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IF LL cant compete on Innovation - Stifle Competiton

Toysoldier Thor

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Perrie Juran wrote:

As far as Viewer 2 went, it sucked.  Now if calling a smelly turd what it is makes me a whiner, too bad.

Heh, I don't think many people would say V2/V3 was very good (save for the Kokua and Firestorm folks...would have liked to have seen more improvement to the UI than happened).

Perrie Juran wrote:

5 FPS with the Official Viewer verses 20 FPS with Firestorm Beta.

Still not quite as good of a framerate as some of the other TPVs acheive.

Perrie Juran wrote:
Oh, but the Firestorm Dev's are all teh kiddie haxors.  Who aren't making a penny for their work. While Linden Lab charges how much for a SIM?  In one sense, Linden's are just teh adult haxors if you really want to put things in your terms.

You're paying for hosting services.  Hosting costs a lot, especially when we're talking for something as specialized as this.  You're not paying for the viewer.  Even then, it's not like LL is without competition, OSgrid continues to gain popularity.

Perrie Juran wrote:

Do some of the Firestorm Devs have bad attitudes?  More than likely.  But I have also seen some pretty sucky attitudes from some Lindens also.

The Lindens have also placed a higher value on the trust we've placed with them, which goes a long way when it comes to getting some slack when someone's having a bad day.

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No Ceka, you were not.

Your post had some execellent questions being posed - sorry I didnt respond to some of them.  Your post was completely on-topic and it didnt sound at all like a Fan-Girl posting.

I think what so many forum observers and participants might get confused is what a LL Fan-Person or CheerLeader is vs someone that logically can see reasoning behind a LL decision or action that the general public is angry about. 

A LL CheerLeader is one that throws the topic itself away and almost acts like a verbal bodyguard or bully to defend LL's honor.  You can easily identify them because their posting will have almost no facts or content related to the topic but instead their content will be all focused on attacking the poster in a thread the was dissing LL or their decisions.  Their focus when provoked into action will be to make personal attacks, name call, discredit the poster's reputataion, go on a personal skeleton digging witch hunt and post this information in hopes to try to scare away those that might post evil against LL.

Sadly from experience, these "cheerleaders" are often quietly rewarded by LL when forum ARs are submitted against them for their forum TOS violations and no actions are taken by the LL moderator.  I have seen it far too often.

So... to me... that is how you identify a LL Cheerleader.  They are not someone that support LL's decision and make forum posts to explain possibly why LL made a decision.  I do not have issues with anyone like this.  In fact, I encourage this since LL (at least the LL Commerce group) rarely communicates with us publically and often the general community gets much of its best LL inner workings from these LL supporters that happen to have back room insights on what LL was thinking.

I personally find the threads I gain the most from are the ones where participants can possibly take different views and even passionately post their beliefs, opinions, theories, and support for a given side of a subject - even if its contrary to the other thread participant.  And I also feel all participants can post passionate lively countering challenges to these posted facts, opinions, thoughts, support.

Sorry for the long winded response... you to me - you were all good.



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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Actually it that they are breaking Viewer Tags this week. online status is in the next couple weeks but he wasnt sure.

And friend color tagging would break this week when they break the Viewer Tag (it would as a result of the viewer tag breaking).

AS of TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY friend Color Tagging and Viewer Tagging would be broken.  Its in the audio.

Kind of a bummer that viewer tagging is going away, was rather handy for those of us who help folks in world to get an idea where they're coming from.  It's not like most TPVs didn't have a facility to disable that already, and some didn't even have it enabled by default, burying the option to enable it deep in the advanced options.

What I think was a more annoying break was the ability for other people to override the color of the tags as they appear on your screen for vanity, which essentially made it impossible to tell what viewer was being used by color alone.


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Seems like one thing that might help with your perception is to consider that not everyone who doesn't care for the over the top, senseless vitriol without any logical argument being presented is a LL fanboy.  Likewise, assuming ARs were filed rather than Lindens acting on their own to keep their workplace bearable.

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AS of TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY friend Color Tagging and Viewer Tagging would be broken.  Its in the audio.

 I can see how they could stop the viewer tagging, by supressing whatever information they are providing on what viewers are being used,

I can't really see how they can stop the Friend Colour tagging.,,

The viewer knows who's near you and the viewer knows who's on your friends list ... so sure it's wouldn't be difficult for the viewer to reender the name tag in he appropiate colour depending on whether the AV is a friend or not.

And if an AV is in view whether they've chosen to hide their online status or not is pretty much irrelevant.



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Creating a minimum standard for how the world is viewed is a good thing. 

Saying that all TPVs must not have more features than LL's viewer, is not.

LL's V3 is a good viewer.  I get good fps with it on a whimpy laptop even.  But if we are going to be honest here, many of the improvements we take for granted are solely because other TPV folks added them in spite of LL's refusal to consider them.  Body physics.  Multiple attachment points.  Did they cause people to see the world differently?  Yes indeed they did.  But!!  But did LL even consider adding these features -- features demanded by the customers for years and years -- before TPVs that had it had all but pushed the official viewer out of SL?  No, they did not. 

A good and simple solution is the following:

1)  a minimum performance standard is set.  All viewers must be able to render every type of item - mesh, sculpt, prim.  The user may turn off whatever they want on their viewer at their desire, but the TPV has to comprehend and be able to render them all.  Users may have individual unique rendering methods so long as everyone elses's isn't damaged -- this even includes naked TPV, silly as they are.  But the TPV must be CAPABLE of visualizing everything.

2)  all RELEASE TPV must not have features LL doesn't, but BETA versions of TPV may have additional features other viewers do not have in order to demonstrate innovations and gauge customer demand.  Popular improvements are then folded into the LL viewer and into all other TPV as well once accepted.  This requires LL to actually act on customer demand for once and incorporate new features the beta TPVs show are desirable whether LL loves them or not. 

3)  an exception is made for text clients -- no visualization requirement exists at all for them.

As for the tags... it's a silly thing for LL and for the users to worry about.  If you want to tell the world you use Pickelodeon viewer, just add it to your nametag.  Or even wear a titler -- they work.  If LL thinks this will improve their PR problem, they greatly underestimate the anger their years of abuse have created within their customers.  And if the customers think this is the end of the world, they need a dose of reality as well -- if your viewer can't automatically tell the world you use BurnedChicken, you can wear a titler instead. 

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Shockwave Yareach wrote:

Or even wear a titler -- they work.  If LL thinks this will improve their PR problem, they greatly underestimate the anger their years of abuse have created within their customers.

What anger?  Save for a few people who would be angry if the Lindens gave 'em a multimillion dollar budget and a full staff to implement their wildest dreams (who seem to be vocal here), there's not a lot of anger.  Go wander the grid and people Could Not Care Less about the haters that seem to think there's a PR problem.

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Baloo Uriza wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

As far as Viewer 2 went, it sucked.  Now if calling a smelly turd what it is makes me a whiner, too bad.

Heh, I don't think many people would say V2/V3 was very good (save for the Kokua and Firestorm folks...would have liked to have seen more improvement to the UI than happened).

Perrie Juran wrote:

5 FPS with the Official Viewer verses 20 FPS with Firestorm Beta.

Still not quite as good of a framerate as some of the other TPVs acheive.

Perrie Juran wrote:
Oh, but the Firestorm Dev's are all teh kiddie haxors.  Who aren't making a penny for their work. While Linden Lab charges how much for a SIM?  In one sense, Linden's are just teh adult haxors if you really want to put things in your terms.

You're paying for hosting services.  Hosting costs a lot, especially when we're talking for something as specialized as this.  You're not paying for the viewer.  Even then, it's not like LL is without competition, OSgrid continues to gain popularity.

Perrie Juran wrote:

Do some of the Firestorm Devs have bad attitudes?  More than likely.  But I have also seen some pretty sucky attitudes from some Lindens also.

The Lindens have also placed a higher value on the trust we've placed with them, which goes a long way when it comes to getting some slack when someone's having a bad day.

First, again I know that you are smart enough to know that from computer to computer, viewer to viewer, people have many varied results.  I actually tried doing complete clean installs eight different viewers trying to find a Mesh enabled viewer that would run decently on my computer.  So for now I am stuck seeing people with boxes on their heads and feet.   http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/How-Fast-is-Your-Viewer/m-p/1265111#M10139

Second, yes I know hosting costs money, etc, etc, but is the fact they are running a business the only thing that makes them legitimate?  I know a multi SIM owner who has been unable to log in to their main account for three weeks now and is at risk of losing their investment because she keeps getting responses like you see in this thread:  http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/What-is-Live-Chat-for/m-p/1391405#M51765   So teh adult haxors at LL after taking her  money all these years are just gonna let her lose all her work?

Third, yes I know anyone can have a bad day.  As a business person myself, I have had bad days.  That still did not excuse my not taking care of my customers.  How do you think the FS Devs all feel when they keep getting labeled as teh kiddie haxors over and over again, when the many continue to get smeared for the past actions of a few?

Bottom line to me is that I know Second life is a business and the purpose of a business is to make money.  I have no trouble with that.  But it is a business that is dependent upon the (free) contributions of it's users to succeed.  And too often they seem to miss this point.  If they could figure this out and act accordingly, many of the problems actually would go away.

I love SL and I love the concept of virtual worlds.  And I, like you, actually do want to see it thrive.


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Perrie Juran wrote:


Second, yes I know hosting costs money, etc, etc, but is the fact they are running a business the only thing that makes them legitimate?  I know a multi SIM owner who has been unable to log in to their main account for three weeks now and is at risk of losing their investment because she keeps getting responses like you see in this thread: 
  So teh adult haxors at LL after taking her  money all these years are just gonna let her lose all her work?


I'm supposed to feel bad for someone's failed business model?

Perrie Juran wrote:

Third, yes I know anyone can have a bad day.  As a business person myself, I have had bad days.  That still did not excuse my not taking care of my customers.  How do you think the FS Devs all feel when they keep getting labeled as teh kiddie haxors over and over again, when the many continue to get smeared for the past actions of a few? 

Maybe if they did some visible good in their own name, that would change.  But seems like they work on Firestorm because no other TPV team would have 'em at this point.

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Niall Braveheart wrote:

AS of TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY friend Color Tagging and Viewer Tagging would be broken.  Its in the audio.

 I can see how they could stop the viewer tagging, by supressing whatever information they are providing on what viewers are being used,

I can't really see how they can stop the Friend Colour tagging.,,

The viewer knows who's near you and the viewer knows who's on your friends list ... so sure it's wouldn't be difficult for the viewer to reender the name tag in he appropiate colour depending on whether the AV is a friend or not.

And if an AV is in view whether they've chosen to hide their online status or not is pretty much irrelevant.



I do not understand the technical reasons why but from what I heard Oz say is that because of their disabling of the Viewer Tagging, the Color tagging breaks as part of it but Oz was ok with this as he stated LL wanted this function disabled anyway for some obscure privacy reason that puzzles me.

Maybe someone that understood exactly what Oz was trying to say can better explain it but basically IF Oz pulls the trigger on viewer tagging (which he said was already starting to happen on the sim their were on last friday) then friend color tagging will go with it..


I know some SL Residents dont care if Viewer Tagging and Color Tagging were to go but that does not dismiss that others find it valuable.  Zanara stated earlier that she is happy to see it go.  Thats fine, but one could also find residents in SL that would be happy to see True Online Status go as for them it doesnt affect them personally.

What anyone that cares about the OZ policies and its impacts and i speaking up on their concerns should be concerned about is how the policy impacts the SL Customer base ... even if it does not impact him or her personally.  they should be looking at the bigger picture when debating Oz's policies not just those that impact their personal interests.

As such, even though I personally would not be too upset with Viewer Tagging disappearing, I do fully understand and respect the fact that others do care and find it valuable.  i.e. if you happen to be a SL NOOB Helper and you can see the viewer over the noob's head and provide quicker more effective help to the Noob.  Or if you run a club (like Karaoke) and a new member walks into the club and has trouble getting stream or voice working.... seeing the member's viewer tag makes it real easy to explain what the function is not working for them because of the viewer used and its config.

I do personally LOVE FRIEND COLOR TAGGING!!!  I live for it often.  Its a critical feature I always use.  I love the color tags on the mini radar when I land in a crowrded sim and I can see where my friends are at a crowded concert with 50 ppl attending.  If this is what will be breaking this week (IF Oz goes forward with this) then that is real sad.


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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Niall Braveheart wrote:

AS of TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY friend Color Tagging and Viewer Tagging would be broken.  Its in the audio.

 I can see how they could stop the viewer tagging, by supressing whatever information they are providing on what viewers are being used,

I can't really see how they can stop the Friend Colour tagging.,,

The viewer knows who's near you and the viewer knows who's on your friends list ... so sure it's wouldn't be difficult for the viewer to reender the name tag in he appropiate colour depending on whether the AV is a friend or not.

And if an AV is in view whether they've chosen to hide their online status or not is pretty much irrelevant.



I do not understand the technical reasons why but from what I heard Oz say is that because of their disabling of the Viewer Tagging, the Color tagging breaks as part of it but Oz was ok with this as he stated LL wanted this function disabled anyway for some obscure privacy reason that puzzles me.

Maybe someone that understood exactly what Oz was trying to say can better explain it but basically IF Oz pulls the trigger on viewer tagging (which he said was already starting to happen on the sim their were on last friday) then friend color tagging will go with it..


I know some SL Residents dont care if Viewer Tagging and Color Tagging were to go but that does not dismiss that others find it valuable.  Zanara stated earlier that she is happy to see it go.  Thats fine, but one could also find residents in SL that would be happy to see True Online Status go as for them it doesnt affect them personally.

What anyone that cares about the OZ policies and its impacts and i speaking up on their concerns should be concerned about is how the policy impacts the SL Customer base ... even if it does not impact him or her personally.  they should be looking at the bigger picture when debating Oz's policies not just those that impact their personal interests.

As such, even though I personally would not be too upset with Viewer Tagging disappearing, I do fully understand and respect the fact that others do care and find it valuable.  i.e. if you happen to be a SL NOOB Helper and you can see the viewer over the noob's head and provide quicker more effective help to the Noob.  Or if you run a club (like Karaoke) and a new member walks into the club and has trouble getting stream or voice working.... seeing the member's viewer tag makes it real easy to explain what the function is not working for them because of the viewer used and its config.

I do personally LOVE FRIEND COLOR TAGGING!!!  I live for it often.  Its a critical feature I always use.  I love the color tags on the mini radar when I land in a crowrded sim and I can see where my friends are at a crowded concert with 50 ppl attending.  If this is what will be breaking this week (IF Oz goes forward with this) then that is real sad.


i think i remember smarmy saying something about them being used for other reasons..like a different color for friend tags and other tags like that..

with the last names coming back..they may have some future use for them also..

i really don't understand the tags being mesh either..i heard new names were gonna be mesh? talk about throwing a winger in there to really confuse the daylights out of me..lol

we are going to be able to make our own tags and upload them?

maybe the color is going to be used like our edit tools and we can change the color of our tags?

hell if i know really? i'm just guessing like it's going out of style right now lol

i just remember smarmy saying something about them being used for some other tags..like friends and i think partners ..bleh..now i'm gonna have to go listen again to the audio hehehehe

it will bug me if i don't know exactly what he said..

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Baloo Uriza wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:


Second, yes I know hosting costs money, etc, etc, but is the fact they are running a business the only thing that makes them legitimate?  I know a multi SIM owner who has been unable to log in to their main account for three weeks now and is at risk of losing their investment because she keeps getting responses like you see in this thread: 
  So teh adult haxors at LL after taking her  money all these years are just gonna let her lose all her work?


I'm supposed to feel bad for someone's failed business model?

Perrie Juran wrote:

Third, yes I know anyone can have a bad day.  As a business person myself, I have had bad days.  That still did not excuse my not taking care of my customers.  How do you think the FS Devs all feel when they keep getting labeled as teh kiddie haxors over and over again, when the many continue to get smeared for the past actions of a few? 

Maybe if they did some visible good in their own name, that would change.  But seems like they work on Firestorm because no other TPV team would have 'em at this point.

WOW Baloo  you really have a hate on for this team of volunteers that have done a lot to introduce features and technologies that LL could not think of or initially refused to do themselves.

Seems you must have been dissed by them and have a thorn in your side about all thing Phoenix.

I have had the pleasure to meet a couple of the Phoenix team about 1.5 years ago and since then I have found them all to be amazing ppl that have a passionate level of commitment and caring to provide the best viewer on the LL SL grid (no denying they are the market leader even though they do not get paid for their efforts and LL developers do).

I have had problems with Phoenix and when I contact them they are extremely responsive and approachable.  They answer their JIRA's promptly and engage in the jira discussions - unlike most times with LL.  AND they have even stepped up when asked to try to help with a JIRA that is completely LL's problem yet LL refuses to fix the 4 year old Jira.

As for them having a FAILED BUSINESS MODEL.... this proves how little you are informed about Phoenix.  A business model assumes that there is a business being run with the objective to making a profit.  This is what LL is TRYING to do.  This is NOT what the Phoenix team is trying to do.  They are not running a business.  They are a team that just loves to develop and grow the best TPV on the SL grid and they do it with no compensation from LL nor you nor any other resident in SL.  PS... this is likely how many of the other TPV's run their model as well - out of the goodness of their own heart.

YET LL steps in and kicks these TPV developers in the gut with these bogus Privacy and shared experience policies like what Oz released.  LL tries to make their life a living hell by changing the game on them in hopes that they fail.  And then FanBoys like you step in and kick these teams and making false accusations to these teams when you have NO RIGHTS to speak for a product or team that you dont use nor interact with nor compensate in any way.

You should be royally ticked off at the one player in this game that is supposed to provide you the best service and DOES get compensated for your activity in their game.  You should be ticked off at LL for the horrible customer service they provide and how they are so out of touch with what is going on in their own SL service.

andddddd..... that is why you are labeled a FanBoy.  Not an opinion... just the facts of how you fit the label.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

I do personally LOVE FRIEND COLOR TAGGING!!!  I live for it often.  Its a critical feature I always use.  I love the color tags on the mini radar when I land in a crowrded sim and I can see where my friends are at a crowded concert with 50 ppl attending.  If this is what will be breaking this week (IF Oz goes forward with this) then that is real sad.


I doubt that's breaking, since it's a part of the base viewer.

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

i really don't understand the tags being mesh either..i heard new names were gonna be mesh? talk about throwing a winger in there to really confuse the daylights out of me..lol

we are going to be able to make our own tags and upload them?

Let's not put the cart ahead of the horse here, no use in speculating when hard information is around the bend.

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Baloo Uriza wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:


Second, yes I know hosting costs money, etc, etc, but is the fact they are running a business the only thing that makes them legitimate?  I know a multi SIM owner who has been unable to log in to their main account for three weeks now and is at risk of losing their investment because she keeps getting responses like you see in this thread: 
  So teh adult haxors at LL after taking her  money all these years are just gonna let her lose all her work?


I'm supposed to feel bad for someone's failed business model?

So instead of banking three months of cash to make sure they could cover SIM expenses, they should have banked six?  Again, I think you know better.  How many long term successful merchants saw their business go to pot after all the troubles that evolved after the changes in search, etc. 

How many quit because the amount of time they were having to spend dealing with failed deliveries made it no longer viable for them to be in business?

Yes, some peoples businesses failed because of poor business models.  But not all.

Baloo Uriza wrote:

Maybe if they did some visible good in their own name, that would change.  But seems like they work on Firestorm because no other TPV team would have 'em at this point.

They have done a very visible good.  They have provided us with one of the most popular Viewers on the grid.  They have given us a Viewer that for a huge number of residents has improved our Second Life experience.

I'm not trying to play Fan Boy here.  If one of them should try and pull a slick move I'll be among those that say that person should be banned from SL.  I'm just trying to maintain a balanced view here.  FUD does more to hinder innovation than almost anything I know of.


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Baloo Uriza wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

i really don't understand the tags being mesh either..i heard new names were gonna be mesh? talk about throwing a winger in there to really confuse the daylights out of me..lol

we are going to be able to make our own tags and upload them?

Let's not put the cart ahead of the horse here, no use in speculating when hard information is around the bend.

actually ..i just went back to see the thread where they were talking about mesh names..

it seems i did not catch onto their joke until just now hehehehe


they were making fun of  the big deal over last names and that when they come back they must be amazing..something on those lines..

then they went on to say..will there be an upload fee..

the other person said yes..it depends on complexity..they are working out the details to determine "complexity"

then the next person said..i must correct you..it's name impact..not complexity..


LOL i can't believe i did not see it and have been running around since that thread thinking mesh names were really coming..

i don't think i have ever felt more blond than i do right now..that's pretty bad since i am brunette :smileyembarrassed:

i picked a bad day to quit tea!



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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

you are as confused as I was / am when Oz and the LL team was talking about it in the audio.  If you can clear up the confusion, please post it here.

actually i think i understood it better after hearing it the very first time..

i think what is confusing me is rather than sitting through it again..i am looking for bits and pieces..

that can tend to mix things together or place them out of order..i think when i get home in the morning i am going to listen through it again..

it sure would be nice if they made a transcript of the meeting so we didn't have to keep sifting through the audio..

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I am most concerned about the planned script breakage. Tools were created to ensure reliable delivery of inventory and messages to users as delivery when the uses are offline is VERY unreliable. Before this change is implemented, a few things must - MUST be done. 1) Inventory must NEVER EVER be lost due to a user being offline. 2) The "Too many messages, delivery capped" needs to go away and ALL messages MUST be delivered, even if the user has been offline for months. Implementing this change before such fixes are in place is totally irresponsible and harms your paying customers, causing inventory loss. The stifling of innovation with the "if we are too ignorant or lazy to implement it, you can't do it either" policy is a desperate strike at the TPV community whose volunteer efforts make LL look like it is as badly managed as it really is. For shame. The TPV community has innovated because LL has refused to actually listen to what it's users REALLY want (and NO, it wasn't the usability disaster that was Viewer 2) and you want to shut that down. How pathetically small of you LL.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:


I know some SL Residents dont care if Viewer Tagging and Color Tagging were to go but that does not dismiss that others find it valuable.  Zanara stated earlier that she is happy to see it go.  

I said no such thing. Learn to read or stop making things up, whichever deficiency accounts for your constant fabrications.

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I knew that the LL has become a NON-innovative company the last few years when you see how most things have been handled here and there. But that they forbid now any further development ONLY because they are NOT able to compete with TPVs is just insane!

That actually means when TPV developers come up with a new innovative feature that affects the “shared user experience”, they have to ask the LL, if they are interested to implement this feature before they are even allowed to do that. So basically the LL is planning to steal the ideas from others because it seems they have no own anymore. How lame is that..  And this might be the reason why they don’t kill TPVs completely because then they would kill their best source of ideas for the future!

I tell you how that will end. Either the LL will decline new proposals right from the beginning, or they will say “yes we do it”, but from experience with this company they will do it 1 or 2 years later (if ever!), while the TPV developers could work it out and add it to their viewer in only few weeks.

What kind of company is this that prevents any innovative ideas for a better experience and any future development?? Have they ever considered to shut up and take some of the very useful TPV features and add them to THEIR OWN viewer to make it more competitive?? Or are they just too lazy for anything ?

While other companies are fighting for more innovation, newer technologies and ideas just to be prepared and competitive in the future, the Lab prevents it! Well, this is unique in the world...

Im using Firestorm because of the user friendly interface compared to the LL viewer and the MANY MANY other unique interface features! And I will keep using it. They will not regain residents on this way. It just shows the immaturity of their company once again!!

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As fas as i see it, it was Linden Lab who created and established Second Life. It is their inetellectual property. Linden Lab did allow 3rd party viewers at some point, but why being surprised that LL lays down the rules?

I agree that LL isn't innovative what so ever, however SL remains their inetellectual property.

At the moment there are so many viewers from good ones to very unstable sl programs. The consequence is that it has become a total dazzle, dimishing chances of a joined experiences. What one avatar can see, isn't seen by another one because of possible different viewer they both use, higher crash rates etc. It has become totally out of control to my hounest opinion.

3Rd party viewers ok, but only if they unlock handy wanted options which are more dificult to reach in the official viewer (via the debug settings). Or if they can speed up rezzing, etc.

The experience inworld should be the same for evertone i truly advocate.


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I completely agree as I would think 95% of anyone else would agree that LL owns and controls SL. The problem that many of us are royally frustrated with at LL is the "Bigger Picture" and how LL is utterly not aware of it or completely does not care about it.

Let me explain...

You are right in that LL created it.  They are essentially both GOD & GOVERNMENT of SL.  They set down the fundamental architecture and rules around SL - which included their whole-hearted endorsement and support for OpenSource integration by many 3rd parties into their SL service.  And for ~8 years they have followed the principles behind it. 

And dare I say this to point out how powerful they are and fragile we are.... LL can walk into their Data Center and pull the BRS ("Big Red Switch") and instantly make the world of SL go POOF!  And all us customers and all our communities and all our clubs and galleries and stores and products and services and RL revenues and many relations, love affairs, friendships.....   THEY ALL GO POOF at the whim and decision of LL.

Of course you would agree that over all these years, LL has created a very large "CUSTOMER BASE" (aka SL residents but often many ppl even LL forgets that SL residents are LL's actual customers).  Over all these years, a huge portion of these customers have put trust in LL's SL architecture and fundamental operating policies and deployed technologies (like how LSL code works and the roles of the servers vs the viewers) and the delegated rights and permissions that LL has granted to many of us.... like TPV makers, content creators, SL services providers, etc.

So... although you are 100% correct that LL own SL and has literally the God Given Rights to change what ever they want in SL, what LL constantly is utterly unaware of or does not care about is the impact and ramifications of even the smallest decisions or actions the make.  Of course they can destory the world of SL if they wish that to happen.  They also can decide to continue to have some of the worst Customer Service practices in the industry.  If we dont like it then we can go to other Virtual Worlds.

But all that being said, common sense would tell anyone that when a company in the position of LL has evolved themselves to become such a powerful GOD & Government to such a huge virtual world of their customers who themselves have built their own livelihood and dependencies on LL's SL world... there SHOULD BE a sense of responsibility if not accountability on LL's part to look out for the interests of all citizens of the virtual world they own.

So to see LL taking irresponsible, naive and careless actions and decisions like what Oz Linden announced last week - where it has now become painfully clear to him and his policy making staff how little he and LL even knows about their own SL product and their customers that depend on it...   this is where the SL Customers get hair-pulling frustrated.

Sadly, Oz Lindens bonehead polices of last week are surely not the first.  If you are a merchant of SL then you have witness over a year of the current LL Commerce Team's inept handling of SL's Marketplace and lack of communications with us Merchants and several mistakes that have cost us Merchants over and over as they experiment and play with the businesses we have built upon the SL architecture and MP website.

The ironic joke that made me laugh when I listened to Oz's audio and the TPVs challenged Oz that LL has a long standing terrible history of dragging their feet or nor delivering on ideas presented to LL, Oz had the nerve to to say that there is a NEW LL Management in place and the mistakes of old are now behind all of us!!   Cough Cough!!  He was saying this in the very meeting that he was making and announcing the latest edition of LL's mistakes of old !

So... Linda... you are right.  LL can do what they want.  They have the right.  But LL should not be surprised in the least when they take on their evolved role of God & Government with so little awareness of the world they govern and with such little care about the impacts to their decision.   The current LL Management is just the latest generation of the same old immature LL we have all known for all these years.  Oz fits right in with all the LL leaders of old.

<me gets of his soapbox again>

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