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3.2 Issues

Byran Glaz

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A few weeks ago I breifly tried the 3.2 beta and I really did not like the new UI set up and after a using it for a few hours I ended up going back to the regular v3.x release client because I preferred the functionality of the sidebar, now that I have updated to 3.2 none of the toolbars are showing up and I have no idea how to get anything back. I would much rather have the previous UI than the current one.

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I agree, the change is crippling and horribly disorienting. I used the top left tags instead of the icons and though i have managed to mimic that a little using the new toolbar feature, it sticks them all in the middle and not at the top left.

The chatlog doesnt minimise to the bottom left and i am forced to use enter to open speech rather than clicking in and typing. I can put the expanded text log there but it goes invisible rather than minimising to the enter text area.

It's clumsy and horrible. With the camera there were options to make it how it previously was, but with this its barely functional if you try to get it back to its old "tidy left bar" version.


My partner has pestered me for the longest time to move to firestorm and this may well be what gets me to move. This is all deeply upsetting and i`ve stuck with v2 and now v3 even though others call me an idiot for it. Now i`m a crippled idiot....hmm and as i type this second life has just crashed in the background.

I carried the flag for V2 and 3 and i was so, so stupid if this is what happens to me.

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I see what they were trying to do with 3.2, making things more customizable but, I don't like having everything that I open pop up as a random window in the middle of my screen and having to dig through multiple things to do what I want.

With the sidebar, If I needed more than one window open I could just pull the window out of the sidebar and do what I needed to and then after I was done I could just send it back to the sidebar, keeping things nice and neat on my screen.

The only thing I like so far is the new position of notifications, when they were at the bottom they would get blocked by other programs on my computer giving me notifications and with the second life notifications at the top where they are more noticable, but as for 3.2 thats about the only thing I like.

I also preferred the chat box staying at the bottom of the screen, being able to click in and start typing instead of having the chat window floating around my screen.

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Viewer 3.2 is a total nightmare.  I totally agree with everyone above.  Though I don't think I can get used to this new hot mess at all, primarily because of the lack of integrated and easily accessible chat bar.

It may please some of the folks that hated viewer 2 and stuck with viewer 1.23.x or switched to TPV.  But I think this new one only shows the advantages of viewer 2 to 3.1... tidiness and less clutter.

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The new UI is the response of so many residents being very loud about their total hatred of the sidebar and uncustomizable interface.

So they have removed the sidebar and made it customizable(er)

Hopefully this new UI can prove to indeed be better after learning to set it up to ones liking, or else those who were perfectly happy with the way the interface was will learn be louder in their appreciation of what works next time around.

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I was one of the sidebar haters. Now it is the camera controls (how big are they?!) and the IM/group chat icons that come up on the screen exactly where I prefer my minimap to be.  I am, however, loving how V3.2 is so very different from how the original V2 was; it is gradually morphing into something more user friendly, but it's rather like real life, when you get used to driving a particular make and model of car, and just find you can get along with driving a hire car for a day or a week, but sometimes you hire one that you are glad to see the back of!

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I've reinstalled 3.1 also.

I do agree the UI needed to be more customizable and quite a few things could definitely be made to use less clicks to accomplish (i.e. like editing permissions of multiple items at once instead of one by one).  But making everything a cluttered mess taking up too much screen space again and making local chat an inconvenient pop-up afterthought isn't the route to go towards improvement.

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Chronometria wrote:

This is all deeply upsetting and i`ve stuck with v2 and now v3 even though others call me an idiot for it.

This is just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt, but I think your problem is your friends, not which viewer you use. There's a difference between valuing your friends input and letting them belittle your choices as if you were a child.


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Why would anyone inplement new navigation into a non-major release.    The new toolbar functionality removes organization functionality from the product.   What a poor development choice!!!

And of course it is very sad that the automatic upgrade for the browser is the same day that they are having so many rolling restart problem.

So sad.

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First people complained and screamed about the sidebar being there in the first place. Now its gone and people are screaming that it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Just proof that you cannot please everyone no matter how you try.  But there is help for those of you who are missing the "old/new" interface. 

SL remembers the locations of windows once you open and place them. If you like you can open each window, move and size them in the area where your sidebar used to be. Close them and re-open them to find they are exactly where you left them. Granted, its not exactly what you had before, the Tab Buttons will no longer slide out from the sides of the viewer but its close and leaves us with a workable UI for both camps.

Hope this helped a bit!

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"SL remembers the locations of windows once you open and place them. If you like you can open each window, move and size them in the area where your sidebar used to be. Close them and re-open them to find they are exactly where you left them. Granted, its not exactly what you had before, the Tab Buttons will no longer slide out from the sides of the viewer but its close and leaves us with a workable UI for both camps."

If you drag the buttons to the right, then drag the MENUS (which ignore the button locations) to the right, you'll find notifications and IM's raining down over your menus. Then you will start to swear. I've been using 3.2 for a while because the developer builds seem to fix many of the OpenGL crash issues of 3.1. I've found a layout that is reasonably workable for a Viewer 2 stalwart like me: Expanded Local Chat palette in lower left corner, former sidebar menus on the LEFT spanning from the top bar to the top of the chat palette and stacked one on top of each other to mimic the sidebar behavior, and tabbed IM's on the right, about halfway down. That reduces most of the traffic jams.

Do I like it as much as the sidebar? No. But it's workable. If I could move the IM's and notifications I'd be happier. But, for better or worse, it's what we've got. My developer pre-beta release is far more stable with new Nvidia drivers than Viewer 3.1 is. Which is seven kinds of sad, of course. However, Second Life and the friends I've made in it are enough for me to tolerate Linden Lab's inexplicable decisionmaking. Your mileage may vary.

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First off: I LOVE the menu customizaton options of the new viewer. I do, however, missed the docking option that the sidebar allowed for (I was pro-sidebar the moment it was introduced - I always hated the mess that the free floating windows can create). If they brought back an option to have your menu items docked OR free floating (not just free floating), I'd be a happy girl.

I also miss having the chat bar properly integrated in the bottom menu. I don't know where the heck to stick it now that it's free floating where it's not either awkward or blocking the text as it appears, but I suppose that's a minor quibble.

Seems like I just barely got used to the notifications being in the lower right (after months of them being there), and now they are at the top again, lol. Oh well. I will adjust. :)


(edited for silly typos)

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Major problem here, after today's auto-update my viewer is in some Scandinavian language.

Some of the language looks enough like Dutch (which I am) for me to figure it out, but honestly, if I have to learn some weird language with weird dots over letters and stuff just to get on SL, then Linden Labs definitely either has a few extra chromosomes or is maybe missing a few.

English I can do, to some extent I can do German, but for the love of God, LL, fix this because Scandinavian languages weren't part of any classes that I took in school, as long ago as it's been for me I think I'd remember, and no, the Norwegians haven't invaded and annexed the Netherlands.

The easy fix for me right now is to set the language to English, but come on, fix this, and ensure that the next update doesn't want to force me into learning Japanese or some weird Klingonese dialect.

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Angel Alphaville wrote:

 No it didn t help.

Well, I suppose its good that I didn't promise it would, right?

You put in the same bag people from opposing sides in a debate that is almost religious.

I did nothing but offer a suggestion to those who were having difficulty adjusting. As for a religious debate, I have little time for it as I have more important things to worry about in life than to elevate a UI to such a level.

Moreover, it's clear which "side" you are, in other words, it's clear you haven t even used V2 at all.

I have no idea what "side" you are referring to, if you are assuming that I was a fan of the 1.x interface then I can happily tell you that you have no idea what you are talking about. I have been an SL resident for 6yrs and have used nearly every viewer out there, many on a regular basis. From LL releases including Developer, Snowstorm  to Nicolaz, Henri, Emerald, Cool, Kirstens, Dolphin, Imprudence, Firestorm, Phoenix, Restrained, Catznip, Exodus and Singularity.

I don't mince words, if I was a fan of 1.x I'd have stated so. I preferred the Viewer 2 interface because it was cleaner and more refined but all of them have their strengths and weaknesses. I like the 3.2 interface as I like the ability to relocate my buttons and customize my viewer to meet my needs, I also like the ability to completely remove it if I don't want it there. The separate windows are an annoyance but nothing I won't eventually get used to. I would have preferred if they maintained the "drawer" concept while allowing us the ability to move things around. But hey, I don't have the dev team on speed dial so I'll make do.

I am not afraid to learn new interfaces as I enjoy playing with technology. The fact that I don't whine about changes and simply adjust does not place me in any camp. Save your fanatacism for someone else. Use my suggestions to make do or ignore them, downgrade or use a different viewer. I honestly could care less as its your personal choice and none of my business.

Thankfully there are tons of options out there for us to make use of that will keep those of us who just want to enjoy SL (people like me) out of this holy war some feel the need to take part in. 

Enjoy your fight, but I'd advise you to relax just a little, k?

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Installed Viewer 3.2 Yep, it's a little bit different, no real show stoppers as far as the UI goes. My real concern is one that Theresa Tennyson raised, namely the Open GL disconnect-on-login crash with Nvidia 4xx & 5xx graphics cards. Has it been fixed yet or should we muddle along with older drivers? I'm using the GeForce 270.62 drivers in the meanwhile.


Update: It would seem that the Open GL disconnect-on-login crash has got worse :-( I may have to roll back to an even earlier version of the Nvidia drivers. Had to disable atmospheric shaders in order to login. Once logged in I was able to safely enable atmospheric shaders.

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The OpenGL crashes seem to be largely fixed in the developer thread that is addressing them - they're not included in the new viewer release. I've been using this developer build and it's behaving quite well - far fewer crashes than 3.1. The graphics seem a bit slower than the current release (when the current release isn't throwing its frequent hissy fits) but I can run graphics on High everywhere with VBO on and haven't had login or crowded-place crashes lately.


Good luck - if  you want further updates go to the Second Life JIRA bug tracker and search for SH-2240


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Alazarin Mondrian wrote:

Installed Viewer 3.2 Yep, it's a little bit different, no real show stoppers as far as the UI goes. My real concern is one that
raised, namely the Open GL disconnect-on-login crash with Nvidia 4xx & 5xx graphics cards.

I'm using the latest beta viewer without any problems.

Viewer:   Second Life 3.2.1 (244227), Nov 1 2011 07:01:35 (Second Life Beta Viewer)

Graphics card:   NVidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCI/SSE2

Driver version:   266.44

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Am I the only one excited to get used to and therefore use V3.2?

Yes it has bugs, but what viewer doesn't? As far as the UI, I find it FAR more clean and easy to use than V2 all together. I will always be a Phoenix fan but if I have to use a viewer that enables mesh, I will plan on using V3.

The only negative bit I have (so far) is that the left side bar, top button, is "choose an avatar". Which sure, will come in handy for new folks and such but does it need to be the top button, let alone ON there? I'm sure there are more important things there that could take its place like build, or something. Just a thought.

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I am happy with the new interface.

You can remove or reposition the avatar button, Satann.

Press Ctrl T. Now there is a little buttons screen. You can grab any button from there and drag it onto any edge of your viewer besides the top edge.

You can also drag any button off your viewer into this screen.

Once you have the buttons you want, you can close this screen and reposition your buttons. For example if build is under inventory but you want it above, just drag and drop.

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