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Avitar Minimum Height


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here's the question, its been driving me half-insane trying to find the answer, but first , some background on the only LL policy i can find on the subj

In some cases there may be an element of subjectivity as to whether an avatar (or other image) appears to be a minor. Objective factors which will be used to decide, including whether an avatar has childlike facial features, is child-sized, has clothing or accessories generally associated with children, and whether, based on the circumstances, an avatar is speaking or acting like a child ("My Mommy says...").

Question is to the mass forum of people, WHAT praytell is child sized...because i usually walk around prettymuch everywhere as 4 feet 7inches tall. or a bit shorter according to edit-appearance, and know a LOT of people in RL that are far beyond 21 years old and shorter than that..i've asked many many many many people in game and cant for the life of me find anything whatsoever that would detail 'child sized', i've seeen the 2foot'9inch kiddo's runnin around, which don't entirely count since edit-appearance thinks they are 6'3+

anyone that can shed light on avitar minimum height for any adult activities would be very much appriciated. 

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I wouldn't go from sizes the viewer tells me but from what I see. If there is an avatar that is really short, even compared to not oversized avatars then I would talk about a child-size. And lets face the true: There are adults in RL who are very short....sorry to say, but they have sometimes the size of a child. (can't realy refer now to the sizes you mentioned, cause I'm not familiar with this system).

But to make an avatar finally to a child, I would look how the shape is made, what skin is used and what the profile says.

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Gooz wrote:

only reason i ask is because i keep coming across people that swear that LL's policy's are a minimum of 5'2", 

5' 2" would be a discriminatory level to set height; in many ethnicities the average female height is lower than this (including populous nations such as India, China, Vietnam and Mexico. Average height, mind, not minimum. Even in notably tall populations (Netherlands, Slovenia) 5' 2" wouldn't be an unusually short height for an adult female.

As a measure, it also excludes tiny, micro, quadruped, non-human and recent 'petite' mesh avatars, which are anything down to 2" tall. Several of the non-human SL starting avatars are smaller than this arbitrary height.

There is no minimum height for avatars set by LL policy.

However, any parcel owner may, entirely at their own discretion, set arbitrary restrictions on what kind of avatars are allowed on their land. This can be anything they like... height (maximum or miminum), type, clothing or hair colour. I could insist that anyone entering my parcel be under 5 feet tall, naked, and wearing a blue hat, and LL policy (other than nudity in General areas) would have only one thing to say on the matter: that I'd be allowed to do it.

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I wouldn't base a judgement of child/adult on scale.

Scale is highly individualized, and in a constant state of flux as various trends take hold in SL.

Mesh furniture and houses will likely push adult scale down due to the way it calculates prim costs...


Over time I've seen 6-foot tall child avatars and 4-foot tall adult avatars, and everything in between.


Look to presentation in how someone roleplays their conduct. If they roleplay a child, that's a child. If they don't, they aren't.

- Its that simple.

LLs has no policy that defines a child avatar. Anyone telling you that is smoking something...


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You won't get that. Just read the policy for yourself instead of relying on misinformed fools...

Only problem is, there is no policy...


You have access to the same search buttons as us. So unless you're tying to stir up yet another height flame war around here -and frankly we've had enough of that nonsense- use it.

There are 4 links to the word 'child' in the knowledge base - none refering to child avatars.

There is one in the ToS, and it doesn't define them, just notes ageplay.

There is on article in the wiki, no definitions, and a very big warning that it is just resident rumor anyway, not to be taken as in any way based on anything other than random acid-tripping...

There's a mention in the adult content FAQ, noting that they're not even banned from A-rated land.


Here is the closest you will get to what you want:


- And it flat out agrees with everything folks have said here.


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Gooz wrote:

for some reason..i wish i could get a linden's opinion on the subj,...lol. swear everyone i've talked to keeps saying 5'2, 5'2, 5'2 >.<

You don't need a Linden's opinion, all of their rules are publicly published for anyone to read.

Pussycat has given you an excellent answer. Instead of making us disprove it to you, why don't you get your misinformed buddies to prove it to you. Try Google, it is an internet search engine, try entering some key words like Second Life Avatar Minimum Height. Set aside some reading time.

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Gooz wrote:

for some reason..i wish i could get a linden's opinion on the subj,...lol. swear everyone i've talked to keeps saying 5'2, 5'2, 5'2 >.<

Several "adult" places have height detectors that warn visitors who are under 5'-2". That's probably where that number came from. Bear in mind that's the "agent height" which is only measured to about the middle of the head but which also includes shoes - that's the only height measurement that can be determined automatically. It's also the height Linden Lab viewers report in the "Edit My Shape" area, but most third-party viewers use a calculation that attempts to get closer to your actual height by adding inches to allow for the upper part of  your head.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Gooz wrote:

for some reason..i wish i could get a linden's opinion on the subj,...lol. swear everyone i've talked to keeps saying 5'2, 5'2, 5'2 >.<

Several "adult" places have height detectors that warn visitors who are under 5'-2". That's probably where that number came from. Bear in mind that's the "agent height" which is only measured to about the middle of the head but which also includes shoes

That's basically a griefing script - harrassment.

AR for such when encountered.


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my avatar is 5'7" (as opposed to the 8 foot avatars most people are) this coupled with my slim frame (not so much now that I've had my SL baby though) braces and a tendancy to wear my hair in pigtails I get the "underage avatar" thrown at me as well, I just shrug and say "my avatar is 30 years old like my RL self, if you don't believe that, well that's up to you"

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  • 1 year later...

inticement wrote:

Actually, there is a policy in place.


It is in Terms of Service, Community Standards, Adult Rated sims and only effects a sim with a Adult rating.


There IS NO min. for Mature or General sims, ONLY ADULT

I couldn't find anything about minimum avatar height in either the TOS or Community Standards. Would you mind quoting the information from either?



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Parhelion Palou wrote:

inticement wrote:

Actually, there is a policy in place.

It is in Terms of Service, Community Standards, Adult Rated sims and only effects a sim with a Adult rating.

There IS NO min. for Mature or General sims, ONLY ADULT

I couldn't find anything about minimum avatar height in either the TOS or Community Standards. Would you mind quoting the information from either?

The truth is there is no limitation to avatar height anywhere in the TOS. And child avatars are allowed to visit adult regions.


Are child avatars allowed on Adult regions?


Yes, child avatars are allowed in Adult regions, as long as they are controlled by a person who has verified themselves to be at least 18 years old. However, the avatar should not be in proximity to sexual content or activity; and must obey the policy prohibiting sexual ageplay.


Since Adult regions by design will often contain sexual content, child avatars should use caution in visiting Adult regions."





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  • 7 years later...

So, I believe I know where this 160m thing comes from.. A guy I knew was banned for wearing his Kemono and being under 160 and afk.. A troll comes by and nails him with a report, this Kemono was fully dressed but the troll was not and doing vulgar actions towards him.. Well he got a hold of a Linden and their advice was dont  go AFK, and to be at least 160 as a guideline not a requirement, in order to help stop false AP reports.. But lets be honest you have to be pretty Petty to report someone for height.. I usually as my V-tech am 171 or 165.. my RL height as   a grown man is 5'6.. I am just really short for a guy and it bugs me how I will ask other guys in SL.. how tall they are in SL they say 5'9 but I go meet them 5x my height and body mass.. USE a Prim block or the appearance tab because believe it or not.. that is your mesh height.. the Server height will say you're smaller because it goes off your deformed height.. thats why the rulers are always wrong . https://gyazo.com/8acfccf79aed3634ee394b8dc3c7a591

Edited by Alister Loorden
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2013 ... 7... frigging ... years...for 160 whatever what 💀

Why? Just why?

There are plenty of other threads about height being off scale, about looking too childlike, how to tell your realistic height dating just a few weeks back ... was none of them suitable for sharing that story?

Edited by Lillith Hapmouche
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On 2/29/2012 at 10:59 PM, Jesica Dragovar said:

my avatar is 5'7" (as opposed to the 8 foot avatars most people are) this coupled with my slim frame (not so much now that I've had my SL baby though) braces and a tendancy to wear my hair in pigtails I get the "underage avatar" thrown at me as well, I just shrug and say "my avatar is 30 years old like my RL self, if you don't believe that, well that's up to you"

Honestly?  Most, and I know not all, people lose the braces before age 18 and adding the pigtails, shorter stature and slim build and I'd probably think teenager also.  When it says child, it does include teenagers under 18 which quite a few people seem to be pushing the line on.  If you're anywhere besides a sex sim, I couldn't care less but someone with that appearance near or engaging in sexual activity is asking for trouble.

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