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Pixie Kobichenko

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Everything posted by Pixie Kobichenko

  1. Agreed. A few years back I stupidly paid waaaay too much money upfront for one of those portraits where someone draws in hair & extra Doo-dads. This person seemed reputable- their pictures were in a lot of profiles. Had a posted 2 week turn around for delivery & that’s when they said it would be done. Session seemed fine & person was nice. I never heard from them after the shoot so I sent an notecard & IM asking at 3 weeks post photo shoot & then the next week if they had an updated timeframe. Crickets. Absolutely zero recourse. (Edit- after fuming a bit I found other photographers-editors who had better business practices. I bought several sessions for myself, and then gifted a session to 3 friends after for the holidays so *finger expression* to those who rip folks off)
  2. Maybe it might be more of an American culture thing to differentiate how that term is used. I am aware in Oklahoma the societal preference of when to use oriental vs Asian. There are some areas with laws outlying acceptable usage: https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=112465167
  3. You are welcome. this link might be an interesting 2 minute read- https://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/case-study/christina-fallin-appropriate-culturation
  4. No. Blackface, yellowface, redface are ALL caricatures of the races they are “mimicking”. The intent of those practices is to play up racial stereotypes thru bigotry & spread racism. Those things flourished in the early 1900s with vaudeville & the introduction of movies. What you *might* be alluding to is cultural appropriation. An example of that is in my state- a previous governor had an adult freeloading daughter who parked a fifth wheel trailer on the grounds of the tax payer funded governor’s mansion. She was in a punk rock band & posed for photos & made a music video while wearing a Native American Warriors feather headdress- which are considered sacred. She doubled down on criticism stating it was “appropriate culturation”. Her intent wasn’t to mock, but to make use of something sacred to another group of peoples that she had no business with. This image is innocuous. As a stand alone it is simply a beautiful avatar dressed in ceremonial garb in a scenic setting. Yellow face would be more like the cartoons during WW2 like Looney Toons Tokyo Jokio. You can google to find it or images for clarification. Clearly this photo is not. The intent is not to mock or demean.
  5. It was sent t the same account by two accounts. Nontransferable item. It wasn’t a scam, wasn’t buyers remorse. It was an opportunity to foster- ensure future patronage & lost us both.
  6. It was a bestie- not a romantic gesture & I obviously knew what she had spent & wanted her to have the funds back if possible. & yes it would have been a appreciated gesture- instead they held on to the $6-$7 usd & lost the patronage of for sure two shoppers & maybe more cause I was pretty annoyed by the response & told several shopping friends=)
  7. Several years ago a friend gifted me a piece of jewelry from one of the bigger SL jewelry creators. Only thing, I had bought the same piece for myself a day or two prior, & it wasn’t an insignificant amount of $L. I sent a NC to the creator showing both my & my friends transaction details (remember this was within a day or two of both purchases- not weeks or months). I asked if they would refund my friend, since the item was obviously bought 2x & was nontransferable. I got back a one word reply- and it was “NO”. I never spent another penny in their shop. Something similar happened with a pair of shoes. It’s just pennys or a few dollars to so,e, but to others it represents a choice they made as part of their budget in real life & even if these aren’t tangible I have to spend wisely. TL:DR- I would ask.
  8. Hi- there is a curated play ist of videos posted by the official Second Life account on YouTube called “Second Life Destinations”. Not exactly what you described but maybe could be helpful.
  9. Welcome to Second Life. It indeed does have a learning curve. It’s not all that intuitive, I agree. However youtube is an amazing resource & loads of help available to you, just go searching. Here’s a newer result, with time stamps to fast forward to topics you have questions about. I mean,I’ve turned to YouTube for cooking, pet care, fixing several different vehicles, gardening tips & more. YouTube is an amazingly underutilized resource.
  10. If your electricity, heat & water are running during a holiday be grateful. Because somewhere in the world it’s not & that means repair workers are out on call in sub freezing temperatures risking their safety to ensure others are okay. There are hospitals with essential workers ready to attend to the injured & sick. & most gas stations are open so everyone can get to gramma’s house for Xmas dinner. What else is necessary? Second life support being unavailable for a 24-48 hour period will not cause the world to fly off its axis.
  11. . Edit- I don’t know about display names.
  12. Happy Holidays back to you. ☃️🎄
  13. You honestly don’t know what they are doing. & you haven’t said they’re doing anything other than just standing there. Nothing nefarious about that. There’s way worse things occurring in SL to be worried about.
  14. Buy a bit of mainland, control access to it- block sounds from neighbors & click the option that no one can see you by camming over. Plop down a dance ball or pole & some blinky lights & have at it.
  15. I think you can set home at The Free Dove, tho I’m not 100% certain.
  16. jeezaloo almost 10 years! Bought because it’s Charlie Brown’s tree 😃. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Botanical-Mesh-Sad-Little-Tree/4289526
  17. I finally have a computer after about 3 years away. It’s a 2011 Mac & can’t update the OS & am probably lucky to even get on SL. But I can’t download firestorm so I’m stuck with the official viewer & can not figure out EEP. I don’t know how much of it is my obtuseness, or the computers inability to handle EEP. I’m also frustrated because I can’t figure out how to get the shine from the sun to go away. My face is always washed out unless I turn on midnight. I’m also confused by BOM &can’t figure it out. It all seems like they fixed something that wasn’t broken in terms of ease of implementation. ….but I will eventually try to figure it out. I’m just happy to be back playing pixel barbies.
  18. I’m glad I read all the pages so I could be certain there is not a Belli trailer in the new Plus 512 level. I was excited for a minute ☹️
  19. One of ya’ll was supposed to ✨boop✨ their magic wand & fix it already. Slackers.
  20. I guess it would be company scrip coins with the SL hand on it with phrases like “tip your DJ” & “try a demo” & something about Phillip linden on the obverse. Runners up; wooden nickels, mta tokens, & chocolate coins or arcade machine coins.
  21. I think the sudden rush of new users in second life in late 2007 directly correlates to an episode of The Office when the character Dwight Schrute had been visiting SL with an avi named Dwight Shelford. No doubt thousands of viewers signed up to visit to see what it was all about & not many stayed past the first peek. The writers strike began the next week. https://www.nbc.com/the-office/video/dwights-second-life/3842661
  22. I had created an account for my RL partner & he visited SL once & decided SL wasn’t for him. I began using that male avatar-account to double my chances in costume contests & sploders back in the day. I rarely interacted in local on the manitar avi. But one day someone slid into his IMs, letting “him” know that he could do so much better than Pixie & did he want to leave & go “chat” somewhere. I don’t remember what I replied, if anything- but I guess that’s a good testament to my ability to do absolutely nothing but log in a male alt convincingly. 🤷‍♀️ 🤨😂
  23. Unless I skimmed past something stating the speedlight graphics had improved or that being premium plus enables you to see anything, there’s no advantage over just enabling offline ims to email for regular, non business needs. I log into speedlight in a houseboat region & next to nothing renders. And everyone is a literal stick figure. It’s great for chat, but is of no use to me personally past chat.
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