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Nasty Serial Stalker. Long term problem. Please Help.

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I have managed to attracted a real sicko. This person has created an account intended to impersonate me, this person has actually had very abusive conversations with people I am stood next to in IM using the same display name, they IM me daily with trans and homophobic messages using an attached object (this means a mute is pointless).

I have no contact with the stalker who uses many alts to harass and follow his victims around the grid.

I am not the only person affected by this. 

It actually started when I got into a relatrionship with someone who this sicko was harassing, I didnt get scared off by an IM full of really nasty messages from someone pretending to be my friend, so the nut job decided that I was fair game too.

This person has been abuse reported many many many many times, I have even tried live help and to call and speak to the lab directly only to be very sympathetically told to file more abuse reports. I have email recipts for about 40 already.

I have been keeping an log online for the last month or two, be warned, the language is very NSFW.

Summary : http://trinitydejavu.blogspot.com/p/profile-of-bully.html

Daily log (NSFW) :  http://trinitydejavu.blogspot.com/

As mentioned a mute is pointless, the messages are sent via a worn scripted object wich gets a new UUID every time.

I am at my wits end, it is devastating to get messages from friends telling you that someone they thought was you has been messaging them with filth like this (VERY NSFWhttp://trinitydejavu.blogspot.com/2012/01/impersonation.html

((Edits correct typos)) 


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Have you tried dropping out of sight for a bit?  Perhaps this person will tire of stalking someone who is not online and move on.

Continue to file Abuse Reports on this person if you do not want to go underground for a bit.  If you make an alt, do not friend your same group of friends unless you are positive no one is conveying your location to this stalker.

Good luck.

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Distching my main account of 5 years is not an option. I have a home, a sim and many friends and I run a very visable support group, not to mention the huge investment in inventory items that would not move. 

In short this has been discussed by all affected and we are in no way prepared to junk our second lives.

The stalker is going for people personally, not accounts. 

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I cant just vanish from SL, my sim or the my friends here for a few months.


A new avie would have to have a different home, different friends, differernt me. The bully has won and driven me out of SL. NO WAY. NOT HAPPENING and you wouldn't choose that option if this was happening to you. 

This has been going on over a year now. This person is persistant. This is what he does in SL for fun. 

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Extreme cyber bullying is a prosecutable offence in some countries now and  there have been instances of cyber bullies being prosecuted and imprisoned in both the UK and the US as well as other countries. I guess if you have lots of evidence and this is truly affecting your life then you should call the police. 

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Why call the police when you have proof of the stocking and stuff.  Why after giving the liden labs the information have they not done anything because that is the first thing the police are going to tell you to do. Why not have these avi's spendened or deleted off for harashment. I can get permently banned for doing stupid little things yet stocking and bullying is okay?

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Continue filing abuse reports. Have your friends file abuse reports. If any of the messages this person send are visible in local chat, have random people standing around witnessing this file abuse reports.

Research the laws in your country and your area. See if you can pursue a lawsuit against this person. (This gets trickier when the person may not live in the same state or even the same country as you, but it might be worth at least a bit of research and, if possible, a consult with the police, a lawyer, or even a decently intelligent and educated law student.)

In the meantime, make certain all your friends are aware of this person. Make very clear to them that this is NOT YOU, and that if someone messages them with these hateful messages, they can and should file abuse reports. You might be able to contact SL again and ask if there's any possible way to mute this object. You can also AR the object itself; if it is something commonly used as a griefing tool, and enough people AR it, it might get banned. You might even be able to contact LL again and ask if there's anything they can do to ban the object; or even if they can IP ban the griefer (which may or may not work even if they do it, but might be worth a shot anyway). See if you can find the creator of the object (if it's not the person who is griefing you) and message them, asking if there's anything they can do or any way the object can be muted.  

Other than that, truly the only recourse you have is to ignore this person and encourage your friends to ignore them, or create an alt and "disappear" for a while. I know that you don't want to use the second option, so unfortunately, other than the possibilities mentioned above, ignoring them and making sure your friends know what is going on might be your only options.


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Wow thats pretty bad. I have no idea how someone can have that much energy to bully someone totaly unknown. Not to mention it is such a stupid brainless way he does (suspect your stalker to be young and male).

Only thing I can think of is continuing with filing ARs, ask others to do so as well. Maybe that will put more presure on LL to ban this guy and all his accounts. Like you described you log in write his message and log off...you won't have a chance catching him to turn the tables :matte-motes-bored:

Since staying away from your main account is not an option you can only wait until he gets bored of writing the same stuff again and again.

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We have been doing all of those things for much longer than the blog records. In isolation each report is just low level name calling and if they are read at all then it's just not something the lab will ban for, Add it all up and you have a picture of a very abusive user.

As mentioned I am not the only victim. I am the only one prepared to stick my neck out to get this some attention. This has been going on long enough that others are seriously scared, Some have already abandoned accounts and started over and are terrified that what I am doing here will simply attract the attenion back to them. 

I own a sim. Even if I get a new account I will still be on this public sim. Becoming someone else is not at option, I am far to committed to this identity in and out of SL. There is also no way I can and will allow this person the small victory of driving me out as he has done to others.

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He doesn't get bored, this is his game.

Those who have confronted tend to get tormented more and then the bully actually mutes them and continutes to send them and their friends messages. Push it and you get an an alt account in your name who's profile is full of the same on going nasty stuff. This alt then tries to hang out at places you go to so it will be seen. Push it more and the fake you's profile gets more fleshed out, pictures, refreces to your friends, refrences to your RL

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If LL isn`t doing anything after all this time, it`s becoming pretty clear

Go to the police and file a complain against LL and send the complain to the board email along with all relevant information on every monday untill they respond or take care of him, and if that doesn`t helps,  get free legal help to take LL on.

As with the case with that land baron some time back, your sim is your propperty as you bought it, so you actually have assets here that have gone trough the court to not "give up" because ll is unwilling to get rid of a cyberbully and hence helping and abiding him.

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You may really try to go to the police. I know its just a little chance for hope and I don't know how your country deals with stalking and bullying on the internet. As he is speaking german sometimes, I suspect him to live in Germany and I guess your laws could deal with such kind of crime. Only problem can be to find him....

And you don't have any idea why he picked you?

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Deamon Easterwood wrote:

Why call the police when you have proof of the stocking and stuff.  Why after giving the liden labs the information have they not done anything because that is the first thing the police are going to tell you to do. Why not have these avi's spendened or deleted off for harashment. I can get permently banned for doing stupid little things yet stocking and bullying is okay?

If indeed LL has not done anything to help as the OP claimed then any victims are left with no other course of action other than contacting the police. The OP has plenty of evidence it seems so I am sure she can prove to the police that she has already contacted LL for help.

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Wow, what does it take to get LL's attention? Those chat logs are pretty nasty. Isn't it against TOS to use a display name to try to impersonate someone?  That may be a way to get someone's attention at LL. That was one of the big arguments against display names, and LL promised to take quick action against someone doing that. Having the ability to create a name that closely mimics someone elses name has fail written all over it, imo.

Sorry to hear you are having to deal with such a twisted individual and LL is not helping you at all. Bullys do tend to get bored after awhile if they can't get their intended reaction, but this person really seems to have crossed the line into obsession. Good luck.

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If they are good friends, they will understand. No need to worry about what they will think.

I agree with the advice you received from the Lab, continue to Report the Abuse.

I do not doubt that your peaceful enjoyment of Second Life is being disrupted, and I sympathize with your sentiments that sometimes it appears as if LL is ignoring AR's. This is not the case, access management is a daily battle for LL and any other website program that is worth accessing.


Before considering any legal remedies, first ask:


  1. Have you been injured.
  2. Have your Rights been violated.
  3. Has your property been damaged.


Membership in SL is optional.

As a product, all SL Residents may be protected under Their Local, State and Federal consumer protection guidelines wherein LL has declared to be Officially Operating.

Many web host are fully aware of who, what, where, when, and why. International limitations prevent or hinder an effective response.

ACTA and SOPA claim to be a solution. If your dog has fleas, the Government will beat the dog with a baseball bat until all the fleas are dead.

The worst thing about what is happening to the Internet, is that it is The People who are actually asking to have their freedoms taken away, to "protect" them.

Your thread may only encourage continued abuse, I suggest you refrain from seeking a public remedy. Many experienced Residents have offered sound advice and have suggested reasonable solutions, I recommend for you to follow that advice.


Edit: typo




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It has been going on for a LONG time. I really don't see how this thread will make it any different.

SL may be optional, but we are told that adherance to the TOS isn't. I have no interest  in any solution that equates to ditching my identity here and I am sick to the back teeth of hoping quietly that this will just solve itself somehow.

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It won't solve itself, I can promise you that. LL isn't acting sufficiently, so YOU need to up your game.

Don't ditch sl, don't create another alt, and don't let the sicko win.

In a couple of weeks it will be the 2nd anniversary of a very dear friend's death. Her death came at the hands of a similar individual. Except he wasn't a stalker, in the same sense, in fact he was someone who claimed to love her-which made it ten times worse. He was someone that tormented her in ways I don't think anyone will ever understand(I definitely don't understand) and eventually drove her to a place no one should have to go. Not to say you'd get to a point like that, but her story is not unique at all. It happens every single day all across this world, and it always starts out by someone overstepping the boundaries. It doens't matter the who, the how and the why, what matters is that laws have been implemented to help people in situations like this, for a reason.

You need to step up and use the legal system available to you. I would also do as someone else suggested, link Rodvik to your blog. Maybe, just maybe, it will help. But don't count on it. You need to take steps this person clearly doesn't think you will. That's why he gets away with it. That's why he does it. No one has yet taken those steps, and there are likely far more people than you think that have been affected by this person. At some point, someone is going to have to do more. As you said, it's been going on forever, you don't even think this thread will help, and you clearly know LL won't. So do what WILL help. Even if there aren't any laws in your country to protect you, there are laws in the US that will. You need to make use of them.

I don't want to point my finger at you, because I do know you're trying to do a good thing, and warning people, and sending notice, but making this a public thing also has a down side. It's going to feed his ego, and the ego of all those who are like him, or want to be like him(both men and women). It may increase the overall trouble in time. It may cause those people to up THEIR game too. You need to be prepared for that to happen-not excusing it, I'm just being honest. People like that are a dime a dozen and very much enjoy watching you wriggle, knowing they are getting under your skin and tormenting you. It's a very sick hobby, unfortunately all too common. Hence why we have laws to protect us, and even more importantly, protect future victims.

What starts out as text and cyber bullying, can easily escalate.

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