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Shoes: Invisible prims

LoveAngeL Lyre

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Hello to all. I had a discussion with a male and female friend yesterday evening about this subject so i thought to start this thread. The female friend told me that recently spent 1300L$ to buy a pair of heels from a very known brand in SL but when she worn them she dissapointed because they had invisible prims arround them. Immidiately she contacted the creator asking or for a replacement or for a refund. Creator answered that she works only with invisible prims but eventually gave the lindens back to my friend. The male friend said that he has difficulties to find qualitative shoes and boots at Marketplace or in stores in world without invisible prims, although he doesn't care about the cost. So i want to ask:

  1. Why many creators (some of them very known) continue to work still with invisible prims? Is because this way shoes fit better? Or maybe lack of knowledge?
  2. What you prefer ladies and gentlemen here to buy? Shoes / boots with invisible prims, without, or you don't care?

I prefer to buy shoes with Alpha layer and without insivible prims because i think the transparency arround the shoe "destroys" all its elegance line and beauty. Opinions?



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Shelby Silverspar wrote:

Designers are still using invisi-prims because many residents are still using viewers that can't use alpha masks. Some designers include both alpha masks and invisi-prims for versatility. I personally don't really care as long as the shoes are well made.


Thanks for your answer Shelby. I understand it. On the other side a creator who charges 1300L$ for a pair of shoes, for my opinion, should have available the other option also for customers who desire it.

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I sell only a very few models of shoes, because my shop is basically a dress shop. All of the shoes have invisiprims, but I always include an alpha mask with every pair.  Every clothing item I sell is copy/mod, so it's an easy matter for a customer to remove the invisiprims if she wants to.  It will be a very long time before we no longer have SL residents who use V1 viewers, so it would be unfortunate to stop selling clothing that they can use.

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Rolig Loon wrote:

I sell only a very few models of shoes, because my shop is basically a dress shop. All of the shoes have invisiprims, but I always include an alpha mask with every pair.  Every clothing item I sell is copy/mod, so it's an easy matter for a customer to remove the invisiprims if she wants to.  It will be a very long time before we no longer have SL residents who use V1 viewers, so it would be unfortunate to stop selling clothing that they can use.


I hope more creators to follow your professionalism (i hope to use right the word), Rolig  and include also both options in their products. That's doubtless the best.

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It sounds like a well known shoe designer who floats on past times glory, unwilling to learn new things. 

The guy can try Hoorenbeek. They include both shoe parts with alpha prims and without, so he can delete the old version to avoid clutter. GOS and FIR & MNA has great stuff.

Do they use mesh compatible viewers? DECO has some really good mesh combat shoes. And nice boots for women. 

A trick when I search on the Marketplace, I sort it so I get new items first. That way I avoid popular items from years ago to pop up on the first pages. 

Edit: Invisiprims only = NO buy. And it's important to me, I simply don't wear that anymore. 

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Shelby Silverspar wrote:

LoveAngeL Lyre wrote:

a creator who charges 1300L$ for a pair of shoes, for my opinion, should have available the other option also for customers who desire it.

At the higher end of shoe prices, I'm actually surprised that they don't. I can guess what store it is, tho...

I think that other residents who read us now, understood for what store we speak.

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Marianne Little wrote:

It sounds like a well known shoe designer who floats on past times glory, unwilling to learn new things. 

The guy can try Hoorenbeek. They include both shoe parts with alpha prims and without, so he can delete the old version to avoid clutter. GOS and FIR & MNA has great stuff.

Do they use mesh compatible viewers? DECO has some really good mesh combat shoes. And nice boots for women. 

A trick when I search on the Marketplace, I sort it so I get new items first. That way I avoid popular items from years ago to pop up on the first pages. 

Yes they use both mesh compatible viewers. *takes a piece of paper to write the brands for males*

Thanks for your suggestions, Marianne.

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LoveAngeL Lyre wrote:

Hello to all. I had a discussion with a male and female friend yesterday evening about this subject so i thought to start this thread. The female friend told me that recently spent 1300L$ to buy a pair of heels from a very known brand in SL but when she worn them she dissapointed because they had invisible prims arround them. Immidiately she contacted the creator asking or for a replacement or for a refund. Creator answered that she works only with invisible prims but eventually gave the lindens back to my friend. The male friend said that he has difficulties to find qualitative shoes and boots at Marketplace or in stores in world without invisible prims, although he doesn't care about the cost. So i want to ask:
  1. Why many creators (some of them very known) continue to work still with invisible prims? Is because this way shoes fit better? Or maybe lack of knowledge?
  2. What you prefer ladies and gentlemen here to buy? Shoes / boots with invisible prims, without, or you don't care?

I prefer to buy shoes with Alpha layer and without insivible prims because i think the transparency arround the shoe "destroys" all its elegance line and beauty. Opinions?



I prefer both options. I am clinging to a very stable 1.23.5 viewer but will switchout as soon as LL offers a skin choice on V3 [silver skin please] When I get new boots/shoes I request that the designer send along the invisi-prim fix too, if they do not offer it, I do not purchase, but I let the designer know. ;-)

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I prefer alpha layers, but if the shoes have built-in invisiprims, as some of mine do (also from a well-known creator, maybe the same one, who knows?), I'll still wear and love them.

Creators who are only able/willing to work with invisiprims will encounter a problem if and when SL stops supporting invisiprims (which has been mentioned/threatened before). At that point, I will probably begin messaging creators of some of my favorite shoes and requesting, if not demanding, versions without invisiprims.

Unfortunately not all viewers support alpha layers, and some of those that do still only support one item per layer of "system clothing," so if you need two alpha layers you're screwed.

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İ was create a cuple of Shoes and Boots too. My first trying was with invsb. Prim but i turnto Alfa Layer. İ see if Ppl at the shining Danceflor the Prim are shining too at looks not realy well. With my Alfa i not have any problem if its have the perfect position. 2 of my Alfa Layer Shoes.


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I detest invisiprims, and can't believe that some people still need them. Happily, lots of my old favourites were moddable, and they were able to be stripped out. One shop has nicely got an updater, so you can have a free update (Bax Coen). I can't bring myself to throw out old shoes, but find myself bypassing them whenever I'm skimming through the shoe cupboard.

Sadly, some of my most loved shoes are now gathering dust. The look of invisiprims against any alpha texture just makes me shudder, and brings back memories of having to do hours of photoshopping to get rid of the great clunky things.

I sell some shoes, and they have both options,and are moddable. I have no idea if any of my customers actually want v1 shoes, but don't hear any complaints, so will keep putting both in the boxes for a while longer. Probably until v1 is entirely abandoned.

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Shoes with invisiprims work in 100% of all SL Viewers. Shoes that require Alpha Layers do not.

Until they killed the sidebar in Viewer 3 completely, I was one of the people still clinging to Viewer 1.23.5. I still get better frame rates with 1.23.5 than with Firestorm or V3, and 1.23.5 takes fewer mouse clicks and fewer steps to do almost any task. But the lack of the ability to work with prims larger than 10 M forced me to finally delete my old V1.23.5 and move to V3 or Firestorm.

I recently looked over my shoe collection. Most of the shoes that I own have invisiprims, and the shoes are no-mod, so have no way to remove them. Even some very expensive shoes that I bought les than 3 months ago still had only an invisiprim version.

It will be a while yet before the content creators in SL choose to eliminate invisiprims. Personally, while shoes that use alpha layers do look a little better when seen against an alpha-textured floor, or against Linden Water, the "benefit" of having shoes with no alpha in them is sort of moot while my avatar syill has an alpha textured tail, that there is no similar way to fix. So I am in no great hurry to replace all my shoes.

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you might also consider that some creators have hundreds of objects already on marketplace and other projects in the works. Going though all the product to remove invisiprims and including the appropriate alpha for all the products might not be their highest priority.

Personally i wont buy shoe unless i can mod them to fit my feet. Sick of buy shoes that are too big. i usually just remove the invisiprim myself and find an alpha thatll work.

I dont mind invisiprims, it's big, no mod shoes that i dont like :P

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I won't buy shoes where invisiprims are the only option period.  Until everyone is using a newer viewer both alpha layers and invisiprims should be included in new shoes.

I have removed all the invisiprims i can from my shoes and deleted them all out of inventory because i can use the closet space. Shoes that are no mod that I can't remove the invisiprim from I seldom wear anymore.



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Very good thread LoveAngel. I've often wondered the same myself when I was thinking about making shoes.

I personally prefer an alpha layer to be included. It looks much neater and doesn't show thru on floors like the invisi-prim does. While I cannot imagine anyone still using a viewer that doesnt support alpha layers, there probably are those hard-headed users who refuse to update or maybe users who do not know to update. For the time being I think both layers should be incuded.

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Princess Verwood wrote:

[...]While I cannot imagine anyone still using a viewer that doesnt support alpha layers, there probably are those hard-headed users who refuse to update or maybe users who do not know to update.[...]

Or can't update.  Some people are using V1 codebase viewers because the V2 generation of viewers simply won't run on their computers.  There is still even a small handful of people whose computers don't have SSE, which is required for all recent viewers and has been built in to virtually all computers sold after 2004.  Those computers will finally die some day.  Until then, though, their owners need to have invisiprim shoes (or go barefoot).

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