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Why do some people prefer talking in IM?


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LittleMe Jewell wrote:

LOL - are you related to Qwalyphi Korpov?

I just noticed this thread and (jokingly) wondered the same thing. For many of the same reasons others have stated, I much prefer IMs to local chat. It is rare that local offers me anything better than IM although it sometimes happens. Someone I'm with usually needs to throw me an IM to say "pay attention to local" or I'm oblvious to it.

I don't understand why people care how other people prefer to chat! I've been with people who have requested the conversation be held in local and so I do. I've had people request IM and so I do. It isn't a big deal.

I have been to some sims where it appears to be a social place, a gathering room like a coffee shop or library, and there are groups of people all chattering away in IM and yes, it does seem a bit odd. On the other hand, trying to follow 8 conversations in local in such a setting is next to impossible. 

I keep IM logs. I rarely use them but when I have needed to I'm glad I do. I keep local chat logs too but mainly because I was too lazy to go in and change my preferences.

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Tanee Almendros wrote:

On the other hand
is not
a fable
that there are users
who, in violation
of the
use programs
that allow them to
read even the
or even
know the IP address
of others.

Only half right.  You can NOT read private IMs.  Go on, I dare you...I have repeatedly offered to pay $L5000 to anyone who can show me a log of one of my private IMs, and have never had any takers.

It IS possible to know your IP address.  Any time you listen to a music stream or watch a media stream, anywhere on the web, not just in SL, the provider of the stream can determine your IP address.  This is not an SL problem, but a characteristic of the internet.  It is not generally a security problem unless you use a fixed IP address.

As for IM vs. local chat, some people like IMs because even if nobody is around, an object might be listening and relaying the chat to somebody else.

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  1. It's private
  2. All the IM logs are against each person, far easier to get history when it's a customer
  3. I don't have to stay in chat range when I need to go off and do something else which is frequent
  4. I don't have to wait around for 2 minutes while I see "..." over someones head and their hands typing, only for it to end up with them saying "Bye".

2 and 3 of the above are the most important for me.  I'm fidgety, I can't stand having to remain glued to the spot waiting on someone to type and some people are SLOW :)

Oh, I forgot one, if i'm at my shop and helping customers, it's easier to avoid the other chatter around both from other people and also for me, from all the object chat that I get from systems at the shop.

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1. I hate when my chat is screwed up in the wrong order due to chat lag.

2. In many occasions i like to be able to have a chatlog to remember later if i forgot something important and to log the local chat is too much trash inbetween.

3. Which leads to....i hate having trash between my conversations. ;)

4. I always have my chat window open in the left top when not doing things i want to have privacy anyway, like building. I am in Phoenix. So IM or Local....same window. ;)

5. I like to know if the other person is responding or not. In IMs i can see if it makes sense to wait for an answer cause the other is typing or the other isn't typing atm, so i can concentrate on other things till this person answers again. I am usually totally busy and hate wasting my time standing around doing nothing if this can be avoided. ;)

6. You walk and walk and oooops....out of chat range. I don't want to wear a chat range tool all the time to know you are still in chat range while walking.

I think that's it, why i prefer IMs. :)

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One the handiest things I've learned is how to break off an IM window and put it in another part of the screen.

It often happens that I am busy with some people on one sim and friends come inworld somewhere else and want to talk.

So I put my friend's IM window way on the right and I watch local chat on the left.


IMs are also pretty handy when you are talking to someone who is new to SL, because when you have to explain seven times how to drag a box from inventory to the ground... well, not everyone wants to hear it. Although you have to explain IMs first, and that seems difficult too...


The only thing that bugs me about IMs is when someone I don't know IMs me without having spoken to me in local chat first.

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Tanee Almendros wrote:

Dear Venus

You don't need
accuse me
of perpetuating
I think it's
a little arrogant way
to answer
a post.
If you think you are
the owner of
the absolute truth, then prove me
that I am wrong

1- Someone with the
knowledge and skills
can't read the
IM's of others
if they are not
, if not
, why
the need to

Someone with
the same
technical skills
is not able to know the
of another user? Why? As an example;
how can an
different avatars
as belonging
to the same user
without having


3 - What
is an anti

Does not exist
program capable of
these things?

My english is bad, I have no
technical skills and
maybe I'm
, but at least
would like you to
show it to me
and not just
that I am "

Thank you

I responded to your declarative statement.  Next time just stick a '?' at the end of the sentence and I will understand that you are not certain of your expression.  Your English is fine.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Victoria wrote:

The only thing that bugs me about IMs is when someone I don't know IMs me without having spoken to me in local chat first.

I don't understand why this bothers people but i'd love to know!

It's not a big deal to me. It's a minor irritation. It's nowhere near as bad as someone sending a friend request out of the blue.

Usually when someone IMs me like that, I respond in a friendly way, talk to them as if they spoke in local chat, but it bothers me because it seems like a presumption of intimacy. I feel that it's rude, but I don't point it out to them. Just like when someone burps or spits and you ignore it.

If there is some reason to be private -- for instance, a crowded venue, or they want to tell me my AO is acting weird, that's one thing. But just to talk? It's like someone is standing too close, touching me.

Imagine this: you are standing in RL in a public place and there aren't many people around. Someone calls you on your cell phone, someone you don't know. You say, "Who is this?" and the person says, "I'm the guy in the gray shirt on the corner. See me?"

It's not as bad as that, but that's what it's like.

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