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Can anyone tell me how many people aged above 40 playing secondlife?

viksri Shim

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Dear reader, I  have so many friends on sl who are aged above 40, as am working on a research about elderly and gaming, I was quite eager to know how many people who are aged above 40 playing SL. If anybody know please let me know or give me your ideas and suggestion for getting these kind of data or from your own experience how many you have seen and few comments about such users. I hope they have good time on SL which is really a good thing.. I know a lady who is 80+ is a active SL user who is also my friend.. 

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viksri Shim wrote:

Dear reader, I  have so many friends on sl who are aged above 40, as am working on a research about elderly and gaming, I was quite eager to know how many people who are aged above 40 playing SL.

Your use of the word "elderly" in such close proximity to "above 40" makes it sound like you consider those "above 40"... elderly. :smileyvery-happy:


... from your own experience how many you have seen...

The majority of my friends.


I hope they have good time on SL which is really a good thing.

Oh, they do...

ETA: P.S. The suggestion that "most are above 40, unless they are bed ridden or sick in some way" is absolutely ridiculous.

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My counter question is......Does it really matter?  :)


I have no idea of how many "players" ( prefer users over players) over the age of 40 there are in SL.  I would venture to guess that the percentage of users over the age of 40 is quite a bit higher than the percentage of users under that magic number.  I know a very high percentage of users make the claim that they are under 40 by either direct statements or by the presentation of their avatar.  In the end, it's how they present themselves that makes them "my" age or younger or older......it matters not one iota what their real life age is.


Oh, and by the way, there are no statistics for that.  Linden Lab has no way of knowing anyone's age...........it's just their word.  It's good enough for LL, it's good enough for me.  It's a virtual world..........not a real world.  Who cares?  :)


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I know this doesn't answer your original question, but  consider portion of a proposed definition of Old or Elderly by the World Health Orgainzation which states:

Most developed world countries have accepted the chronological age of 65 years as a definition of 'elderly' or older person, but like many westernized concepts, this does not adapt well to the situation in Africa. While this definition is somewhat arbitrary, it is many times associated with the age at which one can begin to receive pension benefits. At the moment, there is no United Nations standard numerical criterion, but the UN agreed cutoff is 60+ years to refer to the older population.

But then you might redefine that with the old saw, "you're olny as old/young as you feel.

I'm coming up on the big 4-0 shortly, but I'm still pretty spry.   :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

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No, I'm afraid nobody can give you that data. I'm assuming you've newly joined SL, perhaps with the sole purpose of carrying out this research (may we know what kind of research it is? acadaemic? market?) and are not yet aware that, strictly speaking, none of us know the age of other players with certainty. There's certainly no data-base of client info which other clients can access.

I feel you might be missing one of the main points about SL - it's a place where you re-invent yourself and that might include age. Many (most?) people will cling to their adopted new identity in public, therefore what they might declare regarding age, gender, location, profession, etc., may well not correspond to facts.

I for one, however, have no problem with admitting to being 21 in real-life, so unfortunately, I can't be any help to you in your research. With a bit of luck, some decrepit old over-forties will help you out.

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Pick any number you want. It doesn't matter in Second Life. People go into SL to take a break from their daily lives.  What's refreshing about SL is that we can shed the labels that society has put on us. Male, female, over 40, under 40, intellectual, manual worker, it doesn't matter any more. An esteemed college professor can be a naughy elf in Second Life, the garbage collector can be a prince, the grey mouse leads men into battle.


SL is the place were you can find hidden aspects of wonderful human beings. Demographics will never be able to grasp that. Genuine person to person interaction will, in it's own way.  Stop worrying about age brackets and get to know the wonderful INDIVIDUALS in SL.

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As has been said a number of times, there is no way of knowing.

To those who wrote that SL is an alternative life, etc., the OP wants to know about RL ages who 'play' things like SL, so what SL is all about doesn't matter.

@Carole: Be careful when you say things like "Many (most?)" because some idiot SL forum users can insist that it actually mean "the majority", and argue about it tooth and nail, when all sensible native english speakers know exactly what it means.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

As has been said a number of times, there is no way of knowing.

To those who wrote that SL is an alternative life, etc., the OP wants to know about RL ages who 'play' things like SL, so what SL is all about doesn't matter.

@Carole: Be careful when you say things like "Many (most?)" because some idiot SL forum users can insist that it actually mean "the majority", and argue about it tooth and nail, when all sensible native english speakers know exactly what it means.

Kind thanks for the warning about using certain terms when posting on these forums. I should point out that I myself evidently fall into the category of "idiot SL forum users", as I did in fact mean "probably the majority" when I typed "many (most?)". In truth, I very carefully chose to say "many (most?)" and threw in a couple of hypothetical modals for good measure, since, although some posters do occasionally make direct reference to RL information, if one looks around, one can hardly fail to notice that we are using fake names, that none of us appear to be using RL photos as forum icons, that the content of posts is usually SL-related (thus connected to the alternative and not real life of the client) and that in the rare case of RL information being published here, there is, as all sensible SL clients know, no way of knowing if it is factual or simply another facet of the alternative identity the client has created. 

Are you suggesting that all posts should be composed in such a way to be 100% comprehensible to sensible native speakers, EFL speakers (of all levels???) and "idiot" (your word) posters of all native languages? I'm not sure I could accomplish that. I look forward to observing the syntactic and lexical content of your posts. Evidently I have a lot to learn.

Although I suspect everybody who answered was aware that the OP meant RL age, thanks anyway for the clarification.


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I remember circa 2007 LL published a whole set of user data including age demographics.  These showed that the overwhelming majority of the population was 25+.  I forget their actual age banding, but you may want to trawl the electric interwebz tubes to find that.  

I don't recall seeing them publish anything similar to that after 2007 as I suspect that the 30+ users are probably the pre-dominant group of active inworld users and the largest long term users and LL doesn't want their product pegged as an elderly users' [sic] platform thus putting off young, immature hip users with no disposable income from joining.

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Sy Beck wrote:

...] platform thus putting off young, immature hip users with no disposable income from joining.

Lol - although they do seem to be the daft ones that immediately pay for premium, can't see anything (because they haven't installed a viewer), get a house (that they can't find), can't understand why SL doesn't work on their clockwork iSuck and only log-in a couple of times before giving up because SL is so laggu: nothing to do with their laptop graphics and wireless internet of course ^^

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Carole Franizzi wrote:

Kind thanks for the warning about using certain terms when posting on these forums. I should point out that I myself evidently fall into the category of "idiot SL forum users", as I did in fact mean "probably the majority" when I typed "many (most?)".

You haven't struck me as being in the same category of "idiot" as the people I meant. In fact, you're posts have struck me as being eminently sensible. Maybe I'm too much of an idiot myself to know ;)

I wasn't being particularly serious about your "many (most?)" words. It reminded me of a thread a few years ago, that's all. I don't remember exactly what I wrote but it was along the lines of "Many, perhaps most, females in SL imagine that the guys want to have sex with them." The underlined part is accurate, and is the reason why your words reminded me of it. In fact, the thread became known as "the many, perhaps most, thread" at the time. The statement set some forum users off, and a bandwagon effect took hold. They didn't like me saying that about females, so they insisted that I actually meant "the majority" and railed against that, when the words didn't say that at all, and I meant exactly what I wrote. But they refused to accept that I didn't write, or mean, "the majority" - only perhaps the majority - and they wouldn't let go. I had no idea whether it was a minority or a majority of SL females who imagined that, but I knew that many, perhaps most, of them did. They were real idiots - like ravenous wolves, tearing at a victim - and it went on for *loads* of forum pages. Some of them apologised afterwards but most didn't.

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RikThistle wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

I did know one girl, who was around the late 20s or 30s mark, whose mother and grandmother were poledancers in SL

Did you meet them in real life, or just pay to webcam them?

Or are you that

lol. I knew the younger one as a friend in SL, and I met her mother in SL. That's all.

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