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Answers Forum is a Gold Mine!

Venus Petrov

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As one who has spent quite a bit of time in the Answers Forum responding to resident questions, I wonder how much Linden Lab (not the 'name' of the poster in the Vampire subforum, but the company) values the contributions other residents make each and every day, in multiple languages, in multiple subject areas, even tirelessly responding to some of the same questions over and over?

I mean, how much is it worth to LL?

Those of us who respond have been happy to help because we all remember what it was to feel new and unaware.  Heck, I still feel that way on occasion.

I admit to feeling somewhat disheartened with what has happened to some of my forum friends lately.  What can I do?  This is not a question for the Answers forum.  No, it is something I will have to do alone.

So, for at least the next week I  will not reply to any resident questions in the answers forum or any questions scattered about in the Forum itself.  Call it my little protest.

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Cheers to the residents that frequent the Answers forums! I go there once in a while, but they eliminated the animation section, so no1 asked about it or I can't find them. If there were not so many other dedicated people there, I would pitch in more for other questions, but most answers seem to get answered quickly.

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

Cheers to the residents that frequent the Answers forums! I go there once in a while, but they eliminated the animation section, so no1 asked about it or I can't find them. If there were not so many other dedicated people there, I would pitch in more for other questions, but most answers seem to get answered quickly.

Yes, it is a real loss when people don't have a place to get their questions answered.  I bet if a place like that with willing helpers suddenly stopped existing, people would really notice.

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I've had a peculiar week, triggered off by an unusual RL event, and thought my current feelings of being very disheartened were down to that.

Cinnamon started a thread yesterday, similarly pondering whether it was worth us making any effort on these forums, and sadly that got moderated (even though we are still constantly seeing the daily spammer getting away with posting for hours on end).

I spent the whole of today dipping in and out of forums, and have only responded to one answer, but feel bad for the newbies to SL, and these forums, who are catching it all at its worst. 

If the first time I entered the forums and found it was so full of vampire threads I would have believed that was what SL was all about (although it makes a change from people believing it's all about the SLex!!

I think if we who feel strongly about the current state of affairs do stop participating in the help portions of the forums, it will be interesting to see if the others who already seem to be "on duty" for 18 hours out of every 24 will feel more put upon and/or suffer "burnout" sooner than they would.

But Venus, and I have to stress that it is my own decision, not because anyone has enticed me or coerced me to do so, I am no longer going to input to the resident help threads.  The M stands for Marigold, not for Muggins.  LL have been downright rude in their disregard and lack of real interest in the residents generally, and on these forums in particular.

Although, I do know, that my lack of input won't make much difference (even more reason to move on to other things then).

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Venus Petrov wrote: 
As one who has spent quite a bit of time in the Answers Forum responding to resident questions, I wonder how much Linden Lab (not the 'name' of the poster in the Vampire subforum, but the company) values the contributions other residents make each and every day, in multiple languages, in multiple subject areas, even tirelessly responding to some of the same questions over and over?

I mean, how much is it worth to LL? [Edited]

Venus your comment reminded me of a comment elsewhere that I agreed with. I tried to respond to that comment but found the thread locked. I responded to it elsewhere but the thread was removed.

Scylla R. said in another thread: Frankly, companies shell out big bucks to nurture the kind of thing that SL residents have created gratis here. LL is nuts not to recognize the value of this kind of place: it represents the sort of social media environment that they are so desperately attempting to foster using the newish online profiles. Killing it through [edited to avoid whacking] is just dumb. 


I'm glad I was "promoted" to Member from Honored Resident as the former more accurately reminds me of being a tool and the latter was too ironic for comfort. And I haven't even been here that long; it must be tough for those who have.:smileysad:


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I had a post recently warned and removed because of a very similar topic... I've got a request for clarification pending, so I'm not going to jump the gun to thinking it means what I think it may have meant.

I'm waiting a few days to see what the response is. if it was a simple misunderstanding because my writing wasn't clear enough, then no harm no foul, I'll attempt to be more clear. If not, there will be a very loud and formal complaint from me, to the appropriate parties. and if I can't see any relief from that, then near 6+ years of offering my assistance for free was a good run, and I'll take my goodwill where it's welcome, not for a week, but permanently.

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Void Singer wrote:

I had a post recently warned and removed because of a very similar topic... I've got a request for clarification pending, so I'm not going to jump the gun to thinking it means what I think it may have meant.

I'm waiting a few days to see what the response is. if it was a simple misunderstanding because my writing wasn't clear enough, then no harm no foul, I'll attempt to be more clear. If not, there will be a very loud and formal complaint from me, to the appropriate parties. and if I can't see any relief from that, then near 6+ years of offering my assistance for free was a good run, and I'll take my goodwill where it's welcome, not for a week, but permanently.

Now that would be a shame.  Is this an unintended consequence?  Or do they actually want people to stop assisting?


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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

I've stopped answering questions, as well. I'm also boycotting the vamp sub-Forum. I wanted to post a video in Dres's Vampideo thread, but... nah.

I will no longer touch it with a ten foot stake and I will also follow Venus' lead by only replying to posts with some idiotic nonsense.

...Dres (Oh wait, that's what I do already.)

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Void Singer wrote:

I had a post recently warned and removed because of a very similar topic... I've got a request for clarification pending, so I'm not going to jump the gun to thinking it means what I think it may have meant.

I'm waiting a few days to see what the response is. if it was a simple misunderstanding because my writing wasn't clear enough, then no harm no foul, I'll attempt to be more clear. If not, there will be a very loud and formal complaint from me, to the appropriate parties. and if I can't see any relief from that, then near 6+ years of offering my assistance for free was a good run, and I'll take my goodwill where it's welcome, not for a week, but permanently.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that.  No one could ever possibly take your place.


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A note to anyone from LL who may be reading this thread.  

The Scripting Tips forum is an invaluable resource to scripters.   Void is not only a wonderful scripter who is amazingly generous with her time and expertise, helping the rest of us; she's also pretty much the reason that Scripting Tips has survived these last couple of years.

Many of the Scripting Tips regulars moved over to SLU when the old Residents Answers closed, and the only reason we kept on returning to the official forums, at least to talk about scripting, is that Void made it very clear she was staying on here and going to do her best to make it work.   Which she has done, brilliantly.

If Void goes elsewhere, I am certain that most scripters will follow her -- she's taught many of us much of what we know, after all, and we want to continue learning from her and discussing things with her -- and that will be a pretty severe blow to what is still -- and largely because of Void -- a great resource.

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Well, ya'll can do what you want.  I'm not going to stop my participation in Answers because I'm "protesting" something in the forums.  That's not fair to the new residents (or even the older residents with a question).  The people getting hurt are not the people at fault.....hell, most don't even know about the spam attacks here or the new Vampire section (they only come when they have some problem).  I don't know how effective my answers are in Answers when I try to answer a question........all I know is that it's an honest attempt at helping.  And that is what I visit Answers for.  I come here to the Forums for a variety or reasons.......one being intertainment.  I've slowed down a lot on my visits here because of the spam and the unusual increase in crap threads.  I can live without the Forums if necessary.  I'd miss the Answers greatly (I can't really say that about the Forums though).


So protest away......deny help to people who have nothing to do with your issue with LL.  Makes sense, in a perverse way, I suppose.  I won't join you though.

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I'm not going to argue with your personal views or choice.  What my personal view and choice is that I'm not going to "punish" innocent residents because I'm mad at LL.  99% of the people who ask questions in the Answers section never come to the forums.  All they will see is a marked decrease in any help they would normally recieve by residents like you not answering.  Your contributions in Answers have been enormous (I read your answers every time I see your name as a poster).  You're simply withholding your help to people unrelated to your issue.........in my opinion, that's just plain wrong.


Boycott the forums..........that's where the problem is.  There is no problem in Answers other than the choice of software that LL has put in place.

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@ Peggy and Venus:

I'm not usually a fence-sitter and I have no problem voicing an opinion. In this case I think both of you ladies have valid points. Sometimes the answer is that there is no, one, single answer. Don't punish the innocent is a good point. Honor those who give of their time and knowledge is another.

The answer doesn't come from anyone here unless their last name is Linden and even then it is obvious the answer isn't always the correct one -- just the final one.

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Venus Petrov wrote:

As one who has spent quite a bit of time in the Answers Forum responding to resident questions, I wonder how much Linden Lab (not the 'name' of the poster in the Vampire subforum, but the company) values the contributions other residents make each and every day, in multiple languages, in multiple subject areas, even tirelessly responding to some of the same questions over and over?

I mean, how much is it worth to LL?

Those of us who respond have been happy to help because we all remember what it was to feel new and unaware.  Heck, I still feel that way on occasion.

I admit to feeling somewhat disheartened with what has happened to some of my forum friends lately.  What can I do?  This is not a question for the Answers forum.  No, it is something I will have to do alone.

So, for at least the next week I  will not reply to any resident questions in the answers forum or any questions scattered about in the Forum itself.  Call it my little protest.

Get some rest, Venus.  Take a vaction some of you.  All info has been appreciated from all of you, but is not expected from you.

I sent you a little gift, Venus.  I hope you like it and I hope you get some rest.

I am glad Peggy will be here as I am running a new custum build and still needs some tweaking.  V3 is not bad though, not too many "bugs" for me to report, except greying of avi's but that could be our terrible internet connection which cuts in an out.

Take care, Venus.  Get some rest if you need that, too.  I promise to only use the forum if absolutely needed.  I enjoy shopping or just window shopping better. 

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I agree with peggy, we are frustrated and we see ourselves defeated throwing punches to the objective and we decide to throw punches elsewhere. just be careful to not hit civilians in revenge.

leaving this place is not gonna fix it either, many left when Lithium came, and did that solve anything?

@Venus, i hope your effort will help make a difference, i truly do, because we need that change.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Now that would be a shame.  Is this an unintended consequence?  Or do they actually want people to stop assisting?

 it's only related by fallout I think, I'm waiting to see if it was accidental (on my or the mods part), or intentional... my personal issue has nothing to do with any other user, but more with how ,what I felt was a helpful suggestion that wouldn't leave others out in the cold, was handled.


While I appreciate the thoughts sent my way, I don't have any illusions about being the glue that holds something together, it takes more than just a single person to make a great resource, I just happen to be visible. If I find the world has changed in a way that I can't support then I'll lend my support elsewhere. this isn't a grand gesture from me, I'm a very matter of fact person. If it's all been a comedy of errors, I'll have a laugh and continue on as normal.



I understand and even agree with the sentiment, and I also understand Venus' sentiment, I have even tried to offer alternatives to meet both goals. It's my hope that those alternative stuck for the very few who may have seen them.

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Oh, I just wanted to say, that I have no idea what has transpired here with the forums as I have been busy with two others games I play, along with a lot of real life stuff, so I don't exactly know what is going on, but Dres's sig says 'something' to give a hint.  Even though Dres's sig is a hint, I still have no idea what transpired, and it's not necessary to tell me what has occurred.

I simply sent you the gift as a thank you for all you do, Venus, it has not gone unnoticed nor have Void's contributions gone unnoticed either, but some people can get over-worked from volunteering and a little rest never hurts. And, as I haven't seen Void post in the Vanity Thread, I don't know what kind of things Void might like.

I also sent you the gift, Venus, because if I had a Fall fashion blog, I would have to add that item as I think the price, construction, quality is just so cute, and it's a little "emo" or dress up or dress down.  I just had to share what I thought was a very cute Fall item with Venus since I don't have a Fall fashion blog.  That's my new favorite item, and I hope you find some cute things to go with it, Venus.  Go fall shopping Venus, you deserve a huge break for all your contributions.  Take some time to have some fun. 

p.s.  I play two other games that are contest related and completely free to play as they are not a MMO or a MMORPG type game.  I couldn't afford three MMORPG's, I'd be in the poor house.  Hope all gets resolved. 

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