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Project LR - Anyone Playing?

Ciaran Laval

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Linden Lab have created a new inworld game, currently only available to premium members but eventually to be rolled out to all called Project LR.

Basically you avoid the flumps, avoid the water, collect the crystals, follow the quests and stay alive.

Anyone noticed the portals to get in or playing this?


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Sy Beck wrote:

In short Ciaran, nope.  Why can't they email this stuff or put it on a login screen or their blog?


Apologies to LL if you have.

Don't get me started on their lack of using their own blog to their own advantage, it drives me nuts, I find out about these things on third party forums and sites, I'm certainly with you there Sy.

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This could possibly a step in the right direction if it is LL's way of better engaging the new resident, teaching them some things and enabling them to earn a few L$ in the process.  As long as they do not think the whole experience will be one huge game, it could be very helpful.

You are correct, this is a very obscure and roundabout way to get anyone's help in testing or in providing feedback.


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Humm..ok that was an odd little adventure.  From what little I saw, it is not teaching you squat about SL.  I could not get the HUD to 'work' and any crystal I tried to collect, I could not pick up and some rock monster kept knocking me about.

Or, was that just a rudimentary vampire??

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theres no official announcement of it because its in beta, not oficially released.

i see it as something very positive

1) it tempt me more to go premium, i have to be in the know, i have to be a beta tester.

2) it solves the long problem "how do i make lindens?", without being scammed, or do things you wouldnt do in rl to get them.

3) it makes second life fun.

4) it shows the capabilities of how second life can be, specially when AI arrives. maybe the monsters have a preview of that AI.

5) it makes you want to spend more time inworld, you have to come back to find more gems to make more lindens.

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Never heard of the game until now. Like others have said, I don't hear about much that LL/SL is doing unless it is through the grapevine. For a company that is into digital media, located right next door to Silicon Valley, they sure do a lousy job of using digital media.

Here's a dumb idea: When I have played things like The Sims -- and isn't there one or two people kinda highly placed in LL who used to work for EA? (sarcastic and rhetorical) -- you could sign up to receive what amounted to newsletters. They were not daily. They arrived in your email. They were volunatary to receive. Assuming that newsletters from LL/SL wouldn't be about spamy vampire forums but instead carried news about things like this Project LR, creating 64 m prims, new Lindens on staff, where to go for meetings, and so forth, then I would sign up for such a thing.

I usually don't go to my dashboard. The past couple of weeks because I've been hanging out at the Forum I have seen my dashboard more than usual. I don't think I'm alone in SL users that once the software is installed you just go to SL, you don't come "here."

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After playing for a few hours running around I finally twigged I was useing the wrong viewer.Phoenix.The game must be in mesh .I switched to veiwer 2 and everything looks fine .What a dummy I thought it was supposed to look all blobby .AT LEAST i CAN NOW SEE THE STUFF THAT IS KILLING ME .lol

You must use a mesh viewer.:matte-motes-bashful:

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I think it's not really ready for broader testing yet.  The basic mechanics of collecting crystals and getting paid in L$s seems to work, but the HUDs seem pretty easily confused.  I'm not sure if I was somehow wearing more than one -- it didnt' seem so -- but when I tried to use the crafting station, suddenly I had a bunch of messages overlaid on top of each other.

I'm struck by the consistent storybook-style graphics used in the game, and how it makes realistic avatars look so out of place, in an amusing sort of way.

I don't think it would hurt to give a bit more hint at the beginning about how one "collects" crystals.  The wording of the instructions made me waste too much time fumbling around the workshop -- it seemed like I must be required to get something there to work -- before I finally decided to venture out.  Maybe that's obvious to folks with games experience, but at least for complete non-gamers like me, it should probably be a little easier to get into at the start.

So... would it be naughty to make a scripted gadget to improve player effectiveness at this game?

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I have years of experience playing WoW and I still have no clue how to collect the crystals.  I even went out in the field after a short visit to the workshop.  Everytime I clicked..nothing...the HUD is not helpful in this regard.  As much as I toyed around with it, in the same time playing as a n00b in WoW, I would have leveled at least three times.

Plus, feedback is via email?  I do not have time for that.  Make it a simple click to the wiki or comments to the original. 

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Qie Niangao wrote:

I don't think it would hurt to give a bit more hint at the beginning about
one "collects" crystals.  The wording of the instructions made me waste too much time fumbling around the workshop -- it seemed like I must be required to get something
to work -- before I finally decided to venture out.  Maybe that's obvious to folks with games experience, but at least for complete non-gamers like me, it should probably be a little easier to get into at the start.

 No it's certainly not a gaming issue, I spent too much time there too, there were crystals in the workshop, it was logical to think you had to somehow collect them or do something in the workshop to enable you to collect them.

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... you know what they say, if you first click it and it wont work, try:-

1. Double Click
2. Right Click
3. Run through it
4. Run Over it
5. Say Ala Shazam
6. Say Avacadavre
7. Sit On It
8. Sleep On it
9. Summon Live Help djins
10. Summon the Lindens gods in the forums

One of those might work!

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You might have been wearing two HUDs.  I never got one so maybe you stole mine?


I'd like to play but it does not seem to work without a HUD and there seems to be no contingency for HUD attachment failure.  I spotted something giving off an error message while I was there.  Something trying to contact my non-existent HUD perhaps?

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I'm not thinking this particular game is intended to teach newbies anything.  I think it's just a cute example of a new generation of in-world games -- some of which may be for introductory instruction, but not all.

Also, you'll notice that you walked through that portal and instantly poofed to the game sim... and that you had a HUD attached without any permissions being asked.  It may be that we've grown accustomed to "operating in SL" may be changing a bit.  Although walking over stuff to "collect" it -- that's pretty weird.  If you had to stop and click it, though, it wouldn't be as much fun dodging the monsters.

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took me a few minutes to work out that i couldnt pick up the crystals by clicking on them. had to  run into them which turns out to be better actually than having to stop and click as the rock monsters can move quite fast

took me a longer while to understand that i had to go out into the fields to collect them as there is heaps of crystals on the shelves in the base camp building and so i try to click on them. probly not a good idea to have them like that bc that is what we do in SL naturally, click on stuff and when it doesnt work then we think is borked. best to have a sign that says go out in the fields and collect these (crystal samples) by colliding with them

the green crystals u can cash for 1L at the base camp. the blue crystals worth 2L. the other colors are just for using to get tasks i think on the crafting thnigy at base camp. when u complete the task then u get more L$. i only get 1L so far for firing the red flare cannon as is the only task i complete. maybe other tasks pay more. dont know. i just been hunting green and blue crystals. 28L so far in about 2 hours. prob get more L$ overall if i do the tasks and sweep for crystals as i move to the task place

the rock monsters have a area they stay in. so u can stop in some places in the fields and they not attack, while u work out how u going to scoot in and grab the crystals they are guarding

is best to be in run mode all the time and use ur jump when u have to. if u being chased then try to put trees and stuff between u and the monster or jump onto a big rock. if the tree is a big one then the monster gets stuck behind it and he cant climb up onto rocks bigger than himself

if is nothing to hide behind then run uphill. the rock monsters dont move as fast uphill as they do going down. is almost impossible to get away from a rock monster in a downhill race in a straight line.so need  to jink and weave when u running downhill

the same rock monster not chase u forever. once u out of his area then he will stop

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some other things

1) the autoHUD is really cool and will be really useful. just need to make sure that will be request permissions before anyone else can auto attach it to ur viewer

2) the auto-teleport is also cool and will be huge benefit for lots of things. but auto-teleport needs to be request permission also if the portal is moving.

- if is stationary then is ok to auto-teleport me if i walk into it

- but if is moving then can make a gun that fire teleport bullets and just shoot people with it that will teleport them to random places on the grid.

- the teleport coordinates need be constrained or else can greif-teleport people to +MAX or -MAX and crash their viewer in some cases

- need to consider what happens if a auto-teleport portal is worn as attachment. like should not be able to wear one that will auto-teleport another avatar when they are bumped 


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