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Kayleigh Fadlan

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Everything posted by Kayleigh Fadlan

  1. Dream Forge offers SL and RL classes from Beginners to Advanced. We have a regular schedule, but there are also impromptu classes. !!! PG content only !!! If you want to teach at Dream Forge write an IM to Kayleigh Fadlan inworld. Suggestions on topics/areas: - Languages, - Marketing and Business in SL and RL, - SL skills (Scripting, Basics and Building), - Graphic Editors (Photoshop, Gimp,...), - 3D programs (Blender, 3ds Max, Maya, ...), - Programming (HTML, PHP, JAVA, Python, C++ ...) and other interesting topics that might interest people. Usually our classes are free with tips only. Teachers keep 100% of their tips. Only very advanced classes are with fees. We have a regular schedule and you need to teach at least 1 class a week. Helping each other is asked. The whole Info & Rules for our teachers you find here: Teacher Infos & Rules
  2. When: Building 11th - 13th February, Voting 14th - 16th February Where: Dream Forge Event Oasis Duration: 3 days building, 3 days voting Max 10-12 participants Prize: 1500L (and your build is shown on our website) The TOPIC is LOVE, as Valentine's Day is soon! Only your own builts are allowed and they should not have been built before the event. You may use any textures, sounds and animations. Please don't use too many scripts, particles, glow etc. Keep your build low lag and a pleasure for the eye. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/images/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Wink" /> Prim limit is 50 prims and temp rez prims are not allowed. Please try to build that it fits your building spot. One of the voters can win 100L, so don't forget to vote for the best builder then.
  3. A big building contest is waiting for you - win 1500L. Also vote for the winner, one of the voters also wins 100L, just for voting. Restart of the Photoshop Tools Series with Kayleigh Fadlan and Adel Frenburg starts HTML again with his Webdesign Introduction. Thursday: 12PM Photoshop Introduction with Kayleigh Fadlan 1:30PM Permissions for Sellers and Buyers with Kayleigh Fadlan 3PM Introduction to Marketing with Adel Frenburg Friday: 11AM How to reduce lag with Kayleigh Fadlan 12:30PM Photoshop Tools 1 with Kayleigh Fadlan 2PM Speed Building Contest at Dream Forge - Win 500L 3PM Introduction to e-Marketing with Adel Frenburg Saturday: 12AM Start of the Building Contest - Win 1500L 3PM Webdesign Introduction (HTML) with Adel Frenburg 2PM Scripting/Dialog Menu with Revochen MayneMore in our Schedule on our website or inworld Schedule.
  4. When: Friday 2PM Where: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Rhineland/165/179/401 Duration: 60min Max 10-12 participants Prize: 500L You have 45min to build something great to a topic we will announce at the start of the contest. Afterwards the jury will choose a winner. More info at the contest. The contest has to start in time. We need at least 3 participants at the beginning, so bring your friends. :)
  5. Dream Forge offers SL and RL classes from Beginners to Advanced. We have a regular schedule, but there are also impromptu classes. !!! PG content only !!! If you want to teach at Dream Forge write an IM to Kayleigh Fadlan inworld. Suggestions on topics/areas: - Languages, - Marketing and Business in SL and RL, - SL skills (Scripting, Basics and Building), - Graphic Editors (Photoshop, Gimp,...), - 3D programs (Blender, 3ds Max, Maya, ...), - Programming (HTML, PHP, JAVA, Python, C++ ...) and other interesting topics that might interest people. Usually our classes are free with tips only. Teachers keep 100% of their tips. Only very advanced classes are with fees. We have a regular schedule and you need to teach at least 1 class a week. Helping each other is asked. The whole Info & Rules for our teachers you find here: Teacher Infos & Rules
  6. Wednesday: 11AM Sculpties, Rokuro & Tokoroten with Kayleigh Fadlan 12:30PM Photoshop Introduction with Kayleigh Fadlan Thursday: 12PM Photoshop Tools 4 with Kayleigh Fadlan 1:30PM How to reduce lag with Kayleigh Fadlan Friday: 2PM Speed Building Contest at Dream Forge - Win 500L (Event Oasis) 10AM Valentines Gift Box with Revochen Mayne Saturday: 9AM Valentines Gift Box with Revochen Mayne Don't miss our Building Contest 11th-13th February - 1500L to win. But read the rules first. You can find the event in our schedule. Classroom: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Rhineland/148/163/501 Schedule: Dream Forge Schedule || Dream Forge
  7. When: Every Friday 2PM at Dream Forge, win 500L weekly Where: Dream Forge Event Oasis Duration: 60min Max 10-12 participants Prize: 500L You have 45min to build something great to a topic we will announce at the start of the contest. Afterwards the jury will choose a winner. More info at the contest. The contest has to start in time. We need at least 3 participants at the beginning, so bring your friends. :)
  8. Dream Forge offers SL and RL classes from Beginners to Advanced. We have a regular schedule, but there are also impromptu classes. !!! PG content only !!! If you want to teach at Dream Forge write an IM to Kayleigh Fadlan inworld. Suggestions on topics/areas: - Languages, - Marketing and Business in SL and RL, - SL skills (Scripting, Basics and Building), - Graphic Editors (Photoshop, Gimp,...), - 3D programs (Blender, 3ds Max, Maya, ...), - Programming (HTML, PHP, JAVA, Python, C++ ...) and other interesting topics that might interest people. Usually our classes are free with tips only. Teachers keep 100% of their tips. Only very advanced classes are with fees. We have a regular schedule and you need to teach at least 1 class a week. Helping each other is asked. The whole Info & Rules for our teachers you find here: Teacher Infos & Rules
  9. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Rhineland/148/163/501 Monday 1PM Introduction to e-Marketing with Adel Frenburg Wednesday 11AM Permissions for Sellers and Buyers with Kayleigh Fadlan 12:30PM Photoshop Introduction with Kayleigh Fadlan Thursday: 10AM Introduction to Marketing with Adel Frenburg 12PM Photoshop Tools 4 with Kayleigh Fadlan 1:30PM Sculpties, Rokuro & Tokoroten with Kayleigh Fadlan Friday: 1PM Introduction to e-Marketing with Adel Frenburg 2PM Speed Building Contest at Dream Forge - Win 500L (Event Oasis) 10AM Valentines Gift Box with Revochen Mayne Saturday: 9AM Valentines Gift Box with Revochen Mayne More in our Schedule at http://www.dreamforgeonline.com
  10. Dream Forge offers SL and RL classes from Beginners to Advanced. We have a regular schedule, but there are also impromptu classes. !!! PG content only !!! If you want to teach at Dream Forge write an IM to Kayleigh Fadlan inworld. Suggestions on topics/areas: - Languages, - Marketing and Business in SL and RL, - SL skills (Scripting, Basics and Building), - Graphic Editors (Photoshop, Gimp,...), - 3D programs (Blender, 3ds Max, Maya, ...), - Programming (HTML, PHP, JAVA, Python, C++ ...) and other interesting topics that might interest people. Usually our classes are free with tips only. Teachers keep 100% of their tips. Only very advanced classes are with fees. We have a regular schedule and you need to teach at least 1 class a week. Helping each other is asked. The whole Info & Rules for our teachers you find here: http://www.dreamforgeonline.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=9
  11. Speed Building Contest Friday 2PM - Win 500L, we need at least 3 participants Wednesday 11AM How to reduce lag with Kayleigh Fadlan 12:30PM Photoshop Introduction with Kayleigh Fadlan Thursday: 10AM Introduction to Marketing with Adel Frenburg 12PM Photoshop Tools 2 with Kayleigh Fadlan 1:30PM Permissions for Sellers and Buyers with Kayleigh Fadlan Friday: 1PM Introduction to e-Marketing with Adel Frenburg Saturday: 9AM Basic Scripting/States Events & Functions with Revochen Mayne 10AM Basic Scripting/Variables with Revochen Mayne More in our Schedule.
  12. Dream Forge offers SL and RL classes from Beginners to Advanced. We have a regular schedule, but there are also impromptu classes. !!! PG content only !!! If you want to teach at Dream Forge write an IM to Kayleigh Fadlan inworld. Suggestions on topics/areas: - Languages, - Marketing and Business in SL and RL, - SL skills (Scripting, Basics and Building), - Graphic Editors (Photoshop, Gimp,...), - 3D programs (Blender, 3ds Max, Maya, ...), - Programming (HTML, PHP, JAVA, Python, C++ ...) and other interesting topics that might interest people. Usually our classes are free with tips only. Teachers keep 100% of their tips. Only very advanced classes are with fees. We have a regular schedule and you need to teach at least 1 class a week. Helping each other is asked. The whole Info & Rules for our teachers you find here: http://www.dreamforgeonline.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=9
  13. SPEED BUILDING CONTEST - Now every Friday 2PM at Dream Forge, win 500L weekly Wednesday 11AM Sculpties, Rokuro & Tokoroten with Kayleigh Fadlan 12:30PM Introduction to Photoshop with Kayleigh Fadlan Thursday: 12PM Photoshop Tools 2 with Kayleigh Fadlan 1:30PM How to reduce lag with Kayleigh Fadlan Saturday: 3PM Scripting/Dialog Menu with Revochen Mayne More at www.dreamforgeonline.com
  14. Now every Friday 2PM at Dream Forge, win 500L weekly Where: Dream Forge Event Oasis Duration: 60min Max 10-12 participants Prize: 500L You have 45min to build something great to a topic we will announce at the start of the contest. Afterwards the jury will choose a winner. More info at the contest. The contest has to start in time. So if we don't have 3 participants at the beginning we have to cancel the event. We need at least 3 participants, so bring your friends. :)
  15. Wednesday 11AM Permissions for Sellers and Buyers with Kayleigh Fadlan 12:30PM Introduction to Photoshop with Kayleigh Fadlan Thursday: 12PM Photoshop Tools 1 with Kayleigh Fadlan 1:30PM Sculpties, Rokuro & Tokoroten with Kayleigh Fadlan Friday: 3PM Basic Scripting with Revochen Mayne 4PM Scripting/Variables with Revochen Mayne More at our schedule: http://www.dreamforgeonline.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1&Itemid=2
  16. My plans for 2012 are to improve the school even more. Our Newbie and Info Path needs to be overworked to inform all residents coming to our school not only about the basics, but also about important things such as lag, rezzing probs, texturing, lod and other things people want to or should know. There are also plans for more useful things to put in our store for our students, along with our tutorials. We also plan to do video tutorials to make it easier. And of course, more classes and teachers, especially RL topics.
  17. This week Kayleighs Lag and Permissions class, Photoshop Tools 4 and the Intro you need for it with Kayleigh, Introduction to Marketing and Introduction to e-Marketing with Adel Frenburg and for your New Year's Eve learn how to build Fireworks with Revochen Mayne. More info in our Schedule.
  18. Here you can find a lot of info how to make clothes: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials. I suggest Robin Sojourners Templates: http://www.robinwood.com/Catalog/Technical/SL-Tuts/SLPages/AVUVTemplates.html The rest was said before. You use a graphics program together with the templates.Watch the tutorials to see how it is done. Natalia's and Nicole Eschers tutorials are good for absolute beginners. I also suggest to preview your work before you spend a lot of 10L Upload costs for nothing: In the Phoenix Viewer for example you can check Temporary Upload. This can't be sold or given to others and disappears after logging out or latest after clearing your cache. But you can upload this preview for free. If your viewer does not have such an option you can login to the Test Grid Aditi. You do this by pressing Ctrl-Shift-G in your login screen. Then you can choose into which grid you want to login. We are on the Main Grid Agni.
  19. I think it is great that she thinks about lag and wants to improve her scripts. Looking forward to the new function, this will surely improve teleporting and will help to reduce lag even more.
  20. Dream Forge offers SL and RL classes from Beginners to Advanced. Usually our classes are free with tips only. We have a regular schedule, but there are also impromptu classes. Helping each other is asked. !!! PG content only !!! If you want to teach at Dream Forge write an IM to Kayleigh Fadlan inworld. Suggestions on topics/areas: - Languages, - Marketing and Business in SL and RL, - SL skills (Scripting, Basics and Building), - Graphic Editors (Photoshop, Gimp,...), - 3D programs (Blender, 3ds Max, Maya, ...), - Programming (HTML, PHP, JAVA, Python, C++ ...) and other interesting topics that might interest people. Usually our classes are free with tips only. Teachers keep 100% of their tips. Only very advanced classes are with fees. We have a regular schedule and you need to teach at least 1 class a week. Helping each other is asked. The whole Info & Rules for our teachers you find here: http://www.dreamforgeonline.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=9
  21. This week Sculpties, Rokuro and Tokoroten, 2 Photoshop classes, our lag class, Scripting classes, how to build a gift box and Intro to e-marketing are waiting for you. See our Schedule for more info.
  22. TOPIC: Four Seasons Building starts Tuesday at Midnight and ends Thursday Midday Winners will be announced the same day. Builds can be seen the rest of the week. Where: Dream Forge Event Oasis Max 10-12 participants Only your own builts are allowed. You may use any textures, sounds and animations. Prim limit is 50 prims. Please try to build that it fits your building spot. Prizes: 1. 1000L, 2. 500L, 3. 250L (or more if the Jackpot is higher)
  23. Don't miss our Building Contest this week. Besides Kayleigh's Photoshop, Permissions and Sculptie classes we have 2 ***NEW*** classes on Thursday and Friday. Learn how to market your store with adel's e-Marketing class and build a Snow Globe with revochen. More info here: www.dreamforgeonline.com
  24. The book hunt was announced earlier. It will go on for 2 weeks starting today. Happy hiding and finding. :) But there are also great classes waiting for you: Monday Kayleigh will give you 2 classes, her Sculpties, Rokuro & Tokoroten class followed by the restart of the Photoshop Tools Series with part 1. Wednesday you can learn more on how to reduce this nasty lag. On Thursday deyanira restarted her Basic Building classes again. Don't miss it. This weeks building topic for the end of the class is really great. ;) If you haven't already visited the Photoshop Introduction you can also do this on Thursday. It is needed for the other Photoshop classes. And another amazing class on Thursday. revochen teaches you how to script dialog menus. You should have intermediate scripting knowledge to be able to follow this class. Friday Inventor Alchemi is showing us his Inworld Sculpting Tool Pointillism. On Saturday Brandi gives her successful Business Start-up class again, followed by the next part on Sunday where she has some nice things for you to help you start your new business. For more Info see our Schedule
  25. Let‘s celebrate the successful moving of the school togetherFor this we will have a book hunt. If you did not get your book with the announcement of the hunt you can get one at the signs all over the school. Just touch them. You can put your product into the hunt item or just give your fellow students lindens. Instructions are included on how to set it up. When you have set it up you can hide it around the school anywhere where building is allowed. HAPPY HUNTING :) Dream Forge School Landmark
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