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Fraud in secondlife

Gavin Ling

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Ok about time i had a rant about the endless scams being pulled in world to earn a quick buck.Now i know they been around for years and there will allways be someone bringing back a old scam but my complaint is the way Linden Labs deal with these Accounts and Abuse Reports where told to file in order to see any of out money back that was stolen or taken from us.Today i lost L$35.000 from buying copybotted Products that appered to be genuine but was in fact a clever scam that tricks buyers into parting with there money.the products in questions was skill games which dont work so im left with very expensive pretty looking prims that i can do nothing with,So what should i do to get my money back?'File a abuse report' the lady tells me who represents Linden Lab who i spoke to on the telephone, this is of course the first thing i did when i realised what had happened,i know from past experience that this tends to be of no help and by the time LL look into it my moneys long gone and the thiefs moving onto there new account repeating the scam.from reading other posts LL rarely get involved between transactions between residents so wheres the deterrent for the thief ?

Its not too much the money i lost that annoys me but the way Linden lab deals with the fraud , there was a linden who dealt in such cases but he left secondlife last month so now we have no one to contact when such fraud takes place.When nothing gets done or i get no reply from them it makes me wonder why i bother to even report these avators, fair enough i only have a basic account but the telephone support i got was shockingly bad also

anyway rant over

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Possible cross-ocean notation confusion here -- do you mean thirty-five lindens or thirty-five thousand lindens? I'm assuming it's the latter. 


So... to figure out how to stop it, we need more details. Did it claim that you were buying something for thirty-five thousand lindens? Did it say you were buying something for less than that and took more from you?

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L$35.000 (35k) no the objects did not steal my money when i rezzed them thats not the problem, the scam was the Resident selling me fake games that do not work So the scam involved them copying the main body of tha game to mak the  game look like it came from the creator who made it, but the scripts inside where not genuine scripts that worked so the games are no good to use or sell on ( I buy and sell games).In a  nut shell they copied the body of the game to make it look real but as they cant copy bot scripts they renamed them as the correct name and dragged them in the body of the prims the games even asked for permissions when purchased to even further make it look like there real , but in fact the games dont work its just a trick to make people belive there genuine games

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Setekh, the "from other countries" thing? elaborate, please?


Gavin, I think the only solution for that would be to research an expensive item fully before you purchase it. Chances are that googling it or looking in the marketplace for it would show multiple sellers and you could figure out which was legit. Probably a smart thing to do for anything that costs a significant amount of real-world money.


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( I buy and sell games)

This is a business?  Or even, for that matter, a hobby? *boggles*

Anyway, I'd be curious how you found these games to buy in the first place.  In-world Search?  Marketplace?  Not that it matters to any Linden deterrence of fraud, really, but it would be interesting to know where the fraudsters are hanging out these days.

I'm also curious about the objects themselves: They were created by the legitimate games maker?  The prims and the contents, including scripts?  (They could still be copied, of course, by somebody who knew what they were doing, given a games maker using an account that was... "lax", let's say.  I'm just curious whether the copy scammers are being that sophisticated--which they could well afford to be, for L$35K.)

Also, just in passing, why post this thread in an Adult Content forum?

[ETA, just because it arouses my inner Grammar Nazi:  "there" != "their" != "they're".  Sorry to even mention it, but it actually made it difficult to read the posts.]

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Yes the games where created by the legit creator but the main scripts where copied and renamed then placed inside the game(s), The fraudsters contacted me and offered me them to buy as do a lot of residents in world do,I posted this here in adult as it seemed the best place to put it,Regadless of how the fraud was done its Linden Labs System of chasing up such deception that fails.Sure enough there will allways be unscrupulous people inworld as there is in the real world this wont ever stop , however there needs to be a better way of reporting such activity rather then the standard abuse report which where asked to do now.Its easy to say we should take more care of what we do in world but anyone can be fooled by the old invisble prim over a vendor scam which still takes place or any other scam they use still but who do we contact when where the victim?

Anyone from Linden Lab care to reply ?

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Not to be discouraging, but Lindens don't often post in these forums.  This particular forum is something of an exception, and it's likely that at least one Linden will see this thread, but one with specific responsibility for adult content and community, so I'm not sure that will be very useful... and I don't have any good suggestion for how to get better results.  

Perhaps a jira of some sort, if you can devise a technical approach to reducing fraud.  Admittedly, that's kind of a stretch.

As I was thinking of technical measures, I remembered that one well-known games scripter uses (or at least, used to use) an external server to validate ownership of product against a database of purchase transactions.  I don't know the details of that... whether it was only to activate the products initially, or if it could interfere with transfer (if his games ever even had transfer permission; I just never got interested enough in that product area to learn more about it).

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I think the original creator is the person best placed to get some action from LL, since he or she is the only person who can put in a DMCA complain about counterfeits of his or her work being made and sold.    Maybe if you contact the creator, that might get something done to stop these people.

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Gavin Ling wrote:

Ok about time i had a rant about the endless scams being pulled in world to earn a quick buck.Now i know they been around for years and there will allways be someone bringing back a old scam but my complaint is the way Linden Labs deal with these Accounts and Abuse Reports where told to file in order to see any of out money back that was stolen or taken from us.Today i lost L$35.000 from buying copybotted Products that appered to be genuine but was in fact a clever scam that tricks buyers into parting with there money.the products in questions was skill games which dont work so im left with very expensive pretty looking prims that i can do nothing with,So what should i do to get my money back?'File a abuse report' the lady tells me who represents Linden Lab who i spoke to on the telephone, this is of course the first thing i did when i realised what had happened,i know from past experience that this tends to be of no help and by the time LL look into it my moneys long gone and the thiefs moving onto there new account repeating the scam.from reading other posts LL rarely get involved between transactions between residents so wheres the
deterrent for the thief ?

Its not too much the money i lost that annoys me but the way Linden lab deals with the fraud , there was a linden who dealt in such cases but he left secondlife last month so now we have no one to contact when such fraud takes place.When nothing gets done or i get no reply from them it makes me wonder why i bother to even report these avators, fair enough i only have a basic account but the telephone support i got was shockingly bad also

anyway rant over

Fraud: Further reason for not spending a cent of real money on SL.

I order freebie stuff from the browser Marketplace. Usually I get it but if not, oh well... no loss.

No point in filling out an AR, either. It'll just be ignored.

The way I see it, if something weird happens in SL, it's just part of the game. Virtual theives & fraudsters in a virtual world. Big deal. Unless you're spending real money, your loss is virtual too.


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Gavin Ling wrote:

"The fraudsters contacted me and offered me them to buy as do a lot of residents in world do"

is quite hard to get ppl to stop buying stuff from cold callers specially when the caller saying they acting on behalf of or as a agent for a big name maker

get that sometimes in skins shops. like ppl random IM u and say they work there and u lucky customer whatever, so u can have anything in shop for half price or less even, if u give them the money bc is a super special secret lucky customer prize and thats why there is no vendor instore bc the super prize is only for u. if u pay them the money then they give u a rip of the skin

is sucky when that happens. same way like how u got done sounds like

can be quite costly sometimes. 35,000l$ is like $US150 or about. that quite a lot of money

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  • 1 month later...

I also just had a builder steal L$20,000 from me and didnt build anything. I reported him, but from reading this i guess nothing will be done about it. The problem is he was inworld antagonizing and taunting me. I posted in groups what he did and I got atleast 4 other ppl that he scammed. I reported him every day for a week...everytime he refused to give me my money. Yesterday he blocked and muted me. Why does LL allow this to continue especially when the person is still inworld scamming other ppl. I wish I was a hacker...oh the they would definately get ME...I guess petty crime does pay...in SL anyway....WELCOME TO THE VIRTUAL WILD WEST!!

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  • 2 years later...

Help, I think I might have been scammed by a program called sniffy. I to to it and downloaded the product. Then on opening it the screen filled with pop ups, one saying may I have access to your lindens account. I think I did not replay and left. I have deleted all mentions of sniffy but worried hidden somehow my account has been hacked. Any ideas. Thanks

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tracygirly wrote:

Help, I think I might have been scammed by a program called sniffy. I to to it and downloaded the product. Then on opening it the screen filled with pop ups, one saying may I have access to your lindens account. I think I did not replay and left. I have deleted all mentions of sniffy but worried hidden somehow my account has been hacked. Any ideas. Thanks

Never heard of it but first thing to do is change your password.

Then run a complete security scan with your anti-virus.

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Hi Tracy,

Was this "sniffy" thing something you obtained inside Second Life, or something you downloaded and ran on your computer? If it was an item you obtained in-world, the pop-up you saw was a request from the object to take Lindens from your account and you were right not to accept the request. If you did accept the request, I imagine the object has already transferred Lindens from your account. You should file an Abuse Report on the object.

If "sniffy" was something you downloaded to your computer, do as Perrie suggests.

Good luck!

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I assumed from 'downloaded' that it was a program she installed.

Unless by downloaded, Rezzed an Object was meant.

If it was an object capable of recieving payments like a tip jar then it could have been the (poorly worded) pop up warning which I don't have a screen shot of.

Not enough info here.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

I assumed from 'downloaded' that it was a program she installed.

Unless by downloaded, Rezzed an Object was meant.

If it was an object capable of recieving payments like a tip jar then it could have been the (poorly worded) pop up warning which I don't have a screen shot of.

Not enough info here.

I decided to take a different angle because of the mention of the Linden popup. The question is a li'l confusing to me.


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Here we come back to the race thing : Yes , many feel superior here to other ethnicities or countries - and then everybody denies racism ?

Those from " other " countries speak at lest 2 -3 languages what about you ?


You take it for granted that people speak English ?

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  • 1 month later...

Well , said !


And YES there is racism and sexism towards guys .


Yes, it's not appreciated you speak any foreign languages :(  if somebody is not good in it these people even get insulted and they make fun about them .


Use a translator !

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