know. I will say the snipping tool also lets your 'draw' right there. You and even write a note (not with the keyboard - so printing or cursive ) or draw and arrow. It isn't PRETTY mind you, but it does work.
  12. . You don't need Dropbox for the Print Screen key to work. It has for about twenty years. That's what many of us used before we found the Snipping Tool *wink*. Alt + Print Screen will do JUST the open window (sized down if you wish) and not the full size of your monitor.
  13. Reasonably most PRIVATE regions are set to 40 (shopping venues and other busy areas) so that once in the area folks can move (often still very difficult and I have a very hefty computer). Mainland sims have always been less robust and honestly 30 is very reasonable now; likely 20 would be better. Also while I don't KNOW this, is seems very likely that more mainland sims have been stacked on the servers; it would just be practical. Since much of mainland is empty now (in many sims anyway) that seems fairly reasonable. I am pretty much the only land (tiny parcels) on the two sims that I have group land on. In the olden days you actually could get 100 people on a private island and even dance. BUT there were no mesh items or bodies, smaller textures, no sculpts etc. So things were very different then. The "best" you could do would be to buy corner parcels on four mainland sims. That wouldn't make your neighbors any happier though. If you want to have big parties then likely renting a section of an island (not homestead) would be the answer.
  14. Well someone had a spam post just here (with possible maliciousness in it) and while I was adding my note to the thread it disappeared (first time for everything). While it is good it is gone, I WAS trying to recommend the Windows Snipping Tool (Win 7 - Win 10). Very easy to use; Safe, Free. You can save the 'snipped' area or copy and paste it into an email or whatever. I didn't find it until I got a new machine with Win 10 but it has been around since Win7. So do a search on you machine. It is something that I (and friends I have told about it) use daily.
  15. Yep, I noted all those extra faces and geometry last night also but since I didn't have an "answer" I didn't post - LOL. Also important -- if this isn't already done -- to make your own physics model for the build (lots of info here on this forum by just looking for "house physics"). Also number two, a very easy test would be to see if the house would upload with full full full and lowest (or whatever) with the uploader. That would give a fair amount of info. You wouldn't want to USE that of course -*wink* One other thing I wrote the other night but then deleted, is that for houses, smaller pieces of mesh houses are often more useful and upload better (even with your own physics models) and have lower land impacts in total. So that might be something to keep in mind for the future. Breaking the house up into sections for upload. The beta grid is of course your friend -- especially with big and complex builds.
  16. I agree that the materials mention in the OP didn't make sense at all . Materials (in the SL terminology , not the Blender terminology is used in ADDITION to the AO map. You can of course just add a simple blank texture to get your chain to 'shine' but it is important to note that not everyone will SEE that shine. Materials IMHO should be use as an extra feature and not depended upon. Be sure and turn off advanced lighting to see what your items looks like for those with less hefty computers. BUT just wanted to note that when I went searching on the marketplace I came up with very few chains and many things that were NOT chains and that didn't have any mention of chains in the description (hence I am guessing that chains was leftover in the keywords from copying over a listing -I have done that a few times and now try and be more careful). I believe the difference in our searches (maybe) is that I have ADULT turned off. Hence "chains" equal "bondage" in the not so wise determination of the Marketplace filtering and rating system. So, it is certainly possible that the OP was not searching with ADULT on. I was pretty confused when my search garnered so few items, but your post made that light bulb come on .
  17. Have something very similar to that already made as part of a filler buildings set. You might want to check and see if that (or something similar on the markteplace) would work for you. I would do a bit of looking -- really -- as custom made will most likely be way more expensive than "off the rack". Good luck.
  18. Not quite enough info to tell what the problem is. There are a few things. You uploaded graphic needs to be square and "power of 2" I think it is called. So typically 512 x 512 or 1024 x 512 etc. If you graphic is actully 4:3 ratio or something other than square, you need to make it square (and sharpen) BEFORE you upload. The uploader automatically turns the png or tga into a jpg so you will lose some clarity. If you really NEED things to be super clear, you can upload a 1024 x 1024 but remember that those are FOUR TIMES larger (with corresponding download times) so if it is a vendor it might take awhile to load for some folks. If that isn't it, then putting in some screenshots so we can see your mesh and the mapping of it would be helpful . My alt was uploading over on Aditi today with no unusual issues so most likely not an Aditi issue. You can also testing using local textures on your computer without uploading. Put a dot in the "local" radio button in the build menu. Sure Google can tell you more about if needed.
  19. Well you could make them fitmesh and that would likely work. Or simply make them big enough so that they will work for "most" mesh head (and TEST of course). I have a Lelutka head and currently there are no "alpha slots" for the head. Actually that would be handing as not all mesh hairs will work . 
  20. I haven't been to Innsmouth for awhile but I used to spend a lot of time there. Lovely place. Lots of atmosphere. That being said along with "sorry for your loss and hassles" AND the fact that I have lost huge sections of my inventory over the years (not rezzed items, but in inventory) I suggest folks take precautions. The TOS clearly states that this can happen and it does. The reasons why really don't matter. Preparation is important. Just last week I took coalesced copies of all my major builds (about a quarter sim), put them in a folder called "coalesced backups June 2016" and crossed my fingers that I never have to use them. That being said, previous coalesced backups have saved inventory in the past (those database failures) so I suspect that somewhere along the way they may come in handy. Whether you own your own sim or rent like I do, things DO go wrong. We can kick and scream and beat our hands against the wall -- and sometimes that helps a bit. But having an easy way to repair the damage is a much better plan in my book. After my first giant inventory loss (many thousands of home and garden items) I was devastated. Things were just gone. Last month I lost more items somehow (things that had been there the week before completely disappeared from the database -- no copies anywhere for anyone and it wasn't a DMCA thing). We all need to keep that in mind and do what we can to protect ourselves. And when things are really gone for good, as someone said, we can rebuild better than before. Photos are sometimes our only memories. 
  21. Actually there were certainly ways to "fix" the issue. My question was more WHY . I pretty much always mark seams and unwrap or use project from view. Very seldom use the other methods. Just habit and likely the things I make also.
  22. Well "damn" LOL. YOURS is what I was expecting. I have no idea why mine was so odd. I seldom use "follow active quads" (I remember you wrote about that long ago and I did try it) because my things are seldom "uniform". What I would have normally done was just clicked on each line of vertices and aligned to X or Y (both before I was done). This is more time consuming, but I do it so often now I am pretty fast . I will try again and see if it is different. Actually I want to see if I can get the "spring" to follow a more complex shape so that will be a good test. HMMMMMM. Thanks for the report though. I must have done SOMETHING odd but have no idea what it might have been.
  23. Thanks. I couldn't get that to work but I did something similar by syncing the UV and Edit mode and then aligning the vertices of one quad using the alignment options in the UV pane which of course (since they were synced) straightened the single quad in the EDIT window. And then used follow active quads and while the map was really REALLY long, it did work and looks like it will bake fine should I ever do something with the experiment - LOL. So thanks for the idea. BUT I would still like to know WHY it wouldn't unwrap as you would expect it to. I haven't seen anything like this that I can remember. So any input on that would be appreciated.
  24. Not sure about your head issue as I have never seen that, but you do know that if you BACKED UP your FS settings you can just RESTORE them and that in theory should put you back to where you were. MOST of the time restore works well. I have had one occassion when it did not however. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/backup_settings Good luck.
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