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is standing in a chat zone as a child avatar considered ageplay?

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im not trying to change any story, the parts about what i was tryign to proov about hentai high is true and the parts about the troll who defamed me in the chat zone is true. so what parts do you think im trying to change? lol 


o and i never said the "sim owner called me a ageplayer" i was telling evryone what i was doing in 2010-2011 to try and tell them why i had on a child avatar in the chat sim.. lol 

allso i never said the girl "owns the sim"  said "she said she owns "A" sim.. not the sim and she claims she has "phone" rights to calling Linden Lab  

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No, standing in a chat zone as a child avatar is not considered ageplay?

That you were terminated is down to one of two things:-

1) There's more to what happened that you are telling here.

2) The AR team don't operate as they should. They sometimes take a report as gospel, and act on it without any checking at all. That includes both the AR person who issued the 'penalty' and the AR person who dealt with the appeal. They could be the same person, of course.

I can't say anything about the first one, but I've had personal experience of the second one. I got the second one dealt with when I went higher up than mere AR team people. These days, nobody knows who the AR team manager is so all you've got is the CEO.

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Rene Erlanger wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

I must confess that the first time I encountered a child avatar in Second Life, I sent an photo of it to a friend entitled "
sick sick sick
", and teleported away from the child avatar, because I did not want to be in it's vicinity, because
I was ignorant and did not understand why anyone would want to be a child avatar
. At that time, I didn't have much of a clue about Second Life and the diverse nature of the community.

However, I am now tremendously ashamed for feeling like that as over the years
, like you, I've met a lot of really fabulous child avatars, and totally defend their right to roleplay as children without being bullied or harrassed by people who remain closed-minded.

It really gets to me when people throw the "ageplayer" remark out and make assumptions about child avatars, and like with anything else in SL, and in RL too, it's always the minority that spoil it for the majority.


I was exactly like you in my 1st months of Second Life.....but my discrimination was directed at Furry Avatars and Gorean Masters. With hindsight, I regret being narrow minded back then..., but it was partly due to not researching Second Life properly and discovering it's diversity. One Furry avatar ended up teaching me a lesson by repeatedly orbiting me into the sky after i had verbally insulted him -lol. I deserved it!

One of my very first residential tenants was a little Bear avatar which caught me slightly off guard. I had to make a snap decision of whether i should rent to him or not....before engaging him. Thankfully i did rent a parcel to him....as we became very good friends thereafter. We shared our RL backgrounds (he was RL hermit)  and experiences....he became a good sounding board whenever I was feeling down.  it was during this phase, that i began to accept all Avatar forms regardless and judge Avatars on an individual basis...as opposed to tarring a whole community with the same brush!

Your post made me smile, especially the part about being orbited.  Yet other people in the same situation would have just gone on to develop a vendetta against all furry avatars.

Every single avatar has a person behind it, and that's really what everyone needs to be aware of, and not all child avatars are a specific type of person, just like you discovered not all furries and Gorean Masters were the same.  

Some people don't like redheads! Others want everyone in world to be "to scale" like in RL (but actually people in RL aren't all the same height and width at the same age).

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and here is a copy of what she said from the chat log.. to show you that i was not changing my story..

[00:15]  **** (**** *********): im going to ask you again, and then im calling concierege services at LL since im a sim owner.


see? she said "a" she never said "the" xD 

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I think you're skating on thin ice, by repeatedly engaging the same person and her group. It's obvious that it's become personal matter....and even a vendetta.

If you manage to get your account back, i would advise you staying clear of this Group. If you want to expose that High School for age-play.....either get a group of friends in there and take photos of the child like avatars engaging in sex-play by mass AR's to LL....or maintain your campaign outside SL (your own Blog highlighting your investigation)

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the phelosefer island is a chat zone right next to the land i own btw, so i have been going there for years, the girl who trolld me with her followers randomly went there and started to harass me out of the blue.. i was not "attacking them" and they take no part in what Hentai High is doing lol and no she dose not own the sim. Linden Lab still owns the sim she allso dose not own the Land, 1 of my frainds dose 

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Tazmrb1928 wrote:

well my only problem is.. i bout a child avatar and was whereing one at my shop and then the pre-banned owner of Hentai High came to my shop and asked me if i wanted to go to Hentai High for sex.. 

i told her no i do not have sex as a child avatar.. but she started a 9 hr argument with me about how it was a adult avatar..i reported her for trying to have sex with me while i had on a child avatar, she got banned but Hentai High lived on.. 

Hentai High's land and group was gave to the next ranking officer and i went there whereing a adult avatar to see what the fuss was about.. and sure enuff they all was useing child avatars for sex .. i spent 6 months trying to report them for it but no 1 came to my aid.. so i started trying to proov to the world that they are using it for ageplay =x 

You're going about things in the wrong way, and now you just sound like you have a private vendetta against Hentai High, which has been in existence for years.  Linden Lab are aware the place exists, and if anyone wishes to submit an abuse report against any of the visitors, they are at liberty to do so, and LL will investigate.  Remember, LL have access to much more than us mere residents.  They can look into chatlogs, monitor activities, and if anyone is acting in an illegal manner, ie passing child pornography around (!), LL can take action and bring in law enforcement agencies and have people RL investigated.

My advice to you would be to let this one go. I mean, all you have done is cause trouble for yourself, and in a way "cried wolf".  Why oh why would you argue with someone for NINE HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why would either of you think you could win that argument? 

Now you've started this thread, and it's been in existence for a few days, anyone who reads it can, if they so wish, visit Hentai High and see for themselves, and I am sure they will do, as I am sure the purpose of your original post really was.  However, don't be surprised to see Hentai High still in existence this time next year. 

The majority of visitors to any of the high school roleplay venues in world stick to the rules, and do not do any harm to anyone, in Second Life or in Real Life.  As with everything it seems, it is the minority that spoil it for the majority. 

I advise you to go back to the very beginning of this thread, and read very carefully all the responses you've been given so far. But please do not think that people are going to battle with you for nine solid hours at a time, because frankly you are just making a real idiot of yourself. 

And do not think that anyone who goes against your opinion is in favour of sexual ageplay, or that we sit on our arses ignoring this issue, because when it raises it's ugly head anywhere in world, we do take appropriate actions, which does not include getting ourselves banned!

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the only trubble that iv coused for myself is i never stoped arguing with the "troll" who harassed and defamed me lol i shuld have been smart enuff to just Mute her and then ask the land owner to ban her,.., and no the troll has nothign to do with Hentai High.. the only thing that dose on the day of the ban is the ressone as to why i was whereig the child avatar in the phelosepher island. 


i miss spell evrything btw bc im mentaly dissabled in real life, i lived in a hospital from the year 2006-2011 btw, they leted me out of the hospital around march of 2011 lol thats probley why iv been going insane lately.. and you can find the island at 


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Tazmrb1928 wrote:

im not trying to change any story.................................

OK, you "added to your story."

Tazmrb1928 wrote:

 o and i never said the "sim owner called me a ageplayer"

You said the following earlier:

Tazmrb1928 wrote:

the person who was trolling me said she owns a sim and was going to "use her sim owning powers to call Linden Lab up and tell them that i was a ageplayer..

That sounds to me like she called you an age player.

Tazmrb1928 wrote:

allso i never said the girl "owns the sim"  said "she said she owns "A" sim.. not the sim and she claims she has "phone" rights to calling Linden Lab  

I didn't claim you said that either.  I did not say the owner of that SIM, just, "this supposed Sim Owner."

And yes, SIM owners have access to phone support.  That does not mean Linden Lab blindly acts on what they say.

Having read in the past your many posts, and now reading this, it sounds to me that you are straining at gnats and swallowing camels trying to prove that Linden Lab does allow something that they DO NOT ALLOW, that is sexual age play.  Every attempt that you have made to accuse Linden Lab, every attempt you have made to blame others (e.g., the Phoenix Team), etc, etc, has failed because simply stated, Linden Lab DOES NOT ALLOW THIS BEHAVIOR.

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Marigold Devin wrote:


I advise you to go back to the very beginning of this thread, and read
very carefully
all the responses you've been given so far. But please do not think that people are going to battle with you for nine solid hours at a time, because frankly you are just making a real idiot of yourself. 

And do not think that anyone who goes against your opinion is in favour of sexual ageplay, or that we sit on our arses ignoring this issue, because when it raises it's ugly head anywhere in world, we do take appropriate actions, which does not include getting ourselves banned!

^^^^^^^     THIS    ^^^^^^^^    :)

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Tazmrb1928 wrote:

the only trubble that iv coused for myself is i never stoped arguing with the "troll" who harassed and defamed me lol i shuld have been smart enuff to just Mute her and then ask the land owner to ban her,.., and no the troll has nothign to do with Hentai High.. the only thing that dose on the day of the ban is the ressone as to why i was whereig the child avatar in the phelosepher island. 


i miss spell evrything btw bc im mentaly dissabled in real life, i lived in a hospital from the year 2006-2011 btw, they leted me out of the hospital around march of 2011 lol thats probley why iv been going insane lately.. and you can find the island at 

OK. You are obviously not a well person, and I am sorry for you if we do not appear to be a very sympathetic or supportive set of people. It is just that you are not making your own life any better by pursuing this issue in the way that you have been doing.

In view of what you have said, about your mental disability, I do strongly urge you to return to your health/support service people and get healthy.  Second Life should be about fun and uplifting events, but if you focus on the negative, you are allowing more negative to filter in.  Please, leave this thread now, and go and seek the help you need.  There are plenty of other people in Second Life who do keep an eye on the activities of others. Try and take some reassurance of that.  By trying to fix the world, you are making yourself poorly. 

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Marigold Devin wrote:

OK. You are obviously not a well person, and I am sorry for you if we do not appear to be a very sympathetic or supportive set of people. It is just that you are not making your own life any better by pursuing this issue in the way that you have been doing.

In view of what you have said, about your mental disability, I do strongly urge you to return to your health/support service people and get healthy.  Second Life should be about fun and uplifting events, but if you focus on the negative, you are allowing more negative to filter in.  Please, leave this thread now, and go and seek the help you need.  There are plenty of other people in Second Life who do keep an eye on the activities of others. Try and take some reassurance of that.  By trying to fix the world, you are making yourself poorly. 

I agree.

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Alright, the reason people flip a lid about child avatars is this -

in real life, you are always hearing about how "predators" are hated, killed in prison, on a sex offender list, etc...

In RL, it is not safe for a grown man to even be in the same room alone with a female under 18. Reason is - she could decide she wants attention and just say, for whatever sick fun, that he tried to "touch" her. It doesn't have to be proven, doesn't have to even be true, but the mere accusation and now the man is ostracized.

I have seen that happen in RL. Turns out the girl was fibbing cause she had got mad about something else. Nothing really came of it except a ton of drama in that family and friend circle.

So men tend to be afraid of the trouble kids can cause and women tend to worry about their male loved ones.


It is similar to dealing with minorities. You cannot mention race, nationality or color in any context without the threat of someone twisting totally out of context and creating trouble. the difference is -

Unlike minority groups where you can be around but have to watch your mouth, the mere PRESENCE of a child without several adults (with at least a few grown women there) and not just one adult male is enough to ask for trouble.


Now with SL - some of us are afraid to mention SL in RL cause what if someone looked it up and came across one of the reports and Wonderland? How does that make us SL'ers look? It is not just in SL - I think most MMO's probably shun child avatars/Sims/whatever


So yes, having a child avatar in SL is about as bad a news as a white person making racial comments at Black Expo. You are gonna get pummeled.

Some people LOVE to label others as a "predator" and NO ONE wants the label.


Also, you can thank our good ol media for spreading unnecessary fear. Yes there ARE predators out there but not nearly as many as the media would have us thinking. You see Chris Hansen doing these busts, somehow I would not be shocked if he himself is one day busted over being a "predator" himself.


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....but would that not apply to a lot of roleplay in Second Life?. How does one analyse the participation in Rape roleplay....for either victim or the Rapist?

There are all sorts of RL criminalities being simulated into SL roleplay, yet many SL'ers focus on the soft targets like child avatars.


How many people or even youngsters...die from drug abuse or drug overdose in RL?.......yet no one bats an eyelid, with  people roleplaying Drug dealers inside SL. Hence why i hate all the hypocracy & discrimination shown within SL (and outside it)

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Tazmrb1928 wrote:

well my only problem is.. i bout a child avatar and was whereing one at my shop and then the pre-banned owner of Hentai High came to my shop and asked me
if i wanted to go to Hentai High for sex

i told her no i do not have sex as a child avatar.. but she started a
9 hr argument
with me about how it was a adult avatar..i reported her for trying to have sex with me while i had on a child avatar, she got banned but Hentai High lived on.. 

Hentai High's land and group was gave to the next ranking officer and
i went there whereing a adult avatar
to see what the fuss was about.. and
sure enuff they all was useing child avatars for sex ..
i spent 6 months trying to report them for it but no 1 came to my aid.. so i started trying to proov to the world that they are using it for ageplay =x 

This is what likely got you banned. You went to a place you knew of for ageplay, and spent hours there looking for stuff.

Presumably, you found it.


I know it sounds crazy, but if you stick your hand in a beehive to prove that bees are in there, you can actually get stung...



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thats not true.. iv not been to Hentai High in over 6 months bc they banned me from the sim when i started that argument w/ them from the start lol

i got banned from second life when the troll and her followers came to the chat zone on feb the 8th whear i was at and started calling me a ageplayer out of no where... i started to argu with her and we argued for 2 hrs "while she defamed me useing lies"

me and her then started to yell at each other for 40 min "in yell" then my account was termenated,

i then asked the abuse apeal team why my acocunt was termenated and they said bc i was ageplaying at the phelosepher island.. "the place made to chat and hang out at"..

the ban never had anything with Hentai High, and siting in a chat zone argueing with a troll is Not ageplay!

the chat zone is not even Hentai high btw, i keep saying 'chat zone" why dont anyone understand me anymore.. :_:

the chat zone is at

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Philosophy%2​0Island/112/56/39 "not hentai High" and it has nothing to do with Hentai High

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Tazmrb1928 wrote:


i got banned from second life when the troll and her followers came to the chat zone on feb the 8th whear i was at and started calling me a ageplayer out of no where... i started to argu with her and we argued for 2 hrs "while she defamed me useing lies"

me and her then started to yell at each other for 40 min "in yell" then my account was termenated,

My advice is that never start arguing with a place owner. One can never win that kind of argument. You just do harm to yourself. If you see argument arising, the best and only sensible thing is to TP away and forget the matter. Go away at once, however hard that might feel. That's the only way for you to win. Walk away and forget it.

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i tried not to btw.. when she started to Defame me with lies in front of people i started to report her but no Linden ever came to my aid.. one of the lie shes said was "you asked me to have sex with you" and i trid to defend myself by saying no i never asked for sex O-o and after that she used a modafied text thing.. here ill show you a sample of a "text mod" 

[00:33]  Noob Linden: Hello, want to have sex with me? 

that is 1 "sample" of what a fake chat text is.. a copy of someones name + a edited text statment.. and after that her followers started to harrass me , i then made more reports but no Linden ever came.. the defameing and harassment lasted 2 hrs. "thats what i ment by arguing with her and her followers" bc she was Defameing me with lies -.- 

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Tazmrb1928 wrote:

i tried not to btw..

You didn't try hard enough.

You saw it as your "right" to start defending yourself against the accusations and stayed there. You said that you continued arguing for TWO hours with them! It never works, you cannot win an argument in virtual world. It's total waste of time and effort.

Why didn't you just TP away right at the moment when you saw argument arising? It's an excellent and efficient way to avoid the all the drama, heartache and sorrow what useless arguing can cause.

Don't ever start defending your "rights". TP away, TP away, TP away..  that always works in avoiding conflicts.

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Tazmrb1928 wrote:

i think iv seen you someplace before.. was it when i was making blogs about how i think hentai high needs to be shutdown for ageplay?

bc i was trying to proov to the world that the avatars Hentai High are using for sex is a child avatar and not a "anime Adult" 

so the only ressone i was whereing the child avatar the time of the ban was to go to a place to chat.. and ask if they thout it was a kid avatar or a anime adult one.. i wanted to take pics of the screen after they all said "its a child avatar" but that plan backfired when a girl started to Defame and harrass me ;/ 

i tried to report her 6 times befor yelling at her.. 2 hrs later my account wa stermenated..and i know its bc she Defamed me 

it was in a thread you made a long time ago about age play or something..like last year..then you hit me up for a friend invite to talk about it in world or show me your evidence you found..i forget ..it was a long time ago lol


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Ceka Cianci wrote:

it was in a thread you made a long time ago about age play or something..like last year..then you hit me up for a friend invite to talk about it in world or show me your evidence you found..i forget ..it was a long time ago lol 

Oooh... just figured out who this is...

Yeah - not surprised anymore at what happened. Suspect there is a whole other and rather different side to this story.

Was minding my own business not long ago, half AFK in my SL home; when somebody started flaming me inworld about someting from, by the link they passed me, 2+ years ago... after I blocked them, it started up again on an alt identifying itself as the other person...

- About height, and how short people are all ageplayers or something...


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MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote:

Alright, the reason people flip a lid about child avatars is this -

in real life, you are always hearing about how "predators" are hated, killed in prison, on a sex offender list, etc...

In RL, it is not safe for a grown man to even be in the same room alone with a female under 18. Reason is - she could decide she wants attention and just say, for whatever sick fun, that he tried to "touch" her. It doesn't have to be proven, doesn't have to even be true, but the mere accusation and now the man is ostracized.

I have seen that happen in RL. Turns out the girl was fibbing cause she had got mad about something else. Nothing really came of it except a ton of drama in that family and friend circle.

So men tend to be afraid of the trouble kids can cause and women tend to worry about their male loved ones.


well said. Men are afraid to even walk past schools because there might be unaccompanied children there, or even if not it might be considered a sign of them being sexual predators.

I've encountered it myself, people being accused, harassed, driven from their home towns based on merely being in the vicinity of children, living in the same neighbourhood as people with children. No police ever is involved, vigilantism has reached such a level that people end up murdered based on such accusations, and many more need to change their identies, flee the country, and get plastic surgery.

In such an environment, people (and men especially) are so afraid of children they won't even touch them to save their life. Is it any surprise players would flip out then over a child avatar in a zone not explicitly designed for them?

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Tazmrb1928 wrote:

iv been in SL for 8 years now and im not going to let some **bleep** Defame me in frunt of all my frainds. evryone there was my fraind 


apparently they weren't or they'd have stood up for you and filed complaints about your enemies in return for them filing aganst you.

So at the very least they don't support you in this, which (if they are indeed your friends as you claim) to me means the ban was probably more than called for (I know my friends would support me were I in the right, would yours?).

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