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What are the Lindens doing?

Porky Gorky

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It's been nearly 2 months since Rod announced 

"we will be launching some completely different products next year not related to Second Life. Some of them will be very experimental, but all will fit within our company’s proud history of enabling creativity, which I hope may interest some of you."

So is anyone any the wiser? Have any facts come out since then?

What are they up to?

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It's one and a half month's into the year.  Isn't what you are asking sort of like hearing someone mention that sometime next week they are going to look into something next week on a Sunday afternoon and Monday morning you ask if there's anything new on the front about what was said?

If it were the middle of November or December, your question would be a little more legitamate, in my opinion.

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16 wrote:

dont know about the whatelse linden maybe doing, but nalates urriah post on her blog about the first part of realms tools that linden releasing

Wow.  Finally.  The approach sounds very good.  Hope the user testing goes well so we can use those functions soon.

It figures this would be announced on one of the rare times when I skip Kelly's user group. They must have been waiting for my absence, so y'all can thank me now.:P

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

It's one and a half month's into the year.  Isn't what you are asking sort of like hearing someone mention that sometime next week they are going to look into something next week on a Sunday afternoon and Monday morning you ask if there's anything new on the front about what was said?

If it were the middle of November or December, your question would be a little more legitamate, in my opinion.

I disagree. Your analogy is far fetched.

I'm not asking for a sample of a finished product am I? I am just seeking clarification on the comments Rod made in his blog. 

When Rod announced in Dec that the Lab were going to be working on non related SL projects, I would like to think that this had been discussed internally beforehand. I would like to think that in Dec, LL had some sort of plan on the drawing board for what they were going to be working on this year. I would like to think that some discussion has been had internally since then, even if no progress has been made on an end product. I would like to think that Rod himself had some vague idea in his brain of the products he was referring to in his blog post.

There is knowledge to be had inside Linden Labs and I am simply asking if anyone can expand further on Rod's blog post. This forum used to be full of people who seem to able to lay their hands on insider info or had the ear of a Linden. HIstorically LL has been very leaky in the past. 

I asked for facts, maybe that was wrong. How about credibly sourced rumors.

Failing that, how about some credible theories?


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ROB34466IIIa wrote:

Rodvik Linden : " The whole MUSH scene I think is something we can learn from." 

Afaik I think he' s referring to Multi User Dungeons ( networked textbased roleplaying adventures) here .

Not sure if that' s actually a fact you wanted.

That's exactly the the sort of thing I wanted.

I'm not looking for a powerpoint presentation with a roadmap for all new developments. Quotes and tit-bits from the LIndens are all i expected.


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Porky Gorky wrote:

ROB34466IIIa wrote:

Rodvik Linden : " The whole MUSH scene I think is something we can learn from." 

Afaik I think he' s referring to Multi User Dungeons ( networked textbased roleplaying adventures) here .

Not sure if that' s actually a fact you wanted.

That's exactly the the sort of thing I wanted.

I'm not looking for a powerpoint presentation with a roadmap for all new developments. Quotes and tit-bits from the LIndens are all i expected.


i'm starting to think one of them was silence..because  they just don't seem to be relating to us at all right now..and it's been since that announcement that they have lol

that was the last freaking blog we have gotten from them..

thats as unrelated as it gets..now i'm ready for those fixes they were talking about..ihope they are relating to those..

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Ah yes, linden lab embracing the MUSH scene a full decade after it completely died.  For the very same reasons that linden lab continues to propegate.

And they wonder why they lost more than half of their sims last year.

I've been saying this through more than a hundred acounts since I got kicked off of the first beta:

Stop using the Havoc engine, and to this day you still don't know how to set up a grid.

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Failing that, how about some credible theories?"


And when someone's "credible threory" doesn't pan out what do we get?  Some more grousing and complaining about LL not listening to it's residents?  Some more of LL's moronic growth direction?  Another thread on "WTF is Rod thinking?  I believe Linden Lab has grown to know that happens when they think out loud.  New things that might be in the offing for sometime this year, mentioned a month and a half ago (last year) has already spawned questions on when, how, what will it be.......and asking for "specualtions"?  Maybe, just maybe, LL has learned from the past experiences when they leak information (think out loud).  Some of those who got let go last summer were guilty of leaks......some of those leaks were responible for upsetting the mases.  Non disclosure agreements have a reason to existance.  It looks as if LL is enforcing it's policy vigorously.  Not a bad thing to do really.

I don't like the secracy anymore than you.....but I've seen what happens when those "leaked" theories or "facts" don't happen.  Next December and nothing happens then it's time to ask why did Rod say anything at all if he had no plan in mind?  That's 10 1/2 months away.  Speculate away.  And when that speculation turns to "facts" we can have another bash fest on the Lindens.  All I'm offering is a counter question to your thread.........what's wrong with waiting?


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i don't give a dang if it's just a happy valentines day..just say something..don't drop off the face of the earth..lol

plus the forums are not a butt load of people compared to the size of the group on the grid..it's not like the whole grid is jumping down on them when Rodvik made his announcement..look at his feed..it's mostly forum people..

not even a drop in the bucket of the grid population..a lot of the grid doesn't know what is going on till it happens hehehehe

i don't blame them for laying low on their announcement..but at least keep up appearances lol

LL we know you are out there..we can hear you breathing hehehehehe

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:


Next December and nothing happens then it's time to ask why did Rod say anything at all if he had no plan in mind?  That's 10 1/2 months away.  Speculate away.  And when that speculation turns to "facts" we can have another bash fest on the Lindens.  All I'm offering is a counter question to your thread.........what's wrong with waiting?


Only half of that rather short post was for 2012, but of those ...

"In 2012, the primary engineering focus of Q1 will be server side performance and fixing bugs."

We're halfway into Q1, so waiting till the end of Q1 to find out how many more bugs were fixed in Q1 as opposed to any other time is reasonable, sure. Will we see that 53% more bugs were fixed in Q1? Didn't see that when Phil as CEO or M as CEO promised a round of bug fixing. Agreed it would be nice and that I should be patient to see those results.

"For landowners, existing land tier pricing will not go up in 2012."

That's good to know. What I'd like to know personally though is when it'll go "down". Or when machines will get upgraded from Class 5's, which most of them are still on. From what I understand, more regions are on these servers than were when they were first upgraded to Class 5. Or both. Waiting till December might be pointless if that's the final answer though.

"In addition, our service and quality focus in 2012 also means that we will be delivering features and policies that we believe will significantly assist merchants and landowners in running a business more profitably."

That's great, if I knew what they were. Not specified whether these would be implemented in Q4, so I'm not sure if December is the month to wait for. Like the other statements, if I wait till December and don't see these, all I'll know is that they never happened. More detail would be nice for looking forward. This like other statements are more teaser than announcement.

Knowing sooner rather than later might help me make more informed decisions on what platform(s) to focus my efforts on in 2012.

"For creators our first new feature for 2012 will be pathfinding. Because worlds feel most vibrant when they are full of life, one of our next focuses for Second Life is the ability to make high-quality “life” within it. So in 2012, we will be rolling out more advanced features that will allow the creation of artificial life and artificial people to be much smoother. For starters, in Q1, we'll unveil a new, robust pathfinding system that will allow objects to intelligently navigate around the world while avoiding obstacles. Combined with the tools from Linden Realms this will make the polished creation of full MMORPG’s or people/animal simulators within Second Life easier and of high quality."

Much clearer, although already known by Q3-Q4 last year. Some new LSL functions to help creating games easier. No need to really have to wait for anything but the implementation.

"In addition to delivering new features and increasing our support for Second Life, we will be launching some completely different products next year not related to Second Life. Some of them will be very experimental, but all will fit within our company’s proud history of enabling creativity, which I hope may interest some of you."

Aside from giving me an example to follow that LL as an innovator believes that mobile and other platforms might be the best path for success, and not to put all my eggs in one basket, this tells me that I'm not really invited to this party unless I happen to stumble on them or manage to get informed by LL about what my tier helps to fund.

While I can survive without more information, I have decisions to make before next December, all I'd ask for is information with a little more meat on it, in the meantime.

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just to speculate on whatelse

is two things i would do if was me

background. i have a l$ risk api. a money market that works and a content market that works also. i also have a large group of ppl who trust me. i know that content makes lots of money. not only for me as host, but also for ppl who make the stuff. not just static stuff, but also social and interactive content

so i would concentrate on content in my whatelse. i would leverage my existing knowhow into that area

open up my l$ risk api to other worlds. not just 3D but 2.5D content makers as well

then i would try to gom the space occupied by daz, blender, photoshop etc. i would target ordinary and amateur creators, not the professionals. make a opensource content creation and editing program for mesh and textures that works like the editing tools in the viewer. build like prims, output like mesh. i put links in the standalone program so that can upload ur stuff to marketplace, also sl world and other worlds. and buy stuff also off the marketplace direct into the program. i also put a mod version into sl viewer as well

i would make a plan where otherworlds owners could contract in to my l$ risk api and my marketplace. yes they are my sl competition but i would look at the bigger picture. is way more money to be made in being a secure and trusted banker and content host for everyone. more than in renting out server space to ppl

i would also keep sl up and running for trialling and testing new innovations. that not any different to now tho bc linden do that anyways    

edit to add: ps i have no idea what linden are doing. just saying what i would do if was me

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well said.  I just finished typing out a long reply on the same subject here:


No reason to post it again as its on the forums but for those who care, thats my take on the matter.  I am in the same boat and while its been fun, I will probably be jumping ship.  I tried to hold out; I stuck around a lot longer then a lot of people I have known over the years in Sl, but you need to know when to punch out or get dragged down into the abyss by a sinking ship.

While its a cool idea, I can't help but wonder if LL decided to add AI & NPC's to SL because soon there will be no RL people left to interact with on the grid.  It sure feels that way now.  Oh, and thanks for not increasing land tier prices but IMO thats kind of like if oil companies said they wont raise gas prices now that they have reached $5.50 a gallion.  Why don't you just shoot your subscribers in the chest with a 12g shotgun and hand them a bandaid as consolation?  You can even add "Don't worry we wont shoot you again, at least not this year".  Doesn't matter anyway, at this rate most people will bleed out before you get the chance for another shot.  I guess I should just shut my mouth; its your world you have the right to drive it into the ground if thats what you want to do.  I just hope you have the self decency left over not to cry "what happened" when your business finally takes a dirt nap.  Then again, you have already planned for this which is why you are investing in so many other things not related to Second Life all of a sudden.  I guess its good to have a contingency plan when you repeatly ignore your paying customers.

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after hearing the meeting about the changes to the tpv's..not really that subject ..but just listening to the lindens in the meeting..

i have to say..i take back anything bad i said..i had the flu!!!

those guys are scarey tough

kidding hehehe

i did get a good feeling about them from the meeting though..

if anyone wants to hear the meeting ..here ya go..



i feel pretty good right now about the newer lindens we have now..at least the ones that were in the meeting..

they told it how it was hehehehe..it was actually very interesting and even made me laugh at times..

i think these guys are out to get things done..not like back in the M days..which they also knocked..

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