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ATTENTION! Listings on the Marketplace are borked. Everyone check your stores!

Pearl Vollmar

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April fools support?

Speaking of April Fools, a bit of April Fools History.

On this day in 2008, Phil Rosedale appears in a congressional meeting (this is true) to pimp SL/Virtual worlds before congress. While congress spent most of their time smirking,

Most of the questions by congress were fielded ok, except for 2 which Phil stuttered through, one was child protection and the other was "how long do you keep logs of user conversations for?".

After about 15 seconds of stuttering out "some time" and "some weeks", it became apparent in an ex-Linden interview last year that logs are not only kept around indefinately, but are actually read and studied.

Aside from LL privacy being a farce, at least you can go back and tell them to do their own homework as they already have it on record.

Can't find a copy of the video for the congressional hearing as it's rather dated. Priceless amateur show though.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

So this is the reply I received from my in-depth ticket I was instructed by Brooke Linden to file:

(.. snips out clearly insane recommendations ..)

Ummmmmm...file an in-world ABUSE REPORT??????  *Bangs head on desk*

Abuse of LL to me???  Abuse of the entire LL Marketplace to an indeterminate number of merchants? 

/me slips a soft pillow between your forehead and the desk ...

I'd vote for "Abuse of the Customers and Merchants by the Marketplace". I guess you'd use the name CommerceTeam Linden as the Avatar that the AR is against.

An ABUSE REPORT?!!? Well, you get what you pay for, and obviously they're not paying much for the Scouts.

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>And this is what Brooke stated -- that there would be metrics to indicate when MBs will be discontinued. We have it in writing.

It doesn't matter.

If she didn't get fired for lying to us prior to the 13 September incident, she won't get fired for lying to us about these alleged metrics, either. 



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>And the date being June makes me think the borked listings are a much more complex problem and will require a lot of time to fix.


It's called "boiling the frog".

If they had just shut down Xstreet more transparently, they probably would have had some legal problems.

So, instead, by subtly borking box function, then replacing the website with something slightly less useful, then by replacing the boxes with something less useful, etc...etc... LL is gradually forcing merchants back in-world and (they hope) driving up demand for land, which is where LL makes most of its money anyway. 

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>If this doesnt prove that they dont actually read anything properly then I dont know what does!

I'm pretty sure that they do read it.

But it's often less dangerous for them to pretend they didn't read it, than to put themselves in a more transparent position of responsibility for having read it. 

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Sapphy Rotaru wrote:

If this doesnt prove that they dont actually read anything properly then I dont know what does!

Absolutely unbelievable!!!

Oh it gets more unbelievable!  I reopened the ticket (keep in mind it was Brooke who sent a notecard to me requesting I open another ticket re: the listings I cannot remove manually.  Thus I reopened the closed ticket from AnjaB Scout and included the following:

AnjaB Scout,

I was asked by Brooke Linden to submit a ticket concerning the current mess of mixed up Marketplace listings; specifically the ones I had that I cannot manually delete or make inactive because the system "sees" them as belonging to another merchant.

This issue has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with in-world ARs and sending this to me with obviously no grasp on a situation that is affecting an indeterminate number of merchants AND customers frankly is insulting.

I request that Brooke, Dakota, or another Linden who is aware of this situation address this.

Czari Zenovka

So I get my ticket closed...again...with this response:

Case: 01379655

Avatar: Czari Zenovka

Type: General Marketplace Issues

New Status: Waiting for Customer Acceptance


Three days ago, we provided a resolution for your issue. The case has not been re-opened, so we are changing the issue's status to closed.


To re-open this case, either Reply to this email, or visit: https://secondlife.com/my/support/?caseID=01379655

I have been as patient as possible with this issue, have co-operated fully with everything I was instructed to do by CTL in this thread (which resulted in now having 2 listings for the same item - one correct/one borked) as well as submit a second ticket per Brooke.

I will wait until tomorrow when the Lindens arrive back at work.  If I do not get "another" apology re: this latest slap in the face, I think it's time for me to remove my items from the MP, advise my customers to shop in world and be done with it.  I, nor none of us created this issue and, as I can see the total disregard (edit to add: some employees of LL) have for us, their customers, I want no further business dealings with them. (Edit to add: Upon taking a nap and a bit of reflection I wanted to add that my dealings with at least two employees of LL has been positive re: the handling of my ticket submissions, therefore my comment of having no further business dealings with LL as a whole was my first knee-jerk reaction after the frustration of receiving the responses this morning.  I shall continue to watch and wait how this all plays out.)

EDIT TO ADD: I just noticed that no one "signed" this communication. My email From is:

"Linden Lab Support" <support@secondlife.com>



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Josh Susanto wrote:

I will wait until tomorrow when the Lindens arrive back at work.

Good point.

We should wait and see how many arrive for work, if they arrive at all.

I'm betting at least Brooke won't show.

Any takers?

Put me down for L$10

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Czari, I opened tickets too and got answers from Dakota who clearly didn't know Brooke had asked me to open those tickets. My ticket has been closed with the same text you got, that they had offered a solution to the case and it was closed.

That's why I suggested you contacted Brooke directly. Opening those tickets only cost me energy. Sorry to hear you went through the same experience :-(

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Pearl Vollmar wrote:

Czari, I opened tickets too and got answers from Dakota who clearly didn't know Brooke had asked me to open those tickets. My ticket has been closed with the same text you got, that they had offered a solution to the case and it was closed.

That's why I suggested you contacted Brooke directly. Opening those tickets only cost me energy. Sorry to hear you went through the same experience :-(

I'm so glad you did recommend that I contact Brooke before I submitted my ticket.  Sounds like the initial responses we received are some type of canned comments to close the ticket.  I'm sorry you got the same responses as well, Pearl. I think all of us are in the proverbial same boat at the moment.

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Josh Susanto wrote:

But, then again, I've been acting totally paranoid for 8 months, right?




looking at that definition: Paranoia [ˌpærəˈnɔɪ.ə] (adjectiveparanoid [ˈpærə.nɔɪd]) is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself.

and given the fact, that you're "doing just great", the short answer is "Yes"



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Update:  I did receive an email from Dakota Linden today based on the ticket submission requested by Brook Linden.  He said that he and the Dev team were doing some additional testing and working to resolve the listing that is still showing another merchant's link but which I cannot change.  He also said:

"Linden Lab is also addressing the issue with the improperly handled support cases regarding Marketplace Issues."

and apologized for my incorrectly handled support ticket.

Checked my MP store and the one listing in question has now been restored to its correct state.  At present the incorrect listing is still there, but I do consider this progress.

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Nice that they got back to you. I believe this issue is a complicated one to fix, it will take some time and  there's not much we can do but wait.

My listings still look the same though. The only corrections are the ones I made myself, i.e. changed the wrong pictures.


edit to add: By saying there's not much we can do but wait I meant we are powerless. Unless we all act together and pull our products out. But we know this won't happen. There are still people who believe this is something that is only affecting "a few merchants" and can't see the bigger picture.. I don't like doomsday theories, but I feel what we see might just be the tip of the iceberg. On the other hand, I do believe they are trying to fix the problem. I just think they should comunicate with us, let us know what's going on and how long (more or less) they'll need to fix it.

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